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MetaMLST: Multilocus Sequence Typing from metagenomic data

MetaMLST is a computational tool for strain level identification from metagenomic data. It exploits the Multi Locus Sequence Typing approach and performs and in-silico reconstruction of the MLST-specific loci.


To use MetaMLST you will need the following packages and tools:

Input & Output

MetaMLST takes as input Shotgun Metagenomic NGS Reads in FASTQ format (e.g. Illumina Hi-Seq). MetaMLST only works with shotgun sequencing data, and it is not applicable to 16S rRNA sequencing datasets.

MetaMLST outputs (by default in ./out):

  • a list of detected MLST-trackable microbial species.
  • A tab-separated file containing the typings of each sample provided. One file for each species.
  • A tab-separated file containing the updated typing table (i.e. known and newly identified Sequence Types). One file for each species.
  • A FASTA or CSV file containing the sequences of the MLST-reconstructed loci for each sample. One file for each species. (see the --outseqformat option)

Note: MetaMLST can identify new loci-sequences (i.e. sequences different to any other sequence in the database) or new STs (i.e. novel combinations of loci). Those are labelled with a progressive number greater than 100000 (i.e. ST 100001 will be your first novel ST).

How it works

The MetaMLST consists of four phases:

  1. Retrieval of the available MLST data and creation of the MetaMLST-db ▸;
    • This step can be skipped if you use the pre-computed database (metamlstDB_2021.db), which will be downloaded automatically if you do not specify any custom db.
  2. Mapping of the metagenomic reads against the retrieved reference sequences ▸ (Bowtie2);
  3. Detection of microbial targets and reconstruction of the sample-specific MLST loci ▸;
  4. ST calling and downstream comparative analysis ▸


Specific Documentation

How do I make it work?

▸ Quick Start

Step 0: Make sure you have all the requirements installed and available.

Step 1: Clone the repository (or download and extract the full repository from

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd metamlst

Step 2: Create a Bowtie2 index from the default MetaMLST database. -i bowtie_index

Step 3: Use the index to map your FASTQ file(s):

bowtie2 --very-sensitive-local -a --no-unal -x bowtie_index -U YOUR_READS.FASTQ | samtools view -bS - > YOUR_ALIGNMENTS.bam

Step 4: Run MetaMLST on the BAM file. The results will be saved in ./out: YOUR_ALIGNMENTS.bam

[Repeat Step 3-4 for each sample of interest]

Step 5: Run MetaMLST-merge on the the output files. The results will be saved in ./out/merged: ./out


Check out the Examples Section for practical examples on how to use MetaMLST: You can also download some MetaMLST Examples Scripts.

Useful Resources
