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Delta Force Quick Mission Importer

A CLI for importing quick missions into Delta Force games. Delta Force 2 is currently the only supported game.

This is a proof of concept and isn't terribly user-friendly, although it is an improvement over manually editing .pff and .bin files. If there is interest in growing this project, I will create a GUI to make things easier.


Download and extract import-quick-mission.exe into your Delta Force 2 folder.

Creating a Mission

This section is for mission authors. If you're trying to import a mission created by someone else, skip to Importing a Mission.

  1. Create a .bms file with the MED as normal. You'll need to follow the DF2 naming convention for quick missions which is D06M followed by two alphanumeric characters. I recommend # or ! followed by a number or letter so that your mission appears at the top of the list, e.g.,
  2. Create a metadata YAML file with the same name, e.g., D06M#1.yaml. Don't worry if you don't know YAML, just copy the example below and substitute your text:
    title: |
      My Mission
      By Bullet Magnet
    quickBriefing: The quick briefing appears in the main menu when previewing the mission.
    longBriefing: |
      The long briefing appears when you select a mission.
      It can be multiple lines.
      Like this.
  3. (Optional) include a 240x240 TGA image with the same name, e.g., D06M#1.tga. This appears in the main menu when previewing the mission.

Importing a Mission

  1. Place all mission files created in Creating a Mission in your Delta Force 2 folder.
  2. Open a Windows terminal (Terminal, PowerShell, cmd, etc.) inside your Delta Force 2 folder.
    1. A simple way is to right-click inside your Delta Force 2 folder and click Open in Terminal.
  3. Enter ./import-quick-mission.exe <your-mission-name>, replacing <your-mission-name> with the name of your .bms file (exclude the .bms extension).
    1. For example, if your mission file is named, the command would be ./import-quick-mission.exe D06M#1.
    2. You should see console output similar to this:
      PS D:\Games\Novalogic\Delta Force 2\Sandbox> .\import-quick-mission.exe D06M#1
      Backing up df2.pff to df2.pff.backup...
      Reading df2.pff...
      Reading df2brief.bin...
      Adding briefings...
      Packing TGA image...
      Saving df2.pff...
      Renaming D06M#1.BMS to D06M#1.BMS.packed since it is now packed in df2.pff...
      Successfully imported mission!

The quick mission should now be fully imported with a proper title, briefing, and image (if applicable):

Imported mission

Behind the Scenes

The CLI does the following:

  1. Back up df2.pff as df2.pff.backup.
  2. Pack the .bms and .tga files in df2.pff.
  3. Append the text from the metadata YAML file to df2brief.bin inside df2.pff.


CLI for importing quick missions into Delta Force 2






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