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File metadata and controls

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Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure.

The easy_infra project includes and secures Terraform as a component due to its popularity and versitility in provisioning and updating environments as Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

easy_infra uses security tools, such as Checkov, to transparently assess the provided IaC against the defined security policy.


easy_infra's terraform images are incompatable with the terraform -chdir argument as documented here.

Use Cases

If you use Software Version Control (such as git) to manage your Terraform IaC, consider executing terraform validate with easy_infra as a pipeline action on commit or pull request:

docker run -v $(pwd):/iac seiso/easy_infra:latest-terraform terraform validate

You can also use easy_infra to deploy your infrastructure using terraform plan and terraform deploy:

docker run -v $(pwd):/iac seiso/easy_infra:latest-terraform /bin/bash -c "terraform plan && terraform apply -auto-approve"

Customizing Checkov

Environment Variable Result Example
CHECKOV_BASELINE Passes the value to --baseline /iac/.checkov.baseline
CHECKOV_EXTERNAL_CHECKS_DIR Passes the value to --external-checks-dir /iac/checkov_rules/
CHECKOV_SKIP_CHECK Passes the value to --skip-check CKV_AWS_20
docker run --env-file <(env | grep ^CHECKOV_) -v $(pwd):/iac easy_infra:latest-terraform terraform validate

Preinstalled Hooks

There are some preinstalled hooks in /opt/hooks/bin/ which apply to terraform commands:

  • If the TERRAFORM_VERSION environment variable is customized, easy_infra will attempt to install and switch to that version at runtime. This effectively makes it the "new default" in place of the version which was preinstalled in the version of the easy_infra container.
  • If AUTODETECT is set to true, easy_infra will attempt to detect and install the correct version of terraform for each folder that a terraform command runs in using the required_version block in the code. Since this is module-specific, it will override the default terraform version to use (specified by TERRAFORM_VERSION; see the prior bullet).

Terraform Caching

If you're working with the same terraform code across multiple runs, you can leverage the cache:

docker run -v $(pwd):/iac -v $(pwd)/plugin-cache:/home/easy_infra/.terraform.d/plugin-cache easy_infra:latest-terraform /bin/bash -c "terraform init; terraform validate"

Disabling Security

The injected security tooling can be disabled entirely or individually, using easy_infra-specific command line arguments or environment variables.

Environment variable Default Result
DISABLE_SECURITY false Disables all security tooling (Not just Terraform-related) when set to true
SKIP_CHECKOV false Disables Checkov when set to true
Parameter Result Example
--disable-security Disable all security tooling terraform validate --disable-security
--skip-checkov Disable Checkov terraform --skip-checkov validate


All command-line arguments in the above table are processed by easy_infra and removed prior to passing parameters to Terraform commands.

Autodetecting files

If you'd like to autodetect where your Terraform files exist and run the provided command in each of those detected folders, this is the feature for you. This is useful in cases where there is a single repository containing folders which store varying terraform files, and you would like to run a command (or series of commands) on all of them without needing to maintain a method of looping through them yourself.

Environment variable Default Result
AUTODETECT false Autodetect folders containing Terraform files when set to true
FAIL_FAST false Exit as soon as the first failure is encountered, if LEARNING_MODE is also false


Only .tf files are supported; .tf.json files will not be detected


When AUTODETECT is enabled, the exit code will be the last non-zero exit code in the series


Checkov allow numerous methods for creating custom policies, such as by writing them in Python or using the Checkov-specific DSL in yaml files. These options are described in more detail here