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Install pyenv and poetry for environment management. In the pyproject.toml, see line python = ... for the acceptable Python version, e.g., ">=3.9,<3.10", and do the following from the root directory of the project

pyenv install <python version>
pyenv local <python version>
poetry env use <python version>
poetry install

e.g., <python version> is equal to 3.9.17

For missing packages, use poetry add <package name> (see poetry docs).

Directory structure

├── pyproject.toml  : poetry dependency file
├── poetry.lock     : poetry lock file (created after the installation runs)
├── scripts
│   ├── imputation  : scripts for missing data imputation
│   └── elicitation : scripts for prior elicitation
├── data (basically ignored by git)
│   ├── openml      : raw data of OpenML-CC18
│   ├── cities      : cities data for prior elicitation
│   ├── working     : calculated features, processing steps
│   └── output      : classification results, figures, etc.
└── .env : environmental variables (create this manually)

Get OpenML-CC18

You can get OpenML-CC18 Curated Classification benchmark datasets and download them locally. The downloaded data will be stored in data/openml. The following files will be downloaded.

├── [OpenML ID]
│   ├── X.csv                : feature matrix
│   ├── y.csv                : classification labels
│   ├── X_categories.json    : list of categorical variables in the features
│   ├── y_categories.json    : list of class in `y.csv`
│   ├── description.txt      : description of the dataset
│   └── details.json         : meta data of the dataset
└── openml-datasets-CC18.csv : list of downloaded datasets
poetry run python scripts/ 

Missing data imputation


In the preprocessing step, you will split the original OpenML datasets into train and test subsets, and generate missing values. Please get OpenML datasets and store them in data/openml in advance. The splitted complete datasets will be stored in data/working/complete, and the incomplete datasets (datasets with "real" missing values) will be stored in data/working/incomplete. For the complete datasets, the code artificially generates missing values based on missingness patterns (MCAR, MAR, MNAR).

poetry run python scripts/imputation/
poetry run python scripts/imputation/
  [--n_corrupted_rows_train N_CORRUPTED_ROWS_TRAIN] [--n_corrupted_rows_test N_CORRUPTED_ROWS_TEST] 
  [--n_corrupted_columns N_CORRUPTED_COLUMNS] [--test_size TEST_SIZE]
  [--seed SEED] [--debug]

required arguments:

optional arguments:
  --n_corrupted_rows_train  the default value is 120
  --n_corrupted_rows_test   the default value is 30
  --n_corrupted_columns     the default value is 6. the code will generate max 6 corrupted columns.
  --test_size               the default value is 0.2. fraction of testing subsets for train test split.
  --seed                    default value: 42
  --debug                   display some additional logs to the terminal

LLM Imputer

Setups for using LLMs

You can use OpenAI API, or other APIs compatible with OpenAI API, e.g. llama-cpp-python and vLLM.

Instructions for each model are the following:

  • OpenAI API Please set your API key in .env as
  • Other OpenAI API compatible APIs Please set a base URL to the inference server in .env as
    If an API key is required, please set it in .env as

Prompt engineering

To edit prompts, edit scripts/imputation/prompts.json.

  "expert_prompt_initialization": {
    "system_prompt": "...",
    "user_prompt_prefix": "...",
    "user_prompt_suffix": "..."
  "non_expert_prompt": "...",
  "data_imputation": {
    "system_prompt_suffix": "...",
    "user_prompt_prefix": "..."

For each row with missing values, two types of requests to LLMs will be done.

  1. Expert prompt initialization: Ask LLMs to make prompts for LLMs to act like experts. System prompt: system_prompt. User prompt: user_prompt_prefix + dataset_description + user_prompt_suffix. dataset_description is a description of the dataset downloaded from OpenML.
  2. Data Imputation: Using the expert prompt, ask LLMs to guess a missing value. System prompt: epi_prompt + system_prompt_suffix. User prompt: `

(Note) There may be multiple missing values in the target row. This will be done by repeating step 2 for each missing value in the target row. (Other missing values are hidden)



  • Please run (see above) in advance. Corrupted datasets (datasets with missing values) and the log file (log.csv) must be stored in data/working/complete and data/working/incomplete.
  • Evaluation is currently unavailable. Needs update.

Imputation methods

You can test multiple missing values imputation methods for the generated incomplete datasets. The following methods are available:

  • Mean/Mode (impute numerical values with mean and categorical values with mode)
  • K-nearest neighbors
  • Random Forest
  • LLMs

For example, if you want to impute with Mean/Mode method, run the following command.

poetry run python scripts/imputation/ --method meanmode

LLM Imputer

For LLMs, you can test several models. OpenAI GPT models are available, and also other models OpenAI API compatible models are available.

To select a model, set the --llm_model option. The default model is gpt-4. For OpenAI GPT models, please use official model names, e.g. gpt-3.5-turbo. For OpenAI API compatible models, you can freely set a model name, but please note that --llm_model option is required.

poetry run python scripts/imputation/ --method llm --llm_model gpt-3.5-turbo

You can also ask whether you want LLMs to behave like an expert or not. The default role is expert.

poetry run python scripts/imputation/ --method llm --llm_model gpt-4 --llm_role nonexpert

Specifying datasets

If you want to run experiments for a specific dataset, please give the OpenML ID, missingness. For example,

poetry run python scripts/imputation/ --method meanmode --openml_id 31 --missingness MCAR

Downstream task

You can also evaluate downstream tasks by adding the downstream flag.

poetry run python scripts/imputation/ --method meanmode --downstream


poetry run python scripts/imputation/
  [--method {meanmode, knn, rf, llm}] [--evaluate] [--downstream]
  [--openml_id OPENML_ID] [--missingness {MCAR, MAR, MNAR}] [--dataset {['incomplete', 'complete'], incomplete, complete}]
  [--llm_model LLM_MODEL] [--llm_role {expert, nonexpert}]

required arguments:
  --method                  select a imputation method you want to apply (default value: meanmode)

optional arguments:
  --evaluate                calculate RMSE or Macro F1
  --downstream              evaluate downstream tasks
  --openml_id               specify a target openml id
  --missingness             specify a missingness pattern (MCAR or MAR or MNAR)
  --dataset                 specify a dataset type. complete or incomplete.
  --llm_model               specify a llm model. the default is gpt-4
  --llm_role                select whether the llm to be an expert or not.
  --seed                    default value: 42
  --debug                   display some additional logs to the terminal

Modify LLM Imputer

If you want to modify imputation method using LLMs, please edit scripts/imputation/modules/

Prior elicitation

LLM elicitor

Setup for LLM APIs is the same as for the LLM imputer. See above.

Prompt engineering

To edit prompts, edit scripts/elicitation/prompts.json.

Modify LLM elicitor

If you want to modify the elictation method using LLMs, please edit scripts/elicitation/modules/


Quantitative knowledge retrieval from large language models. Mirror of






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