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Gem to help you determine if your dependencies are still under active development


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Identify which of your dependencies are no longer under active development.

Gem Version

Code Quality analysis RSpec Rubocop analysis


gem install still_active


The most important flag is the GitHub OAuth token, without which you will most certainly get rate limited.

Usage: still_active [options]

        all flags are optional

        --gemfile=GEMFILE            path to gemfile
        --gems=GEM,GEM2,...          Gem(s)
        --markdown                   Prints output in markdown format
        --json                       Prints output in JSON format
        --github-oauth-token=TOKEN   GitHub OAuth token to make API calls
        --simultaneous-requests=QTY  Number of simultaneous requests made
        --no-warning-range-end=YEARS maximum number of years since last activity until which you do not want to be warned about 
        --warning-range-end=YEARS    maximum number of years since last activity that you want to be warned about
    -h, --help                       Show this message
    -v, --version                    Show version


still_active --json --gems=rails,nokogiri

Will output:

{"rails":{"latest_version":"","latest_version_release_date":"2021-08-19 16:27:05 UTC","latest_pre_release_version":"7.0.0.alpha2","latest_pre_release_version_release_date":"2021-09-15 23:16:26 UTC","repository_url":"","last_commit_date":"2021-11-06 09:16:40 UTC","ruby_gems_url":""},"nokogiri":{"latest_version":"1.12.5","latest_version_release_date":"2021-09-27 19:03:57 UTC","latest_pre_release_version":"1.12.0.rc1","latest_pre_release_version_release_date":"2021-07-09 20:00:11 UTC","repository_url":"","last_commit_date":"2021-11-06 16:44:55 UTC","ruby_gems_url":""}}
# for this gem
still_active --github-oauth-token=my-token-here


gem activity old? up to date? name version used release date latest version release date latest pre-release version release date last commit date
⚠️ code-scanning-rubocop 0.6.1 2022/02 0.6.1 2022/02 2022/02
dead_end 4.0.0 2022/06 4.0.0 2022/06 2023/05
debug 1.8.0 2023/05 1.8.0 2023/05 1.0.0.rc2 2021/09 2023/05
faker 3.2.0 2023/04 3.2.0 2023/04 2023/05
rake 13.0.6 2021/07 13.0.6 2021/07 13.0.0.pre.1 2019/09 2023/05
rspec 3.12.0 2022/10 3.12.0 2022/10 3.6.0.beta2 2016/12 2022/10
rubocop 1.51.0 2023/05 1.51.0 2023/05 2023/05
rubocop-performance 1.18.0 2023/05 1.18.0 2023/05 2023/05
rubocop-rspec 2.22.0 2023/05 2.22.0 2023/05 2.0.0.pre 2020/10 2023/05
rubocop-shopify 2.13.0 2023/04 2.13.0 2023/04 2023/05
⚠️ still_active 0.5.0 0.4.1 2022/02 2023/05
vcr 6.1.0 2022/03 6.1.0 2022/03 2.0.0.rc2 2012/02 2023/01
webmock 3.18.1 2022/08 3.18.1 2022/08 2.0.0.beta2 2016/04 2022/08

Configuration options

  • gemfile_path uses bundler to detect the Gemfile in your working directory
  • output_format is markdown, can be configured to be JSON
  • critical_warning_emoji 🚩
  • futurist_emoji 🔮
  • success_emoji
  • unsure_emoji
  • warning_emoji ⚠️
  • no_warning_range_end 1 (considered safe if last activity is at most 1 year ago)
  • warning_range_end 3 (warns if last activity is between 1 and 3 years ago)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Gem to help you determine if your dependencies are still under active development







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