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Keploy Typescript-SDK

This is the client SDK for the Keploy testing platform. You can use this to generate realistic mock files or entire e2e tests for your applications. The HTTP mocks/stubs and tests are the same format and inter-exchangeable.


  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Supported Routers
  4. Supported Dependencies
  5. Sample unit test for Mocking/Stubing
  6. Test with code coverage
  7. Development Setup
  8. Community support


  1. First install Node.js. Then,
# for npm package manager
npm i
# for yarn package manager
yarn add
  1. Install and Start the keploy binary on an independent terminal. Follow this guide


Generate E2E tests

Keploy can generate end-to-end tests without writing any unit tests file and mocks. Mocks/stubs are also generated and linked to their respective tests. These tests can be run just by starting your API server on test mode. We can also add code coverage using the recorded tests. Steps for integration:

  1. Integration

    1. Add keploy middleware to your API server. Follow the Supported Routers guide for your router framework.

    2. Wrap the dependencies of your API server like mongoose, etc. Follow the Supported Dependencies guide for your dependencies.

    3. Configuration: SDK uses environment variables for configuration. "KEPLOY_APP_PORT" is mandatory during, "record"/"test" modes. Other environment variables are optional, since they have default values.

      Following is an example of .env file configuration.

          export KEPLOY_APP_PORT=XXXX        # port on which API is running. Required and it should be a number
          export KEPLOY_MODE="off"           # Values: "record" / "test" / "off"(default) 
          export KEPLOY_APP_NAME="my-app"    # [app_ids] for different API applications. Default: "sample-app"
          export KEPLOY_APP_HOST="localhost" # Host of API application. Default: "localhost"
          export KEPLOY_APP_DELAY=5          # approx time taken by API server to start. Default: 5sec
          export KEPLOY_APP_TIMEOUT=100      # request timeout for keploy server. Default: 60sec
          # export KEPLOY_APP_FILTER={"urlRegex":"*"}  # filters for capturing tcs. It should be a valid JSON
          export KEPLOY_SERVER_URL="localhost:6789" # url to running keploy server. Default: "localhost:6789"
          # export KEPLOY_SERVER_LICENSE="XXX-XXX-XXX" # hosted keploy server api key
  2. Record

    1. Set the KEPLOY_MODE to "record" in your .env configuration file.
      export KEPLOY_MODE="record"
    2. Start your API server on record mode.
      # <server>.js should be the main file to start API server.
      source .env && node <server>.js
    3. Make an API call on any endpoint of your running API server.

    Now, testcases will be generated for the API call along with the integrated dependencies mocks/stubs. These tests and mocks are generated as readable/editable yaml files in the /keploy directory.

  3. Test

    1. Set the KEPLOY_MODE to "test" in your .env configuration file.
      export KEPLOY_MODE="test"
    2. Start your API server on test mode.
      # <server>.js should be the main file to start API server.
      source .env && node <server>.js

    πŸŽ‰TADA: You have made an end-to-end test and tested it without writing any code for test file or managing mocks/stubs.

Keploy can be integrated with testing frameworks like Mocha.js for code coverage. Integartion with fameworks is provided in Test with code coverage section.

Mocking/Stubbing for unit tests

These mocks/stubs are realistic and frees you up from writing them manually. Keploy creates readable/editable mocks/stubs yaml files which can be referenced in any of your unit-tests tests. Steps to mock/stub external calls:

  1. Wrap the dependencies:

    1. Initialise keploy context by calling mock.NewContext in test setup for each testcase.
      const { NewContext } = require('typescript-sdk/dist/mock/mock');
      // Set your keploy mode and test name of unit test here.
      NewContext({Mode: "<record_OR_test_OR_off>", Name: "unique_testcase_name"})  
    2. Wrap the dependencies of your unit tests like mongoose, etc. Follow the Supported Dependencies guide for your dependencies.
  2. Record:

    1. Set the mode to record in NewContext.
      // input a unique test name for each testcase in the Name field
      NewContext({Mode: "record", Name: "unit_test-1"})  
    2. Run your unit test.

    Now, a /mocks directory is created containing yaml file for each testcase of your unit test. The yaml files contains the recorded outputs of external depedencies as yaml docs.

  3. Test:

    1. Set the mode to test in your test setup.
      // input a unique test name for each testcase in the Name field
      NewContext({Mode: "test", Name: "unit_test-1"})  
    2. Turn off the dependency service like mongoDB server, etc.
    3. Run the unit test.

    πŸŽ‰TADA: The unit test will run perfectly, without making any external dependency call. It uses the recorded outputs from yaml files in generated mocks directory.

An example is provided in Sample unit test for Mocking/Stubing section.

Supported Routers

1. Express

Keploy adds a middleware for capturing requests/responses using require hooks. To integrate, just add the following statement before every require statement of express in your app.

// Uncomment following blocks to use require in ES Module
import { createRequire } from "module";
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const express = require('express');

Example of CommonJS module express app:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = process.env.PORT || 5050;


app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  res.json({"field": "App is healthy", "opacity": Math.random()})

app.listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`Server is running on port: ${port}`);

Supported Dependencies

1. Octokit

To integrate, just add this line before every require statement of Octokit in your application.

// Uncomment following blocks to use require in ES Module
import { createRequire } from "module";
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const { Octokit, App } = require("octokit");

2. Mongoose

To integrate, just add this line before every require statement of mongoose in your application.

// Uncomment following blocks to use require in ES Module
import { createRequire } from "module";
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const mongoose =  require('mongoose');

Mongoose package version should be ^6.4.0. Keploy mocks/stubs outputs for following mongoose methods:

  1. find()
  2. findOne()
  3. save()
  4. create()
  5. insertMany()
  6. updateOne()
  7. updateMany()
  8. deleteOne()
  9. deleteMany()

Sample unit test for Mocking/Stubing

Following is an example of CommonJS module unit test with octokit dependency :


var {NewContext} = require ("typescript-sdk/dist/mock/mock")
var assert = require('assert');
const { Octokit, App } = require("octokit");
describe('routes', function () {
    var server, octokit;
    beforeEach(function () {
        NewContext({Mode: "<record_OR_test_OR_off>", Name: "your demo app name"})  // Set your keploy mode and name here.
        octokit = new Octokit({ auth: "<your_authentication_token>"});

    // Test to make sure URLs respond correctly.
    it("url/", async function () {
        return new Promise(function(resolve){
            const app = new App({
                appId: "<APP_ID>",
                privateKey: `<PEM_FILE>`, 
            const { data: slug } = => {

                app.getInstallationOctokit(<InstallationId>).then((octokit) => {
                    owner: "LOREM",
                    repo: "IPSUM",
                    title: "Hello " + "World",
                    }).then((res) => {
                        assert.equal(true, true)

Note: Since, this package uses require-in-the-middle for adding hook. Therefore, it is supported for commonjs module currently. Also, you can use require statements in esmodule by:

// Define "require"
import { createRequire } from "module";
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);

Test with code coverage

Integration with Mocha testing framework

To see code coverage please use nyc mocha and see how many lines are covered!!

You just need to create a unit test file with the following code. And that's it!!πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

const {runServer} = require('../server') //your server wrapper
const {keploy}  = require('typescript-sdk/dist/integrations/express/register')
const {describe,test,before,after}=  require('mocha')
describe("test function", ()=>{
    before( (done)=>{
    test("should be running", async ()=> {
      return keploy.assertTests();
         process.exit(1); //exits the node server

Note:- Since, Jest framework have an isolated environment. Keploy is unable to add hooks for integration.

Development Setup

  • This project uses Yarn for package management. To install yarn, please make sure Node is installed and then:
npm i -g yarn
  • To install local dependencies, assuming you are at root of the project:
yarn install
  • To generate the js grpc files from services.proto:
yarn proto-loader-gen-types --grpcLib=@grpc/grpc-js --outDir=proto/ proto/*.proto
  • For VSCode setup, make sure these extensions are installed:

  • Furthermore, to commit your changes use yarn commit instead of git commit for better commit experience.

Community support

We'd love to collaborate with you to make Keploy great. To get started:

  • Slack - Discussions with the community and the team.
  • GitHub - For bug reports and feature requests.


Official Keploy Node SDK 🟑



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  • TypeScript 99.7%
  • Shell 0.3%