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Validation Framework

mariyappanp edited this page Nov 9, 2020 · 33 revisions


Validation Framework offers an infrastructure and collection of checks for various things in the system. While performing activities on the system, these simple checks can be invoked to ensure that preconditions are met before any operation is performed on the system. The checks include the following

  • Network Connectivity
  • Service Status
  • Storage Connectivity
  • System Health
  • etc.

Using Validation Framework

There are two ways the validations can be invoked.

  • Python APIs (For Python SW Components)
  • Command line (For Shell script or programs in other languages)

If validation fails, cortx.utils.validator.error.VError exception is generated. VError has following properties

  • rc: Error Code
  • desc: Description of the Error

If validation completes successfully no output is generated.

Note: When invoking from command line return code can be checked for errors in validation along with output posted on Standard Error.

Validation Framework Python API

All kinds of validations in the framework provides following interface pattern

validate(v_type, args=[])

Below are the list of validation classes and interfaces.


NetworkV().validate('connectivity', [ip1, ip2, ...])
NetworkV().validate('passwordless', [root, node1, node2, ...])
NetworkV().validate('drivers', [driver_name, node-1, node-2])
NetworkV().validate('hca', [provider, node-1, node-2])


cortx.utils.validator.v_network import NetworkV

ip1 =
ip2 =

    # Perform Network Validation 
    NetworkV().validate('connectivity', [ip1, ip2])
    NetworkV().validate('passwordless', [root, 'srvnode-1', 'srvnode-2', ...])
    NetworkV().validate('drivers', [driver_name, node-1, node-2])
    NetworkV().validate('hca', [provider, node-1, node-2])
except VError as e:
   sys.stderr.write("error(%s): validation failed. %s" %(e.rc, e.desc))
   # Abort operation 


ConsulV().validate('service', [host, port])


cortx.utils.validator.v_consul import ConsulV

    # Check Consul Service is UP
    ConsulV().validate('service', ['localhost', '8500'])

except VError as e:
   sys.stderr.write("error(%s): validation failed. %s" %(e.rc, e.desc))
   # Abort operation 


StorageV().validate('hba', [provider, node1, node2])
StorageV().validate('luns', [v_check, node1, node2])
StorageV().validate('lvms', [node1,node2])


cortx.utils.validator.v_storage import StorageV

    # Check luns and lvms details on given nodes
    StorageV().validate('hba', [provider, node1, node2])
    # v_check = ["accessible", "size", "mapped"]
    StorageV().validate('luns', [v_check, node1, node2])
    StorageV().validate('lvms', [node1,node2])

except VError as e:
   sys.stderr.write("error(%s): validation failed. %s" %(e.rc, e.desc))
   # Abort operation 


SaltV().validate('connectivity', [node1, node2])


cortx.utils.validator.v_salt import SaltV

    # Check salt minion connectivity
    SaltV().validate('minions', [node1, node2])

except VError as e:
   sys.stderr.write("error(%s): validation failed. %s" %(e.rc, e.desc))
   # Abort operation 


BmcV().validate('accessible', [node, bmc_ip, bmc_user, bmc_pw])
BmcV().validate('stonith', [node, bmc_ip, bmc_user, bmc_pw])


cortx.utils.validator.v_bmc import BmcV

    # Check if BMC is accessible
    BmcV().validate('accessible', [node, bmc_ip, bmc_user, bmc_pw])
    # Check stonith configuration is correct or not
    BmcV().validate('stonith', [node, bmc_ip, bmc_user, bmc_pw])

except VError as e:
    sys.stderr.write("error(%s): validation failed. %s" %(e.rc, e.desc))
    # Abort operation 


ControllerV().validate('accessible', [ip, username, password])
ControllerV().validate('firmware', [ip, username, password, mc_version])


cortx.utils.validator.v_controller import ControllerV

    # Check if controller is accessible
    ControllerV().validate('accessible', [ip, username, password])
    # Check controller bundle version
    ControllerV().validate('firmware', [ip, username, password, mc_version])

except VError as e:
    sys.stderr.write("error(%s): validation failed. %s" %(e.rc, e.desc))
    # Abort operation 

Validation Framework CLI

Below are the list of validation commands. Callers must check the return code of the command to know the result. Non Zero return code indicates, validation failed. Output of the command can be referred for the reasons of the failure.

$ validate <domain> <validation type> [<arg> <arg> ....]

$ validate network connectivity <ip1> <ip2> <ip3> <ip4>
$ validate network passwordless root <node-1> <node-2>
$ validate network drivers <driver_name> <node-1> <node-2>
$ validate network hca <provider> <node-1> <node-2>
$ validate storage hba <provider> <node-1> <node-2>
$ validate storage luns <v_check> <node-1> <node-2>
$ validate storage lvms <node-1> <node-2>
$ validate consul service <host> <port>
$ validate salt minions <node-1> <node-2>
$ validate bmc accessible <node> <bmc_ip> <bmc_user> <bmc_pw>
$ validate bmc stonith <node> <bmc_ip> <bmc_user> <bmc_pw>
$ validate controller accessible <ip> <username> <password>
$ validate controller firmware <ip> <username> <password> <mc_version>