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Sebastian Schendel edited this page Aug 20, 2023 · 19 revisions


Changes in 1.3.2 (2023-08-20)

  • Made Auth::currentUser hookable (thank you @nloyola for the pull request 🤗)
  • Added handling for WireArray and WireData Objects to AppApi::getAjaxOf()

Changes in 1.3.1 (2023-07-04)

  • Improved OpenApi JSON output (big thanks to @zoeck-dev for your input 🤗)

Changes in 1.3.0 (2023-06-18)

  • Big documentation update
  • New "See endpoints" page under Setup->AppApi
  • Overview of all registered endpoints and the location of their handler functions
  • Generation of OpenAPI 3.0.3 json
  • Added optional index 5 to the routes definition array that can hold documentation data

Changes in 1.2.10 (2023-05-27)

  • Update dependencies

Changes in 1.2.9 (2023-02-28)

  • Bugfix username/email authentication in combination

Changes in 1.2.8 (2023-02-19)

  • Changed JSON type of the db-field logintype to LONGTEXT. Some MariaDB versions seem to have problems with JSON as type.
  • Some bugfixes for using email-password-authentication.

Changes in 1.2.7 (2022-11-05)

  • Add optional login via email - activatable in the app-settings (big thanks to @laikmosh for the pull-request 🤗)

Changes in 1.2.6 (2022-10-24)

  • Improve route merging + filter duplicates

Changes in 1.2.5 (2022-09-05)

  • Allow deactivating url hook via module config

Changes in 1.2.4 (2022-09-04)

  • Added ProcessWire url hook to handle api-requests instead of pageNotFound hook (thank you kongondo and @adrianbj 🤗)
  • Improved logging, write requested urls

Changes in 1.2.3 (2022-03-08)

  • AppApi::getAjaxOf(): Added handling for FieldtypeOptions

Changes in 1.2.2 (2021-12-12)

  • Bugfix for PHP 8: Handling of NULL-dates (thank you @adrianbj for going down the rabbit hole with me 🤗)

Changes in 1.2.1 (2021-12-12)

  • Improved header-handling.
    • Now we take all values from apache_request_headers() and $_SERVER into account
    • remove REMOTE_ prefix (will be added by apache in some cases)
  • Manually decode Basic-Auth header if PHP_AUTH_USER or PHP_AUTH_PW not found

Changes in 1.2.0 (2021-10-23)

  • Allow third-party modules to register custom routes (see 4.0: AppApi Modules for more infos)
  • A Change in the route-merging-order now allows you to overwrite the default routes (*, /auth and /auth/access) if you need that.
  • Fixed a bug when restricting a route to an array of applications (thank you @wskyjames for reporting it 🤗)

Changes in 1.1.7 (2021-10-17)

  • Auth-Api: Allow login credentials in different formats (e.g. POST Body in JSON, Form-URL-Encoded, Multipart) (thank you for reporting it 🤗)

Changes in 1.1.6 (2021-06-15)

  • Adds Router->registerErrorHandlers() Hook, that should allow you to overwrite the general error- and warning handlers of the module.
  • Allows Apikey & Auth-token to be set as GET-params
  • Fixes a bug that made it possible to authenticate with the PHP session (cookie) even though token-auth was enabled.
  • Adds Router->setCorsHeaders() Hook
  • Updated Composer & Firebase dependencies

Changes in 1.1.5 (2021-03-13)

  • Fixes a critical error that occured with ProcessWire versions >= 1.0.173 (thank you and @psy for reporting it 🤗)

Changes in 1.1.4 (2021-02-28)

  • Fixes an issue with routes including query-parameters (by @twinklebob, thanks for PR 🤗)

Changes in 1.1.3 (2021-02-09)

  • Fixes an issue with the constructor signature of the modules AppApiException class (by @twinklebob, thanks for PR 🤗)
  • Fixes an issue with the error-handler, which made it mistakenly catch errors that should have been ignored via @ operator (Thanks to @eelke)
  • Switched from wire('input')->url to $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] for reading the base-url, because ProcessWire's internal function transferred everything to lowercase (Thanks to @pauldro)

Changes in 1.1.2 (2021-01-18)

  • Fixes an error that occurred when something other than an array was to be output as response

Changes in 1.1.1 (2021-01-13)

  • Fixes critical issue "incorrect integer value" that happened in some db-configurations

Changes in 1.1.0 (2021-01-03)

  • Improved AppApi-dashboard
  • Allow multiple levels to routing config (by @twinklebob, thanks for PR 🤗)
  • Allow requests without an api-key: You can now mark an application as "default application". If you did so, every request without an apikey will be linked with that application.
  • You can now set a custom response-code in case of success. Simply include your response-code number on key "responseCode" in your result-array.
  • Optional access-logging: You can enable access-logging in the module's configuration. After that, every successful request will be logged with it's application-id, apikey-id and token-id.
  • Added hooks to all essential functions - that should enable you to customize the module's behavior even more. E.g. you could add custom logging on a hook, if you need that
  • Database-scheme does not need foreign-key constraints any more. That should fix @thomasaull 's issue with db-backups. After the update, you must remove the constraint manually because I did not find a way to remove the foreign key safely in all database-environments.
  • Multiple other bugfixes

Changes in 1.0.4 (2020-08-17)

  • Usage of ProcessPageView::pageNotFound-hook to allow other modules and functions to initialize before the api renders.
  • The path to Routes.php is now configurable via module's settings (Thanks to @thomasaull and @spoetnik)

Changes in 1.0.3 (2020-08-08)

  • Bugfix in Router.php (Thanks to @thomasaull)

Changes in 1.0.2 (2020-07-25)

  • Documentation improvements

Changes in 1.0.1 (2020-07-11)

  • Changed all auth-routes to the /auth (or /auth/access) endpoints.
  • Updated readme and examples

Changes in 1.0.0 (2019-08-19)

  • Rewritten most of the code
  • Setup application management ui
  • New authentication methods

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