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Text Editor 🕹️

Sensinki edited this page May 24, 2023 · 6 revisions

A text editor is a sort of computer application that allows you to edit text.There are different types of text editors. I am recently using Visual Studio Code. But I also wanted to compare other interesting text editors with each other.

Text editors Visual Studio Code Atom Sublime Text
Cost free free $90
Easy to use ++ + +/-
Tutorials really easy to find easy to find easy to find
Installation easy easy not sure
Comfortable yes never used never used

With this table, I want to see which text editor is better for me. I started coding with Visual Studio Code and I am really comfortable with it. That's why I kept using it, but I also wanted to learn about other text editors. In the resources, the websites that I made research can find in the resources.

Visual Studio Code

vs code


ESlint: ESlint statically analyzes my code to quickly find problems. I can create my own linting rules.

Prettier- Code formatter: Prettier is a formatter, this makes sure the code is consistent and clear.

Live server: I didn't need this extension much because I created my own server in this project.
