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1156 lines (854 loc) · 33.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1156 lines (854 loc) · 33.8 KB



This repository illustrates a reference implementation of Senzing using IBM's Db2 as the underlying database.

The instructions show how to set up a system that:

  1. Reads JSON lines from a file on the internet.
  2. Sends each JSON line to a message queue.
    1. In this implementation, the queue is RabbitMQ.
  3. Reads messages from the queue and inserts into Senzing.
    1. In this implementation, Senzing keeps its data in an IBM Db2 database.
  4. Reads information from Senzing via Senzing API Server server.
  5. Views resolved entities in a web app.

For more information, see Senzing Entity Resolution for IBM Cloud Pak for Data.

The following diagram shows the relationship of the Helm charts, docker containers, and code in this Kubernetes demonstration.

Image of architecture


  1. Expectations
    1. Time
    2. Background knowledge
  2. Prerequisites
    1. IBM Cloud Pak for Data
    2. Hardware Requirements
    3. Software Requirements
    4. Security Requirements
    5. Clone repository
    6. Database
  3. Demonstrate
    1. Log into OpenShift
    2. EULA
    3. Environment variables
    4. Security context
    5. Persistent volume storage
    6. Database connection information
    7. Create custom helm values files
    8. Create custom kubernetes configuration files
    9. Create OpenShift project
    10. Create persistent volume
    11. Create persistent volume claims
    12. Create Service Context Constraint
    13. Add helm repositories
    14. Deploy Senzing RPM
    15. Install IBM Db2 Driver
    16. Install RabbitMQ Helm chart
    17. Install senzing-mock-data-generator Helm chart
    18. Install senzing-base Helm chart
    19. Install Senzing license
    20. Get Senzing schema sql for Db2
    21. Create Senzing schema on Db2
    22. Database tuning
    23. Install senzing-init-container Helm chart
    24. Install senzing-configurator Helm Chart
    25. Install senzing-stream-loader Helm chart
    26. Install senzing-redoer Helm chart
    27. Install senzing-api-server Helm chart
    28. Install senzing-entity-search-web-app Helm chart
    29. View data
  4. Troubleshooting
    1. Install senzing-debug Helm chart
    2. Support
  5. Cleanup
    1. Delete everything in project
    2. Delete git repository


  1. 🤔 - A "thinker" icon means that a little extra thinking may be required. Perhaps you'll need to make some choices. Perhaps it's an optional step.
  2. ✏️ - A "pencil" icon means that the instructions may need modification before performing.
  3. ⚠️ - A "warning" icon means that something tricky is happening, so pay attention.



Budget 4 hours to get the demonstration up-and-running, depending on CPU and network speeds.

Background knowledge

This repository assumes a working knowledge of:

  1. Docker
  2. Kubernetes
  3. OpenShift
  4. Helm


IBM Cloud Pak for Data

  1. See Installing IBM Cloud Pak for Data.

Hardware Requirements

  1. Minimum CPU: 4
  2. Minimum Memory: 16 GB
  3. Minimum Storage: 200Gi
  4. Number of Pods/Replicas: 20
  5. More details in System Requirements.

Software Requirements

  1. Third party Software requirements:
    1. IBM Db2
    2. RabbitMQ

Security Requirements

  1. Permission requirements:
    1. root permission for init containers
    2. non-root for all other containers

Clone repository

The Git repository has files that will be used in the helm install --values parameter.

  1. Using these environment variable values:

    export GIT_ACCOUNT=senzing
    export GIT_REPOSITORY=ibm-openshift-guide
    export GIT_ACCOUNT_DIR=~/${GIT_ACCOUNT}.git
  2. Follow steps in clone-repository to install the Git repository.


The following instructions assume that a database has been created for use by Senzing. The database connection information will be needed for the "Database connection information" step below.


Log into OpenShift

  1. ✏️ Set environment variables. Note: Setting OC_PASSWORD as an environment variable is not a best practice. The example is meant to highlight the variables used in the oc login command. Example:

    export OC_USERNAME=my-username
    export OC_PASSWORD=my-password
    export OC_URL=https://xxxx:8443
  2. Login. Example:

    oc login -u ${OC_USERNAME} -p ${OC_PASSWORD} ${OC_URL}


To use the Senzing code, you must agree to the End User License Agreement (EULA).

  1. ⚠️ This step is intentionally tricky and not simply copy/paste. This ensures that you make a conscious effort to accept the EULA. See SENZING_ACCEPT_EULA for the correct value. Replace the double-quote character in the example with the correct value. The use of the double-quote character is intentional to prevent simple copy/paste. Example:


Environment variables

  1. Set environment variables listed in "Clone repository".

  2. ✏️ Environment variables that need customization. Example:

    export DEMO_PREFIX=my
    export DEMO_NAMESPACE=zen
  3. 🤔 Optional: If using Transport Layer Security (TLS), then set the following environment variable:

    export HELM_TLS="--tls"

Security context

  1. FIXME: Find acceptable UIDs for system. Example:

    oc ................
  2. ✏️ Environment variables for securityContext values. See Managing Security Context Constraints to determine the correct values. Example:

    export SENZING_RUN_AS_USER=1001
    export SENZING_RUN_AS_GROUP=1001
    export SENZING_FS_GROUP=1001

Persistent volume storage

  1. ✏️ Environment variable for Persistent Volume spec.nfs.path value. Example:

    export NFS_PATH=/disk2/nfspv
  2. ✏️ Environment variable for Persistent Volume spec.nfs.server value. Example:

    export NFS_SERVER=bsr-openshift-nfs-0
  3. ✏️ Environment variables for Persistent Volume Claim spec.storageClassName values. Example:


Database connection information


    ✏️ Set environment variables. Example:

    export DATABASE_USERNAME=johnsmith
    export DATABASE_PASSWORD=secret
    export DATABASE_PORT=50000

    Construct database URL. Example:


Create custom helm values files

🤔 In this step, Helm template files are populated with actual values. There are two methods of accomplishing this. Only one method needs to be performed.

  1. Method #1: Quick method using envsubst. Example:

    export HELM_VALUES_DIR=${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR}/helm-values
    mkdir -p ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}
    for file in ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR}/helm-values-templates/*.yaml; \
    do \
      envsubst < "${file}" > "${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/$(basename ${file})";
  2. Method #2: Copy and manually modify files method. Example:

    export HELM_VALUES_DIR=${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR}/helm-values
    mkdir -p ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}
    cp ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR}/helm-values-templates/* ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}

    ✏️ Edit files in ${HELM_VALUES_DIR} replacing the following variables with actual values.

    1. ${DEMO_PREFIX}

Create custom kubernetes configuration files

🤔 In this step, Kubernetes template files are populated with actual values. There are two methods of accomplishing this. Only one method needs to be performed.

  1. Method #1: Quick method using envsubst. Example:

    export KUBERNETES_DIR=${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR}/kubernetes
    mkdir -p ${KUBERNETES_DIR}
    for file in ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR}/kubernetes-templates/*; \
    do \
      envsubst < "${file}" > "${KUBERNETES_DIR}/$(basename ${file})";
  2. Method #2: Copy and manually modify files method. Example:

    export KUBERNETES_DIR=${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR}/kubernetes
    mkdir -p ${KUBERNETES_DIR}
    cp ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR}/kubernetes-templates/* ${KUBERNETES_DIR}

    ✏️ Edit files in ${KUBERNETES_DIR} replacing the following variables with actual values.


Create OpenShift project

  1. ✏️ Set environment variables. Example:

    export OC_DESCRIPTION="My description..."
    export OC_DISPLAY_NAME="My project"
  2. Create project. Example:

    oc new-project ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --description=${OC_DESCRIPTION} \

Create persistent volume

🤔 To create persistent volume claims (PVC) below, a persistent volume (PV) or storage class must first exist. If a persistent volume or a storage class already exists, proceed to Create persistent volume claims.

There are many ways of creating a Persistent Volume. The following is an example of creating an NFS type Persistent Volume that can be referred to in a PVC by spec.volumeName.

  1. ✏️ Review and modify, as needed, the contents of:

    1. ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-rabbitmq.yaml
    2. ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-senzing.yaml
  2. If needed, create persistent volumes. Example:

    oc create -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-rabbitmq.yaml
    oc create -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-senzing.yaml
  3. 🤔 Optional: Review persistent volumes and claims. Example:

    oc get persistentvolumes \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE}

Create persistent volume claims

🤔 There are multiple ways of creating a persistent volume claim (PVC). The following are examples of how to create a PVC with spec.storageClassName or spec.volumeName. Only one method of creating PVCs is needed.

  1. Method #1 - Create persistent volume claims using spec.storageClassName.

    1. Review and modify, as needed, the following files:

      1. ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-claim-rabbitmq-storageClassName.yaml
      2. ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-claim-senzing-storageClassName.yaml
    2. Create PVCs. Example:

      oc create -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-claim-rabbitmq-storageClassName.yaml
      oc create -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-claim-senzing-storageClassName.yaml
  2. Method #2 - Create persistent volume claims using spec.volumeName.

    1. Review and modify, as needed, the following files:

      1. ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-claim-rabbitmq-volumeName.yaml
      2. ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-claim-senzing-volumeName.yaml
    2. Create PVCs. Example:

      oc create -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-claim-rabbitmq-volumeName.yaml
      oc create -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-claim-senzing-volumeName.yaml
  3. 🤔 Optional: Review persistent volumes and claims. Example:

    oc get persistentvolumeClaims \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE}

Create Service Context Constraint

  1. Create Security Constraint Context. Example:

    oc create -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/security-context-constraint-runasany.yaml
    oc create -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/security-context-constraint-limited.yaml

Add helm repositories

  1. Add Senzing repository. Example:

    helm repo add senzing
  2. Update repositories. Example:

    helm repo update
  3. 🤔 Optional: Review repositories. Example:

    helm repo list
  4. Reference: helm repo

Deploy Senzing RPM

This deployment initializes the Persistent Volume with Senzing code and data.

  1. Add Security Context Constraint. Example:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user \
      senzing-security-context-constraint-runasany \
      -z ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-yum
  2. Install chart. Example:

    helm install ${HELM_TLS} \
      --name ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-yum \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --values ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/senzing-yum.yaml \

Install IBM Db2 Driver

This deployment adds the IBM Db2 Client driver code to the Persistent Volume.

  1. Add Security Context Constraint. Example:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user \
      senzing-security-context-constraint-runasany \
      -z ${DEMO_PREFIX}-ibm-db2-driver-installer
  2. Install chart. Example:

    helm install ${HELM_TLS} \
      --name ${DEMO_PREFIX}-ibm-db2-driver-installer \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --values ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/ibm-db2-driver-installer.yaml \

Install RabbitMQ Helm chart

This deployment creates a RabbitMQ service.

  1. Add Security Context Constraint. Example:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user \
      senzing-security-context-constraint-runasany \
      -z ${DEMO_PREFIX}-rabbitmq
  2. Install chart. Example:

    helm install ${HELM_TLS} \
      --name ${DEMO_PREFIX}-rabbitmq \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --values ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/rabbitmq.yaml \
  3. Wait for pods to run. Example:

    oc get pods \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
  4. 🤔 Optional: To view RabbitMQ, see View RabbitMQ

Install senzing-mock-data-generator Helm chart

The mock data generator pulls JSON lines from a file and pushes them to RabbitMQ.

  1. Add Security Context Constraint. Example:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user \
      senzing-security-context-constraint-limited \
      -z ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-mock-data-generator
  2. Install chart. Example:

    helm install ${HELM_TLS} \
      --name ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-mock-data-generator \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --values ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/senzing-mock-data-generator-rabbitmq.yaml \

Install senzing-base Helm Chart

This deployment provides a pod that is used to copy files to and from the Persistent Volume in later steps.

  1. Add Security Context Constraint. Example:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user \
      senzing-security-context-constraint-runasany \
      -z ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-base
  2. Install chart. Example:

    helm install ${HELM_TLS} \
      --name ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-base \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --values ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/senzing-base.yaml \
  3. Find pod name. Example:

    export SENZING_BASE_POD_NAME=$(oc get pods \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --output jsonpath="{.items[0]}" \
      --selector ", \
        ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-base" \
  4. Wait for pods to run. Example:

    oc get pods \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \

Install Senzing license

🤔 Optional: Senzing for IBM Cloud Pak for Data comes with a trial license that supports one million records. If this is sufficient, there is no need to install a new license and this step may be skipped.

  1. If working with more than one million records, obtain a Senzing license.

  2. Be sure the senzing-base Helm Chart has been installed and is running. See "Install senzing-base Helm Chart".

  3. Copy the g2.lic file to the senzing-debug pod at /opt/senzing/g2/data/g2.lic.

    ✏️ Identify location of g2.lic on local workstation. Example:

    export G2_LICENSE_PATH=/path/to/local/g2.lic

    Copy file to debug pod. Example:

    oc cp \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      ${G2_LICENSE_PATH} \
  4. Note: /etc/opt/senzing is attached as a Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim (PVC), so the license will be seen by all pods that attach to the PVC.

Get Senzing schema sql for Db2

The step copies the SQL file used to create the Senzing database schema onto the local workstation.

  1. Be sure the senzing-base Helm Chart has been installed and is runnning. See "Install senzing-base Helm Chart".

  2. Copy the /opt/senzing/g2/resources/schema/g2core-schema-db2-create.sql file from the senzing-base pod.

    ✏️ Identify location to place g2core-schema-db2-create.sql on local workstation. Example:

    export SENZING_LOCAL_SQL_PATH=/path/to/local/g2core-schema-db2-create.sql

    Copy file from pod to local workstation. Example:

    oc cp \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      ${DEMO_NAMESPACE}/${SENZING_BASE_POD_NAME}:/opt/senzing/senzing-g2/resources/schema/g2core-schema-db2-create.sql \

Create Senzing schema on Db2

  1. ✏️ Copy g2core-schema-db2-create.sql to a system that can access the database created for Senzing. Use an appropriate hostname or IP address. Example:

  2. If needed, create a database for Senzing data. Example:

    su - db2inst1
    export DB2_DATABASE=G2
    source sqllib/db2profile
    db2 create database ${DB2_DATABASE} using codeset utf-8 territory us
  3. Connect to DB2_DATABASE. Example:

    su - db2inst1
    export DB2_DATABASE=G2
    export DB2_USER=db2inst1
    source sqllib/db2profile
    db2 connect to ${DB2_DATABASE} user ${DB2_USER}

    When requested, supply password.

  4. Create tables in schema. Example:

    db2 -tvf g2core-schema-db2-create.sql
    db2 terminate

Database tuning

🤔 Optional: Database tuning may be performed later.

  1. For information on tuning the database for optimum performance, see Tuning your Database.

  2. Additional tuning parameters to try:

    db2set DB2_SKIP_LOG_WAIT=YES
    db2set DB2_APM_PERFORMANCE=off
  3. Additional tuning parameters to try:

    export DB2_DATABASE=G2
    export DB2_USER=db2inst1
    db2 connect to ${DB2_DATABASE} user ${DB2_USER}
    db2 commit
    db2 terminate

Install senzing-init-container Helm chart

The init-container creates files from templates and initializes the G2 database.

  1. Add Security Context Constraint. Example:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user \
      senzing-security-context-constraint-runasany \
      -z ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-init-container
  2. Install chart. Example:

    helm install ${HELM_TLS} \
      --name ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-init-container \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --values ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/senzing-init-container.yaml \
  3. Wait for pods to run. Example:

    oc get pods \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \

Install senzing-configurator Helm chart

The Senzing Configurator is a micro-service for changing Senzing configuration.

  1. Add Security Context Constraint. Example:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user \
      senzing-security-context-constraint-limited \
      -z ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-configurator
  2. Install chart. Example:

    helm install ${HELM_TLS} \
      --name ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-configurator \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --values ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/senzing-configurator.yaml \
  3. 🤔 Optional: To view Senzing Configurator, see View Senzing Configurator.

Install senzing-stream-loader Helm chart

The stream loader pulls messages from RabbitMQ and sends them to Senzing.

  1. Add Security Context Constraint. Example:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user \
      senzing-security-context-constraint-limited \
      -z ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-stream-loader
  2. Install chart. Example:

    helm install ${HELM_TLS} \
      --name ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-stream-loader \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --values ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/senzing-stream-loader-rabbitmq.yaml \

Install senzing-redoer Helm chart

The Senzing Redoer processes Senzing "redo" records.

  1. Add Security Context Constraint. Example:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user \
      senzing-security-context-constraint-limited \
      -z ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-redoer
  2. Install chart. Example:

    helm install ${HELM_TLS} \
      --name ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-redoer \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --values ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/senzing-redoer.yaml \

Install senzing-api-server Helm chart

The Senzing API server receives HTTP requests to read and modify Senzing data.

  1. Add Security Context Constraint. Example:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user \
      senzing-security-context-constraint-limited \
      -z ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-api-server
  2. Install chart. Example:

    helm install ${HELM_TLS} \
      --name ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-api-server \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --values ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/senzing-api-server.yaml \
  3. Wait for pods to run. Example:

    oc get pods \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
  4. 🤔 Optional: To view Senzing API server, see View Senzing API Server.

Install senzing-entity-search-web-app Helm chart

The Senzing Entity Search WebApp is a light-weight WebApp demonstrating Senzing search capabilities.

  1. Add Security Context Constraint. Example:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user \
      senzing-security-context-constraint-limited \
      -z ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-entity-search-web-app
  2. Install chart. Example:

    helm install ${HELM_TLS} \
      --name ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-entity-search-web-app \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --values ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/senzing-entity-search-web-app.yaml \
  3. Wait for pod to run. Example:

    oc get pods \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
  4. 🤔 Optional: To view Senzing Entity Search WebApp, see View Senzing Entity Search WebApp.

View data

  1. Username and password for the following sites are the values seen in the corresponding "values" YAML file located in helm-values-templates.

Update hosts file

The /etc/hosts file needs to be updated with a line like: rabbitmq.local senzing-api.local senzing-configurator.local senzing-entity-search.local

🤔 Instead of, the real IP address needs to be found. There are 2 methods to find the IP address.

  1. Method #1: Ping the "infra node". Example:

    1. Determine the IP address of the OpenShift "infra" node. Example:

      export SENZING_INFRA_NODE=$(oc get nodes \
        --output jsonpath="{.items[0]}" \
        --selector "" \
      ping ${SENZING_INFRA_NODE}
    2. From out output of the ping command, the IP address can be found.

  2. Method #2: Extract the IP Address. Example:

    1. Query the IP address directly. Example:

      export SENZING_INFRA_NODE_IP_ADDRESS=$(oc get nodes \
        --output jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}" \
        --selector "" \
  3. ✏️ Into the /etc/hosts file, append a line like the following example, replacing with the infra node IP address. rabbitmq.local senzing-api.local senzing-configurator.local senzing-entity-search.local

View RabbitMQ

  1. If not already done, update hosts file.
  2. RabbitMQ will be viewable at rabbitmq.local.
    1. Login
      1. See helm-values/rabbitmq.yaml for Username and password.
      2. Default: user/passw0rd (seen in helm-values-templates/rabbitmq.yaml)

View Senzing Configurator

  1. If not already done, update hosts file.

  2. Senzing Configurator will be viewable at senzing-configurator.local/datasources.

  3. Make HTTP calls via curl. Example:

    export SENZING_CONFIGURATOR_SERVICE=http://senzing-configurator.local
    curl -X POST \
      --data '[ "TEST", "TEST1", "TEST2", "TEST3"]' \
      --header 'Content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \

View Senzing API Server

  1. If not already done, update hosts file.
  2. View results from Senzing REST API server. The server supports the Senzing API Server.
    1. From a web browser. Examples:

      1. senzing-api.local/heartbeat
      2. senzing-api.local/license
      3. senzing-api.local/entities/1
    2. From curl. Examples:

      export SENZING_API_SERVICE=http://senzing-api.local
      curl -X GET ${SENZING_API_SERVICE}/heartbeat
      curl -X GET ${SENZING_API_SERVICE}/license
      curl -X GET ${SENZING_API_SERVICE}/entities/1
    3. From OpenApi "Swagger" editor.

View Senzing Entity Search WebApp

  1. If not already done, update hosts file.
  2. Senzing Entity Search WebApp will be viewable at senzing-entity-search.local. The demonstration instructions will give a tour of the Senzing web app.


Install senzing-debug Helm chart

This deployment provides a pod that can be used to view Persistent Volumes and run Senzing utility programs.

  1. Add Security Context Constraint. Example:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user \
      senzing-security-context-constraint-runasany \
      -z ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-debug
  2. Install chart. Example:

    helm install ${HELM_TLS} \
      --name ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-debug \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --values ${HELM_VALUES_DIR}/senzing-debug.yaml \
  3. Wait for pod to run. Example:

    oc get pods \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
  4. Find pod name. Example:

    export SENZING_DEBUG_POD_NAME=$(oc get pods \
      --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} \
      --output jsonpath="{.items[0]}" \
      --selector ", \
        ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-debug" \
  5. Log into debug pod. Example:

    oc exec -it --namespace ${DEMO_NAMESPACE} ${SENZING_DEBUG_POD_NAME} -- /bin/bash


Additional information:

  1. Helm Charts
  2. Docker images on Docker Hub
  3. Dockerfiles

If the instructions don't address an issue you are seeing, please "submit a request" so we can help you.

  1. Submit a request
  2. Email:
  3. Report an issue on GitHub

This repository is a community project. Feel free to submit a Pull Request for change.


Delete everything in project

  1. Example:

    helm delete ${HELM_TLS} --purge ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-entity-search-web-app
    helm delete ${HELM_TLS} --purge ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-api-server
    helm delete ${HELM_TLS} --purge ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-redoer
    helm delete ${HELM_TLS} --purge ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-stream-loader
    helm delete ${HELM_TLS} --purge ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-configurator
    helm delete ${HELM_TLS} --purge ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-init-container
    helm delete ${HELM_TLS} --purge ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-base
    helm delete ${HELM_TLS} --purge ${DEMO_PREFIX}-ibm-db2-driver-installer
    helm delete ${HELM_TLS} --purge ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-yum
    helm delete ${HELM_TLS} --purge ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-mock-data-generator
    helm delete ${HELM_TLS} --purge ${DEMO_PREFIX}-rabbitmq
    helm delete ${HELM_TLS} --purge ${DEMO_PREFIX}-senzing-debug
    helm repo remove senzing
    oc delete ${HELM_TLS} -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/security-context-constraint-limited.yaml
    oc delete ${HELM_TLS} -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/security-context-constraint-runasany.yaml
    oc delete ${HELM_TLS} -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-claim-senzing.yaml
    oc delete ${HELM_TLS} -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-claim-rabbitmq.yaml
    oc delete ${HELM_TLS} -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-senzing.yaml
    oc delete ${HELM_TLS} -f ${KUBERNETES_DIR}/persistent-volume-rabbitmq.yaml

Delete git repository

  1. Delete git repository. Example:

    sudo rm -rf ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR}