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File metadata and controls

152 lines (103 loc) · 4.14 KB



Getting started

  1. Be in the correct directory (assumed throughout):

    $ cd ~/IOTstack
  2. Run the IOTstack menu and choose ring-mqtt. An alternative to running the menu is to append the service definition template to your compose file like this:

    $ sed -e "s/^/  /" ./.templates/ring-mqtt/service.yml >>docker-compose.yml

    The sed command is required because service definition templates are left-shifted by two spaces.

  3. This step is optional. Use a text editor to open your docker-compose.yml file:

    • find the ring-mqtt service definition;
    • change the TZ environment variable to your time-zone;
    • save your work.
  4. Bring up the container:

    $ docker-compose up -d ring-mqtt

    This pulls the image, instantiates the container, and initialises its persistent storage.

  5. Use sudo and a text editor to open the configuration file at the path. For example:

    $ sudo vi ./volumes/ring-mqtt/data/config.json

    At the time of writing, the default configuration file looked like this:

        "mqtt_url": "mqtt://localhost:1883",
        "mqtt_options": "",
        "livestream_user": "",
        "livestream_pass": "",
        "disarm_code": "",
        "enable_cameras": false,
        "enable_modes": false,
        "enable_panic": false,
        "hass_topic": "homeassistant/status",
        "ring_topic": "ring",
        "location_ids": [

    From the perspective of any process running in a Docker container, localhost means "this container" rather than "this Raspberry Pi". You need to edit line 2 to point to your MQTT broker:

    • If the ring-mqtt container and your mosquitto container are running on the same Raspberry Pi:

           "mqtt_url": "mqtt://mosquitto:1883",
    • Otherwise, replace localhost with the IP address or domain name of the host where your MQTT broker is running. For example:

           "mqtt_url": "mqtt://",
    • If your MQTT broker is protected by a username and password, refer to the Ring-MQTT Wiki.

    Save your work then restart the container:

    $ docker-compose restart ring-mqtt
  6. Launch your browser (eg Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and open the following URL:


    where «ip-or-name» is the IP address or domain name of the Raspberry Pi where your ring-mqtt container is running. Examples:


    You should see the following screen:


    Follow the instructions.

  7. Check the logs:

    $ docker logs ring-mqtt

    Unless you see errors being reported, your ring-mqtt container should be ready.

Environment variables

The default service definition includes two environment variables:

- TZ=Etc/UTC
- DEBUG=ring-*
  • TZ= should be set to your local time zone (explained above).
  • DEBUG=ring-* ("all debugging options enabled") is the default for ring-mqtt when running in a container. It is included as a placeholder if you want to tailor debugging output. Refer to the Ring-MQTT Wiki.

Whenever you change an environment variable, run:

$ cd ~/IOTstack
$ docker-compose up -d ring-mqtt


Consult the Ring-MQTT Wiki.



$ cd ~/IOTstack
$ docker-compose pull ring-mqtt

If a new image comes down from DockerHub:

$ docker-compose up -d ring-mqtt
$ docker system prune -f

The "up" instantiates the newly-downloaded image as the running container. The "prune" cleans up the older image.