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Tec4med Dashboard Project

Project Overview

The Tec4med Dashboard is a sleek and user-friendly web application designed to manage and display projects efficiently. This dashboard is an integral tool for monitoring and interacting with various aspects of project management.


. Project Visualization: Displays all projects in an organized manner, offering a quick overview of each project's key details.

. Edit Project Properties: Allows for easy modification of project attributes such as start and end dates, project name, and description, ensuring that project information is always up-to-date.

. User and Device Association: Each project entry clearly shows the users and devices associated with it, providing a comprehensive view of resource allocation.

. User List Tab: A dedicated tab presents a list format view of all users, enhancing the ease of managing and viewing user information related to different projects.

. Responsive Design: Crafted to provide a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes.

. On hover display for both devices and users of each project.


Technologies Used

. React.js: For building the user interface.

. TypeScript: For adding type safety to the JavaScript code.

. Material-UI: For designing a modern and responsive UI.

. Day.js: For handling date and time operations.

How to Run

Clone the repository.

Install dependencies using npm install.

Run the application using npm start.


Contributions to improve the Tec4med Dashboard are welcome. Please feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request.

Feel free to modify or add any details to better fit your project's specifics. This description provides a clear and professional overview of your dashboard project, making it easier for others to understand its purpose and features.