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Setup Full Node

How To Join Secret Network as a Full Node on Testnet

This document details how to join the Secret Network testnet as a full node. Once your full node is running, you can turn it into a validator in the optional last step.


{% hint style="danger" %} Secret Network has strict Hardware Requirements. If your machine does not meet them, it will *NOT* work as a node. {% endhint %}

  • Ubuntu/Debian host (with ZFS or LVM to be able to add more storage easily)
  • A public IP address
  • Open ports TCP 26656 & 26657 Note: If you're behind a router or firewall then you'll need to port forward on the network device.
  • Reading Tendermint: Running in production
  • RPC address of an already active node. You can use, or any other node that exposes RPC services. Alternate RPC nodes available in the API Registry.
  • Install SGX


Install SGX and secretd

{% hint style="danger" %} This guide assumes you've already installed the latest version of secretd and SGX. To setup an archive node, you must follow the Archive Nodes instructions. {% endhint %}

For more information on SGX, see instructions for SGX Installation and Verifying SGX. See Node Registration Information if you'd like a more comprehensive overview on what's happening in these steps.

Initialize Secret Network Configs

Choose a moniker for yourself, and replace <MONIKER> with your moniker below. This moniker will serve as your public nickname in the network.

secretd init <MONIKER> --chain-id pulsar-3

This will generate the following files in ~/.secretd/config/

  • genesis.json
  • node_key.json
  • priv_validator_key.json

Download genesis.json

The genesis file is how other nodes on the network know what network you should be on.

curl | jq '.result.genesis' > ~/.secretd/config/genesis.json
# verify genesis.json checksum
echo "adb91d0ee8cb5da80ef47e0b13d42b89bba003063542054d67522e52ddb4f514 $HOME/.secretd/config/genesis.json" | sha256sum --check

Initialize Secret Enclave

Initialize /opt/secret/.sgx_secrets:

mkdir -p /opt/secret/.sgx_secrets

You can choose between two methods, 3a (automatic) or 3b (manual):

Initialize Secret Enclave - Automatic Registration (EXPERIMENTAL)

{% hint style="danger" %} WARNING: This method is experimental, and may not work. If it doesn't work, skip to step 3b. {% endhint %}

The following commands will create the necessary environment variables and attempt to automatically register the node.

export SCRT_ENCLAVE_DIR=/usr/lib
export SCRT_SGX_STORAGE=/opt/secret/.sgx_secrets
secretd auto-register --pulsar

If this step was successful, you can skip straight to Optimization.

Initialize Secret Enclave - Manual Registration

secretd init-enclave

Verify Enclave Initialization

Attestation certificate should have been created by the previous step

ls -lh /opt/secret/.sgx_secrets/attestation_cert.der

Verify the certificate is valid. A 64 character registration key will be printed if it was successful.

PUBLIC_KEY=$(secretd parse /opt/secret/.sgx_secrets/attestation_cert.der  2> /dev/null | cut -c 3-)

Configure secretd

{% hint style="info" %} The following steps should use secretd be ran on the full node itself. To run the steps with secretd on a local machine, set up the CLI there. {% endhint %}

Configure secretd. Initially you'll be using the bootstrap node, as you'll need to connect to a running node and your own node is not running yet.

secretd config chain-id pulsar-3
secretd config node
secretd config output json

Fund Secret Wallet

If you already have a wallet funded with SCRT, you can import the wallet by doing the following:

secretd keys add <key-alias> --recover

Otherwise, you will need to set up a key. Make sure you back up the mnemonic and the keyring password.

secretd keys add <key-alias>

This will output your address, a 45 character-string starting with secret1.... Copy/paste it to get some test-SCRT from the faucet. Continue when you have confirmed your account has some test-SCRT in it.

Configure Node Attestation

  1. Register your node on-chain
secretd tx register auth /opt/secret/.sgx_secrets/attestation_cert.der -y --from <key-alias>

2. Pull & check your node's encrypted seed from the network

SEED=$(secretd query register seed $PUBLIC_KEY | cut -c 3-)
echo $SEED

3. Get additional network parameters

These are necessary to configure the node before it starts.

secretd query register secret-network-params
ls -lh ./io-master-key.txt ./node-master-key.txt

Configure Your Secret Node

{% hint style="info" %} From here on, commands must be ran on the full node. {% endhint %}

mkdir -p ~/.secretd/.node
secretd configure-secret node-master-key.txt $SEED

Add Seeds And Persistent Peers To Configuration File.

# seeds
perl -i -pe 's/seeds = ""/seeds = "07234140a165b470846fe995951401a8db88dd36\,b5d1bb9194c6148367b64586d6bc0128866fc646\@,a3c9c415fe6b46babd16f000c7dbd4d94be6e450\@,c088b57ebc7b2cfa2ec99e8b4ffef90bead96b47\@"/' ~/.secretd/config/config.toml

# persistent_peers
perl -i -pe 's/persistent_peers = ""/persistent_peers = "07234140a165b470846fe995951401a8db88dd36\,b5d1bb9194c6148367b64586d6bc0128866fc646\@,a3c9c415fe6b46babd16f000c7dbd4d94be6e450\@,c088b57ebc7b2cfa2ec99e8b4ffef90bead96b47\@"/' ~/.secretd/config/config.toml


In order to be able to handle NFT minting and other Secret Contract-heavy operations, it's recommended to update your SGX memory enclave cache:

sed -i.bak -e "s/^contract-memory-enclave-cache-size *=.*/contract-memory-enclave-cache-size = \"15\"/" ~/.secretd/config/app.toml

Also checkout this document by [ block pane ] for fine tuning your machine for better uptime.

Set minimum-gas-price Parameter

We recommend 0.0125uscrt per gas unit:

perl -i -pe 's/^minimum-gas-prices = .+?$/minimum-gas-prices = "0.0125uscrt"/' ~/.secretd/config/app.toml

Your node will not accept transactions that specify --fees lower than the minimun-gas-price you set here.

Enable secret-node:

{% hint style="info" %} Note that the secret-node system file is created when installing sgx. {% endhint %}

sudo systemctl enable secret-node

You are now a now ready to finally sync the full node. 🎉.

Go to to continue.

Get Node ID

secretd tendermint show-node-id

And publish yourself as a node with this ID:


Be sure to point your CLI to your running node instead of the bootstrap node

secretcli config node tcp://localhost:26657

If someone wants to add you as a peer, have them add the above address to their persistent_peers in their ~/.secretd/config/config.toml.

And if someone wants to use your node from their secretcli then have them run:

secretcli config chain-id pulsar-3
secretcli config output json
secretcli config indent true
secretcli config node tcp://<your-public-ip>:26657

State Sync

You can skip syncing from scratch or download a snapshot by State Syncing to the current block.

Optional: Become a Validator

To turn your full node into a validator, see Join Testnet as a Validator.