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Sitecore XM Cloud Components

Enhance your Sitecore XM Cloud development workflow with the "Sitecore XM Cloud Components" extension for Visual Studio Code. Designed specifically for Sitecore XM Cloud, this extension simplifies the component creation process, offering developers a guided experience to generate various Sitecore components with ease.


Dynamic Component Creation: Streamline your development with commands tailored to generate different types of Sitecore components, each equipped with essential configurations and predefined templates to kickstart your project.

  • Create Sitecore Component with Snippet: Use an interactive prompt to scaffold a Sitecore component. The extension guides you through selecting the component type, placeholder type, and fields, generating a fully functional component based on your inputs.
  • Supports Various Component Types: Create components with Datasourcecheck, withDatasourceRendering, placeholders, and dynamic placeholders, enhancing flexibility in content rendering.
  • Interactive Prompts: Answer guided questions to specify component details, ensuring each component is tailored to your specific needs.
  • TypeScript Support & Dynamic Naming: Automatically generate TypeScript types and interfaces, and enjoy consistent component naming based on your file names, eliminating manual effort and potential errors.

Ease of Use: Access these powerful commands through the VSCode Command Palette. Type in your desired command, like "Create Sitecore Component with Snippet", and follow the prompts to get started.

Customizable Templates: Adapt the generated component templates to align with your project's standards, ensuring consistency and quality in your development efforts.

Getting Started

After installing the extension, simply open a .jsx or .tsx file, access the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P), and select the command "Create Sitecore Component with Snippet". Follow the interactive prompts to insert a new component template instantly.


This extension is crafted for developers immersed in Sitecore XM Cloud, assuming familiarity with Sitecore's development paradigms and React's component model.

Feedback and Contributions

Your feedback and contributions are welcome! Please visit the GitHub repository to report issues or submit pull requests.

Transform your Sitecore XM Cloud development with the "Sitecore XM Cloud Components" extension for VSCode. Unlock a streamlined, efficient, and consistent component creation process today!


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