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A really lightweight CSS media query component for React (1640B GZipped).


MediaQuery is a wrapper component that will render its children if the provided media query will match. There are 2 ways to specify the query:

  • Sending a query prop containg a CSS like media query.
  • Sending specific props like minWidth, maxWidth etc. These can be numbers or strings. The current supported features are: minAspectRatio, maxAspectRatio, minDeviceAspectRatio, maxDeviceAspectRatio, minHeight, maxHeight, minDeviceHeight, maxDeviceHeight, minWidth, maxWidth, minDeviceWidth, maxDeviceWidth, minColor, maxColor, minColorIndex, maxColorIndex, minMonochrome, maxMonochrome, minResolution, maxResolution.
import { MediaQuery } from 'react-slim-media-query';

const App = () => (
        <MediaQuery minWidth={1000}>
            <div>The width should be 1000 or higher.</div>
        <MediaQuery minWidth="1000px">
            <div>The width should be 1000 or higher.</div>
        <MediaQuery maxWidth={800}>
            <div>The width should be 800 or less.</div>
        <MediaQuery maxWidth="800px">
            <div>The width should be 800 or less.</div>
        <MediaQuery query="(max-device-width: 800px)">
            <div>The width should be 800 or less.</div>

Server Side Rendering

When rendered on server the query will always match. In order to override this behaviour you can set an initial state.

import { MediaQuery } from 'react-slim-media-query';

const App = () => (
        <MediaQuery minWidth={1000} initialState={{visible: true}}>
            <div>I should be visible when rendered on the server</div>