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Adding an App

f4r9 edited this page Aug 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

💻 Adding an App to AppLink

This will guide you through the initial setup of a new app for AppLink, with a custom URL and path.

There are two methods to do this:

1️⃣ First method

The first method is fairly simple.

  • Open the AppLink configurator.


  • On this page, click on the "Manage Apps" button.
  • Then this window should pop up.

    The password prompt will only show up if you have a password for AppLink!

  • If you do not have a password, skip this step. If you do have a password for AppLink, enter it and press "Confirm"

  • After this, this box should fill with some JSON:


  • AppLink configurator makes it easy to add & remove apps. You cannot edit the json while being in the AppLink configurator app.
  • Press "Add app of ID".
  • This should pop.


  • To add an app, it is fairly simple from now:
  1. Set a unique ID for the app. Make sure it is not taken by looking at the others apps in the JSON. image

    (otherwise, it could make conflicts)
  2. Set the name of the app. When starting an app for AppLink, you go by the URL (for example) "http://localhost:9989/api/openApp?name=explorer?pass=1234". The ?name parameter will change depending on what you input. For example, if you choose the word cheese as the name, to open this app, you would type for example "http://localhost:9989/api/openApp?name=cheese&pass=1234"
  3. Set the path of the app. This is the "hard part". If you want to start cmd, for example you would type "cmd". But if you want to start a executable, just paste the link to that executable in the Path text box. To start steam, for example, paste this in the Path text box : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe"
  • Press "Upload" and wait a bit. The app should now be posted to the AppLink server! To access it, just change the name parameter in the url to the name you chose.

2️⃣ Second method (manual)

This method is not recommended as you need to have a basic knowledge in JSON in order to do this.

  • Open the Applink folder and navigate to those folders: .applink then server then apps
  • Open in a text editor the appsRegistery.json file. You can use a JSON beautifier to view it best.
  • Once opened (and beautified) it should look like this:
    NOTE: you may see other entries as the one shown on the image is the default apps & commands.
  • Create a new entry in the "apps" array. The entry should have the following string values:
  • Once the entry is added, you can save the file. You will need to restart AppLink server to have the changes appear.

✔️ Conclusion

Congrats 🎉! You now have added an app to AppLink server.

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