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SalesforceSync gem provides three set of features:

  • an event based architecture to handle asynchronous Rails resource synchronisation on Salesforce
  • a set of actions to trigger on demand bulk synchronisation
  • the management of the Salesforce ids of your resources


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

  gem "salesforce_sync", github: "Seedrs/salesforce"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Create the table to store Salesforce ids:

$ bin/rails generate migration CreateSalesforceIdentifiers salesforce_type:string resource_id:integer salesforce_id:string timestamps
$ bin/rake db:migrate

Create default SalesforceSync initializer file:

$ rails g salesforce_sync:initializer

Connection configuration

In order to connect to Salesforce using SalesforceSync set Salesforce username, password, security token, client ID, client secret and API version in environment variables:

  export SALESFORCE_USERNAME="username"
  export SALESFORCE_PASSWORD="password"
  export SALESFORCE_SECURITY_TOKEN="security token"
  export SALESFORCE_CLIENT_ID="client id"
  export SALESFORCE_CLIENT_SECRET="client secret"

Basic Usage

Sync application users with Salesforce contacts

There is a Rails User model to sync with your Salesforce contact. Meaning:

  • when a User is created in the Rails application a contact needs to be created on Salesforce
  • when a User is updated in the Rails application the associated contact needs to be updated on Salesforce
  • when a User is deleted in the Rails application the associated contact needs to be deleted on Salesforce

First, the bridge between a User in the application and a Contact on Salesforce needs to be crossed. For this create a child of the class SalesforceSync::Resource::Base which implement the following three methods:

  • self.sf_type: the name of the object on Salesforce, here it is "Contact"
  • self.resource_id_name: the name of your application id on Salesforce, let's say here: "User_Id__c"
  • all_fields: the list of fields you want to send to Salesforce, whatever fields configured on your Salesforce account for contacts

Here is a simple example, that can be stored in lib/salesforce_resource/user.rb, with the following content:

module SalesforceResource
  class User < SalesforceSync::Resource::Base
    def self.sf_type

    def self.resource_id_name

    def all_fields
        FirstName: resource.first_name,
        LastName: resource.last_name,
        Email: resource.last_name,
        Phone: resource.telephone

Note: the path of the file is up to you, as long as it is loaded and extend SalesforceSync::Resource::Base

Then, SalesforceSync gem needs to know that the User class relates with the SalesforceResource::User. For that in the config/initializers/salesforce_sync.rb declare the following resources_by_class:

  SalesforceSync.configure do |config|
    config.resources_by_class = { User => SalesforceResource::User }

Now let's announce events when a User is saved and destroy: In the User class add the following events after_save and after_destroy this way:

  after_save :track_after_save

  def track_after_save
    EventBus.announce("", resource: self, changed_attributes: changed_attributes)
  after_destroy :track_after_destroy

  def track_after_save
    EventBus.announce("user.destroy", resource: self)

Note: each event needs to provide at least the associated resource.

Finally, SalesforceSync needs to subscribe to those events. For that, add them in the config,events through the file config/initializers/salesforce_sync.rb as following : = %w( user.destroy)

That's all. From now on, users are synced Salesforce contacts through delayed job.

Oh, but wait, something is off! Some sync fail because Salesforce contact requires an email address. No worries, SalesforceSync::Resource::Base provides an api that lets you control exactly when to trigger a sync or not. Implement the method require_upsert? like this :

  def require_upsert?(_event = nil, _changed_attributes = {})

Note 1: require_upsert? takes the event and changed_attributes as arguments, so you can optimize your Salesforce Api usage. Note 2: see the implementation of SalesforceSync::Resource::Base for more customization.

Synchronise existing users

Now that users are synced with Salesforce contacts, all previously existing users may need to be synced as well.

SalesforceSync provides two ways to trigger on demand synchronisation:

  • use SalesforceSync::Api#resource_synchronisation to sync one resource
  • use SalesforceSync::Api#bulk_synchronisation to sync multiple resources

In our case since there may be a lot of users to sync, so we will prefer to use the SalesforceSync::Api#bulk_synchronisation. Now that SalesforceSync knows how to build a Salesforce Contact from a User, syncing all your users that have an email can be done like this:

  user_ids = User.where.not(email: nil).pluck(:id)
  SalesforceSync::Api.bulk_synchronisation(User => user_ids)



Here is the list of configurable parameters:

  • resources_by_class: mapping between application model classes and their corresponding SalesforceSync::Resource::Base child. Default: {} Required field.

  • events: the list of events on which SalesforceSync should trigger resource upsert or destroy. Default: [] Required field.

  • salesforce_url: the base url of the Salesforce account. Default: """ Required field.

  • active: if set to false, SalesforceSync does not trigger any event based resource synchronisation. Default: true

  • raise_on_airbrake: if set to true, SalesforceSync errors are raised on Airbrake. Default: false

  • job_identifier_column: SalesforceSync uses a parameter on the Delayed::Jobobject to identify which resource is waiting to be synced.job_identifier_column, specify which database column to use. If using :queuedoes not suit the Rails app, configure another column. Default::queue`

  • api_version: Salesforce api version. Default: 36.0

  • queue_waiting_time: in order to optimize the number of api calls, SalesforceSync waits between the moment the event is triggered and the execution of the job. Default: 1.minute

  • destroy_event_suffixes: SalesforceSync distinguishes between an upsert and a destroy event based on the end of the event name. destroy_event_suffixes is the list of endings reconginzed as destroy events Default: %w(.destroy .destroyed)

  • upsert_event_suffixes: SalesforceSync distinguish between a upsert and a destroy event based on the end of the event name. upsert_event_suffixes is the list of endings reconginzed as upsert events. Default: %w(.save .create update .saved .created .updated)

SalesforceSync::Resource::Base api

SalesforceSync::Resource::Base child are used to link Rails ActiveRecord resources with Salesforce objects. Here are the method that should or could be implemented.

#sf_type: the name of the resource on Salesforce side. Ex: Contact

#resource_id_name: the name of the field used as external id on Salesforce side. Ex: User_ID__c

.all_fields : all fields to send to Salesforce. Ex: { User_ID__c:, FirstName: resource.first_name }

.require_upsert?(_event = nil, _changed_attributes = {}): specify when to trigger an upsert based on the event and the attributes changed. Default: true

.dependent_resources: specify the list of resource that need to be synced with Salesforce before the current resource. Default: []

.after_upsert : callback executed after upsert. Default: nothing is executed.


SalesforceSync::Api allows to trigger some synchornisation or to get some information outside the event base synchronisation context.

#resource_synchronisation(resource) : force the synchronisation of the resource (create or update).

#bulk_synchronisation(ids_by_class) : force the synchronisation of a group of resource.

#synchronised?(resource) : is the resource synchronised ? Careful, the search is based on the Salesforce ids stored in the db, it does not to an actual call to Salesforce.

#salesforce_id(resource) : get the salesforce id of the resource.

#url(resource) : get the url of the resource on Salesforce if it is synchronised. The base Salesforce url needs to be configured.

#platform_reset : Delete all Salesforce ids stored and bulk sync all the resources. Warning: this is a destructive action. It is mainly useful to populate a Salesforce Sandbox.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

To run rspec tests execute :

$ rspec spec/

For pull requests do not forget to update and add rspec tests in the spec folder.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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