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This is the source code repository for my personal CV (affectionately called as Selu-CV). It is made using TeX and based on the awesome template, Awesome-CV.

A lot of modifications to the original template is made due to personal taste, and Japanese compability (porting anything to CJK in general breaks a lot of things). More at customization.

Where can I get the PDF?

Background for this project

A lot of the times, when someone asks for your CV, you need to recreate it from scratch. This involves getting different templates (often from subscription sites which you already forget because you did it several years ago when you needed it last time).

I'm basically trying to kill a lot of birds in one stone with this project:

  • It serves as my personal CV, I will always have a CV ready and I can update it anytime easily since its in plain tex.
  • It also serves as a technical skill showcase.


"But wait, its just a resume not an app, what do you mean by deploying a resume?"

No, "deployment" doesn't mean automatically sending the resume to recruiters (although that could be fun).

Deployment here means every time this repo changes, we automatically re-build and re-upload the PDF to the link on where can i get the pdf.

Deployment is done automatically via .github/workflows/build_and_upload_pdf.yaml if any changes on **/*.tex or **/*.cls is pushed to main branch.

At a high level:

  1. Any *.tex file on the repository root is compiled to pdf with the same steps as compiling to pdf.
  2. PDFs generated from step 1 is automatically uploaded to a bucket.

For those who are interested I'm using Cloudflare R2 via AWS CLI s3api.

Development guide

Editing on local machine

This repository is setup to be edited via devcontainers. Just launch devcontainers with vscode with the settings in .devcontainer

Compiling to PDF

Run the command below

make pdf <yourtexfile.tex>

It will compile the tex file provided with latexmk (XeLaTeX). This is aligned with the default recipe specified in latex-workshop.latex.recipe.default the container.


The template itself (code, formatting, structure) in this repository is licensed under MIT License. However, please note that the personal data included in the resume is not covered under this license. You are free to modify the template for your own use, but do not distribute the personal information contained in the original document.


Below are the list of customization I did against the original awesome-cv.

Paragraph allowed job description


% Define an environment for cvitems(for cventry)
  \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=2ex, nosep, noitemsep]


% Bullet points to be used within cvitems and cvjobdesc
  \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=2ex, nosep, noitemsep]

% This is basically cvitems without the itemize

% Define an environment for cvitems(for cventry) (backwards-compatible with original awesome-cv)

Basically I decoupled the section formatting part and itemize part of cvitems to cvjobdesc and cvbullets but kept the cvitems as original for backward compatibility.

Languages in header

Added the below snippet to include languages spoken in header.

%                Commands for personal information


% Defines writer's languages (optional)
% Usage: \languages{<languages>}


%                Commands for elements of CV structure
% Under makecvheader

Spaces between section is changed to 2.5mm

%                Commands for extra



Noto fonts usage

I installed noto fonts with apt within the .devcontainer and modified header to be Noto Sans.



Japanese language support added

%                Handle Japanese Characters
% See for more details
\setCJKmainfont{Noto Sans CJK JP}
\setCJKsansfont{Noto Sans CJK JP}
\setCJKmonofont{Noto Sans Mono CJK JP}

Removed section coloring

Deleted the below section on selu-cv.cls as it raises an error if section title is less than 3 characters, which is a normal occurence in Japanese Language.

% Boolean value to switch section color highlighting

% Awesome section color

Naturally, I also removed any mention of @sectioncolor in selu-cv.cls and I also remove this part on each .tex

% Set false if you don't want to highlight section with awesome color

Remove different styling of first name and last name

The concept of first name and last name doesn't apply to my name anyway.

\newcommand*{\headerfirstnamestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{32pt}{1em}\headerfont\bfseries\color{text} #1}}
\newcommand*{\headerlastnamestyle}[1]{{\fontsize{32pt}{1em}\headerfont\bfseries\color{text} #1}}
