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php-util library

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PHP-Util library is a set of useful PHP classes that make life easier.


Use the package manager composer to install php-util.

composer require semelapavel/php-util

Table of contents



A simple PSR-4 autoloader that loads files with required classes using namespaces.

$classLoader = new \SemelaPavel\Object\ClassLoader();
$classLoader->addNamespace('MyNamespace', '/src/myApp');

In this example, classLoader will try to find each file with a fully-qualified class name starting with the prefix MyNamespace in the /src/myApp directory: \MyNamespace\Class should be found as /src/myApp/Class.php.

If the file cannot not be found, or if it does not have MyNamespace prefix, the classloader will try to find a file by the fully-qualified class name in /src/other directory: \MyNamespace\Class should be found as /src/other/MyNamespace/Class.php.


This class wraps an integer value and represents it as a binary byte.

$byte = new Byte(1024);
echo $byte;                      // 1024
echo $byte->floatValue('KB');    // 1
echo $byte->floatValue('MB', 5); // 0,00098

Byte of any value and its specified binary unit:

$byte = Byte::from(2.5, 'MB'); // 2621440

Easy parsing of php.ini values:

$byte = Byte::fromPhpIniNotation(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));

Parsing byte value from any string:

$byte = Byte::parse('8');     // 8
$byte = Byte::parse('16B');   // 16
$byte = Byte::parse('1 KiB'); // 1024
$byte = Byte::parse('0,5MB'); // 524288


The File namespace contains a set of classes for working with files.


An instance of this class represents a file in the file system. The file does not need to exist, or be readable when creating a File object. This class extends \SplFileInfo class from Standard PHP Library (SPL).

$file = new File('file.txt');
echo $file->getMimeType();       // 'text/plain'
$content = $file->getContents(); // Reads the file and returns its contents as a string.

Check if the file name is safe and valid for most used operating systems:

$file->hasValidName(); // Returns true in this example.

and without creating an object:

File::isValidFileName('file.txt/'); // false

Strip the ASCII control characters, whitespaces, slashes, dots and backslashes from the end of file name:

File::rtrimFileName('file.txt/'); // Returns 'file.txt' in this example.


An instance of this class helps filter out unwanted files by file names using shell wildcards or a regular expression, files with a file size out of set size or range and files with specific date and time or date-time range.

$filter = new FileFilter();
$filter->setFileNameWhiteList(['*.jpg', '*.png', '*.gif']);
$filter->setFileNameRegex(new \SemelaPavel\String\RegexPattern('^[^0-9]*$'));
$filter->setFileSize('>1 KB < 1 MB');
$filter->setMTime('>= 2021-01-01 < 2021-01-02 12:00');

Lets have image.jpg with file size 4 KB and modif. time 2021-01-01:

$filter->fileNameMatch('image.jpg')        // true
$filter->compareFileSize(4096);            // true
$filter->compareMTime('2021-01-01 13:37'); // true


The Http namespace contains a set of classes handling requests and responses over HTTP.


The FileUpload provides basic functionality for retrieving normalized file upload data for further processing. Each leaf of the files array is an instance of UploadedFile or null if error UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE occured.

See simplified code below:

<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    Select file to upload:
    <input type="file" name="file"><br>
    Select file to upload:
    <input type="file" name="filesArray[]"><br>
    Select file to upload:
    <input type="file" name="filesArray[]"><br>
    <input type="submit" value="Upload files" name="upload_submit">
$upload = new FileUpload();
$files = $upload->getUploadedFiles();

if ($files['file']) {
    $files['file']->move(dirname(__DIR__) . '/upload/', 'newFile.txt'); // move the file with rename

if ($files['filesArray'][0]) {
    $files['filesArray'][0]->move(dirname(__DIR__) . '/upload/');


A set of useful classes for managing pagination of your web pages.


Simple pagination calculator to help with calculate number of pages for specific number of items, number of items per page, offset etc. See example below with total number of items set to 100, items per page set to 5 and current page set to 5.

$paginator = new Paginator(100, 5, 5);

$paginator->getCurrentPage();       // 5
$paginator->getNumOfPages();        // 20
$paginator->getCurrentPageLength(); // 5 = number of page items
$paginator->getOffset();            // 20 = current page contains items nr. 21-25
$paginator->getFirstPage();         // 1
$paginator->getLastPage();          // 20 
$paginator->isFirst();              // false 
$paginator->isLast();               // false
$paginator->getNextPage();          // 6
$paginator->getPrevPage();          // 4


Paginator extension that adds method to get an array of pages for advanced pagination. See example below with total number of items set to 100, items per page set to 5 and current page set to 5.

$pagination = new Pagination(100, 5, 5);
$pages = $pagination->toArray(1, 2);

The $pages array structure will looks like:

    ['page' => 1, 'isCurrent' => false],
    ['page' => null, 'isCurrent' => false],
    ['page' => 3, 'isCurrent' => false],
    ['page' => 4, 'isCurrent' => false],
    ['page' => 5, 'isCurrent' => true],
    ['page' => 6, 'isCurrent' => false],
    ['page' => 7, 'isCurrent' => false],
    ['page' => null, 'isCurrent' => false],
    ['page' => 20, 'isCurrent' => false]



This class represents a regular expression pattern.

Simple pattern example:

$pattern = new RegexPattern('[a-z]{3}', RegexPattern::CASE_INSENSITIVE);

if ($pattern->isValid()) {
    \preg_match((string) $pattern, 'aBc');  // 1
    $pattern->match('aBc');                 // true

Pattern with bind example:

$pattern = new RegexPattern('[a-z]{3}bind', 0, array('bind' => '.value'));
echo $pattern; // ~[a-z]{3}\.value~



ArrayAccess class which handles holidays and provides some extra functionality.

$holidays = new Holidays();
$holidays[Holidays::goodFriday(2021)] = "Good Friday";
$holidays[Holidays::easterMonday(2021)] = "Easter Monday";
$holidays["2021-05-01"] = "May Day";

echo $holidays['2021-05-01']; // "May Day"

foreach ($holidays->toArray() as $date => $description) { 
    echo $date . ': ' . $description . '<br>';


This class helps with date calculations.

$today = new \DateTime();
$prevWorkday = Calendar::prevWorkday($today);
$nextWorkday = Calendar::nextWorkday($today);
$lastDayOfPrevMonth = Calendar::lastDayOfPrevMonth($today);
$lastDayOfMonth = Calendar::lastDayOfMonth($today);

With Holidays object set:

$holidays = new Holidays();
$holidays["2021-05-01"] = "May Day";

$today = new \DateTime();
Calendar::isDayOff($today, holidays);
$prevWorkday = Calendar::prevWorkday($today, holidays);
$nextWorkday = Calendar::nextWorkday($today, holidays);


This class is a DateTime factory. All functions in this class use default time zone.

LocalDateTime::setLocalTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Prague'));

$dateTimeStr = ' 2020-  07 - 06 T 13 :37 : 00 . 001337  + 02: 00 '; 
$normalizedDateTimeStr = LocalDateTime::normalize($dateTimeStr); // "2020-07-06T13:37:00.001337+02:00"

$localDateTime = LocalDateTime::parse($normalizedDateTimeStr);
$now = LocalDateTime::now();
$today = LocalDateTime::today();

$now->format(LocalDateTime::SQL_DATETIME)  // 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format


PHP Utils for easier life :-)







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