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altsalt committed Mar 25, 2020
1 parent c189946 commit a7c4527
Showing 1 changed file with 154 additions and 0 deletions.
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions meetings/2020/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
# 2020-03-16 SeaGL All-Hands

- March 16th, 2020. 1100 Pacific Time
- Dial in number: 206-922-5375 (No PIN needed)
- UberConference URL:
- Minutes from last meeting:
- Attending: Andrew, Nathan, Deb, Adam, Salt, der.hans,Rachel, Keith, Lucy

## Proposed Agenda

### Feedback for SeaGL 2019

- Document found here:
- If something occurred to you during the break, feel free to add it now!
- Everyone should try to have reviewed this before the meeting.

### Timeline

- date change in anticipation of potential novel coronavirus resurgence in fall? (der.hans) - Set a go/no-go date for deciding closer to the event - ongoing discussion
- "Save the date" flyers by March 4th
- First contact for Sponsors: Beginning of April
- Have OSEM repair/replacement implemented: Beginning of May
- Keynote selection: May
- CFP open: Mid June
- CFP close: Mid August
- Reserve party venue: August
- Announce talks: Mid September - go or no go?
- Testing of room kits: September
- SeaGL Nov 13/14
- [TODO] (Lisa): to start process for Nov 13/14, BPH, expo, childcare, green room, 5 tracks

### Outreach (der.hans)

- SCaLE and LibreConf picked up extra volunteers
- Liasons/Ambassadors, designate people to promote SeaGL locally and coordinate other local groups
- Social media bumps of other local groups and our speakers at other events
- keep monitoring PenguinCon
- We should talk about OSCON in a month or two
- [TODO] (Deb) have SeaGL join as OSI member
- [Handbills, Flyers, Slides](

### LinuxFest Northwest - April 25/26

- Need someone to volunteer to coordinate table, incl setting up shifts, coordinating, bring up gear, printing, etc.
- We have been approved for a table
- Salt will be there, speaking and tabling for
- der.hans will be at LFNW as well, speaking
- Andrew will be there
- No Deb, no Rachel, no Adam
- make sure we have posting to give out url/qr code
- [TODO] (): reach out to past volunteers and setup tabling shifts
- Cancelled on Mar 13, virtual lightning talk?
- [TODO] (Deb) intro der.hans and Bill
- [TODO] (der.hans) talk to LFNW, ask if we can assist them, also ask that they mention we are ramping up

### Open 2019 Business

- [TODO] New blog post saying that we have our dates and LFNW is cancelled
- [DONE] Blog posts about videos, regular videos scheduled for tomorrow
- [TODO] (Salt) Finalize cash log

### Org Structure

- [TODO] add footer to blog post about interested in being involved, call out specific opportunities

### Review staff emails and group aliases (Rob?)

- Award Council -
- CFP Help for possible speakers -
- CFP Proposal Reviewers -
- Committee Chairs -
- Feedback -
- Onsite -
- Outreach -
- Add ?
- SeaGL AV Committee -
- SeaGL finance committee -
- SeaGL Staff -
- SeaGL Tech Selection Committee -
- Server Admins -
- Speakers - ->
- Volunteers - ?
- [TODO] (Salt) check with Prasket
- [TODO] add descriptions to single document source on GitHub org repo

### Review and write initial 2020 budget (Adam?)

- TODO (Finance committee): enter estimated numbers

### OSEM

- Andrew: What's keeping us off mainline? If we can establish some tests for the changes we need I can work on implementation.
- some of the questions we ask, like "do you id as member of marginalized group" and "are you a first time speaker" were not supported at the time of old OSEM.
- we also don't want to lose historical data in the migration to the new instance/DB
- two tasks, one is to setup new OSEM instance and have it combed through and made ready for coming year
- other task is to get understand of current workflows and understanding of what OSEM is
- [TODO] (Deb) walk Andrew through current OSEM setup/workflow
- is there anyone else than Rob who could do this pretty effectively?
- [TODO] () set up OSEM instance for exploration and starting data migration
- [TODO] (Adam) send Andrew copy of OSEM db

### Stickers (Andrew and der.hans)

- Iteration/consensus on [logo revisions](​)?
- go ahead

### Sponsor Prospectus and registration form (Adam)

- Confirm current versions are ready for publication
- prospectus:
- registration form:
- Also ask FSF about what is possible/permissible with sponsors (later)
- if we have to go virtual, connect with LibrePlanet team to learn from them
- Maybe IRC sponsor booth hours?
- Language for virtual should be vague, please be aware... due to public health recommendations
- [TODO] (Adam) will create PDFs and commit to SeaGL/ repository
- [TODO] (Adam and Rachel) add line about if virtual option is what we take

### A/V

- Start talking with LibrePlanet team for virtual response if needbe
- Get blog post together about our 2019 setup and other conferences we spoke to
- Start considering remote overflow room

## TODOs

- Rachel to write blog post on "we hear you, we're evaluating,

we'll be working on an alternate plan if it comes to it,

we promise to give plenty of notice,

and we'll have more details on that in coming months

BTW LFNW is cancelled"

(should we mention that we are looking into virtual solutions in this blog post?)

- Consider adding virtual chair position -- maybe someone from the FSF? (Ian Kelling remains a big fan)
- Set a go/no-go date for assessing Corona virus risk, at least 2 months notice would be preferred
- Mention to potential sponsors that we might be virtual (added to prospectus)

## Next Meeting

- Before LFNW (April 25/26 @ Bellingham, WA)
- Next poll will try to get to regularity, every 2 weeks still good
- [TODO] (Salt) send out poll

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