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AceTime Library User Guide

See the for introductory background.

Version: 0.5.2 (2019-07-29, TZ DB version 2019a, beta)


The latest stable release is available in the Arduino IDE Library Manager since version 0.3.1. Search for "AceTime". Click Install.

The development version can be installed by cloning the GitHub repository, checking out the develop branch, then manually copying over the contents to the ./libraries directory used by the Arduino IDE. (The result is a directory named ./libraries/AceTime.) The master branch contains the stable release.

Source Code

The source files are organized as follows:

  • src/AceTime.h - main header file
  • src/ace_time/ - date and time classes (ace_time::)
  • src/ace_time/common/ - shared classes and utilities (ace_time::common, ace_time::logging)
  • src/ace_time/internal/ - internal classes (ace_time::basic, ace_time::extended)
  • src/ace_time/hw/ - thin hardware abstraction layer (ace_time::hw)
  • src/ace_time/clock/ - system clock from RTC or NTP sources (ace_time::clock)
  • src/ace_time/testing/ - files used in unit tests (ace_time::testing)
  • src/ace_time/zonedb/ - files generated from TZ Database for BasicZoneProcessor (ace_time::zonedb)
  • src/ace_time/zonedbx/ - files generated from TZ Database for ExtendedZoneProcessor (ace_time::zonedbx)
  • tests/ - unit tests using AUnit
  • tests/validation - integration tests using AUnit which must be run on desktop Linux or MacOS machines using UnixHostDuino
  • examples/ - example programs
  • tools/ - parser for the TZ Database files, code generators for zonedb:: and zonedbx:: zone files, and code generators for various unit tests


The vast majority of the AceTime library has no dependency to any other external libraries. There is an optional dependency to AceRoutine if you want to use the SystemClockSyncCoroutine class for automatic syncing. (This is recommended but not strictly necessary). The ace_time/hw/CrcEeprom.h class has a dependency to the FastCRC library but the CrcEeprom.h file is not included in the AceTime.h main header file, so you should not need FastCRC to compile AceTime. (The CrcEeprom.h header file does not strictly belong in the AceTime library but many of my "clock" projects that use the AceTime library also use the CrcEeprom class, so this is a convenient place to keep it.)

Various programs in the examples/ directory have one or more of the following external dependencies. The comment section near the top of the *.ino file will usually have more precise dependency information:

Various scripts in the tools/ directory depend on:

If you want to run the unit tests or some of the command line examples using a Linux or MacOS machine, you need:

Doxygen Docs

The docs/ directory contains the Doxygen docs on GitHub Pages. This may be useful to navigate the various classes in this library and to lookup the signatures of the methods in those classes.


The following programs are provided in the examples/ directory:

Motivation and Design Considerations

In the beginning, I created a digital clock using an Arduino Nano board, a small OLED display, and a DS3231 RTC chip. Everything worked, it was great. Then I wanted the clock to figure out the Daylight Saving Time (DST) automatically. And I wanted to create a clock that could display multiple timezones. Thus began my journey down the rabbit hole of timezones.

In full-featured operating systems (e.g. Linux, MacOS, Windows) and languages with timezone library support (e.g. Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, Go), the user has the ability to specify the Daylight Saving time (DST) transitions using 2 ways:

  • POSIX format which encodes the DST transitions into a string (e.g. EST+5EDT,M3.2.0/2,M11.1.0/2) that can be parsed programmatically, or
  • a reference to a TZ Database entry (e.g. America/Los_Angeles or Europe/London) which identifies a set of time transition rules for the given timezone.

The problem with the POSIX format is that it is somewhat difficult for a human to understand, and the programmer must manually update this string when a timezone changes its DST transition rules. Also, there is no historical information in the POSIX string, so date and time written in the past cannot be accurately expressed. The problem with the TZ Database is that most implementations are too large to fit inside most Arduino environments. The Arduino libraries that I am aware of use the POSIX format (e.g. ropg/ezTime or JChristensen/Timezone) for simplicity and smaller memory footprint.

The AceTime library uses the TZ Database. When new versions of the database are released (several times a year), I can regenerate the zone files, recompile the application, and it will instantly use the new transition rules, without the developer needing to create a new POSIX string. To address the memory constraint problem, the AceTime library is designed to load only of the smallest subset of the TZ Database that is required to support the selected timezones (1 to 3 have fully been tested). Dynamic lookup of the time zone is possible using the ZoneManager, and the app develop can customize it with the list of zones that are compiled into the app. On microcontrollers with more than about 32kB of flash memory (e.g. ESP8266, ESP32, Teensy 3.2) and depending on the size of the rest of the application, it may be possible to load the entire IANA TZ database. This will allow the end-user to select the timezone dynamically, just like on the big-iron machines.

The AceTime library is inspired by and borrows from:

The names and API of AceTime classes are heavily borrowed from the Java JDK 11 java.time package. Some important differences come from the fact that in Java, most objects are reference objects and created on the heap. To allow AceTime to work on an Arduino chip with only 2kB of RAM and 32kB of flash, the AceTime C++ classes perform no heap allocations (i.e. no calls to operator new() or malloc()). Many of the smaller classes in the library are expected to be used as "value objects", in other words, created on the stack and copied by value. Fortunately, the C++ compilers are extremely good at optimizing away unnecessary copies of these small objects. It is not possible to remove all complex memory allocations when dealing with the TZ Database. In the AceTime library, I managed to move most of the complex memory handling logic into the ZoneProcessor class hierarchy. These are relatively large objects which are meant to be opaque objects to the application developer, created statically at start-up time of the application, and never deleted during the lifetime of the application.

The Arduino Time Library uses a set of C functions similar to the traditional C/Unix library methods (e.g makeTime() and breaktime()). It also uses the Unix epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z and a int32_t type as its time_t to track the number of seconds since the epoch. That means that the largest date it can handle is 2038-01-19T03:14:07Z. AceTime uses an epoch that starts on 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z using the same int32_t as its ace_time::acetime_t, which means that maximum date increases to 2068-01-19T03:14:07Z. AceTime is also quite a bit faster than the Arduino Time Library (although in most cases, performance of the Time Library is not an issue): AceTime is 2-5X faster on an ATmega328P, 3-5X faster on the ESP8266, 7-8X faster on the ESP32, and 7-8X faster on the Teensy ARM processor.

AceTime aims to be the smallest library that can run on the basic Arduino platform (e.g. Nano with 32kB flash and 2kB of RAM) that fully supports all timezones in the TZ Database at compile-time. Memory constraints of the smallest Arduino boards may limit the number of timezones supported by a single program at runtime to 1-3 timezones. The library also aims to be as portable as possible, and supports AVR microcontrollers, as well as ESP8266, ESP32 and Teensy microcontrollers.

Headers and Namespaces

Only a single header file AceTime.h is required to use this library. To prevent name clashes with other libraries that the calling code may use, all classes are separated into a number of namespaces. They are related in the following way, where the arrow means "depends on":

ace_time::clock     ace_time::testing
      |       \        /
      |        v      v
      |        ace_time
      |         |\     \
      |         | \     v
      |         |  \    ace_time::zonedb
      |         |   \   ace_time::zonedbx
      |         |    \     |
      v         |     v    v
ace_time::hw    |     ace_time::basic
          \     |     ace_time::extended
           \    |     /
            \   |    /
             v  v   v

To use the classes without prepending the namespace prefixes, use one or more of the following using directives:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
using namespace ace_time::clock;
using namespace ace_time::common;

Date and Time Classes

Epoch Seconds Typedef

One of the fundamental types in AceTime is the acetime_t defined as:

namespace ace_time {

typedef int32_t acetime_t;


This represents the number of seconds since the Epoch. In AceTime, the Epoch is defined to be 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC time. In contrast, the Unix Epoch is defined to be 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. Since acetime_t is a 32-bit signed integer, the largest value is 2,147,483,647. Therefore, the largest date that can be represented in this library is 2068-01-19T03:14:07 UTC.

LocalDate and LocalTime

The LocalDate and LocalTime represent date and time components, without reference to a particular time zone. They are not expected to be commonly used by the end-users, but they are available if needed. The significant parts of the class definitions are:

namespace ace_time {

class LocalTime {
    static const acetime_t kInvalidSeconds = INT32_MIN;

    static LocalTime forComponents(uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute,
            uint8_t second);
    static LocalTime forSeconds(acetime_t seconds);

    bool isError() const;

    uint8_t hour() const;
    void hour(uint8_t hour);

    uint8_t minute() const;
    void minute(uint8_t month);

    uint8_t second() const;
    void second(uint8_t second);

    acetime_t toSeconds() const;

    int8_t compareTo(const LocalTime& that) const;
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;

class LocalDate {
    static const int16_t kEpochYear = 2000;
    static const acetime_t kInvalidEpochDays = INT32_MIN;
    static const acetime_t kInvalidEpochSeconds = LocalTime::kInvalidSeconds;
    static const acetime_t kSecondsSinceUnixEpoch = 946684800;

    static const uint8_t kMonday = 1;
    static const uint8_t kTuesday = 2;
    static const uint8_t kWednesday = 3;
    static const uint8_t kThursday = 4;
    static const uint8_t kFriday = 5;
    static const uint8_t kSaturday = 6;
    static const uint8_t kSunday = 7;

    static LocalDate forComponents(int16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day);
    static LocalDate forEpochDays(acetime_t epochDays);
    static LocalDate forUnixDays(acetime_t unixDays);
    static LocalDate forEpochSeconds(acetime_t epochSeconds);
    static LocalDate forUnixSeconds(acetime_t unixSeconds);

    int16_t year() const;
    void year(int16_t year);

    uint8_t month() const;
    void month(uint8_t month);

    uint8_t day() const;
    void day(uint8_t day);

    uint8_t dayOfWeek() const;
    bool isError() const;

    acetime_t toEpochDays() const {
    acetime_t toUnixDays() const {
    acetime_t toEpochSeconds() const {
    acetime_t toUnixSeconds() const {

    int8_t compareTo(const LocalDate& that) const {
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;


You can use them like this:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;

// LocalDate that represents 2019-05-20
auto localDate = LocalDate::forComponents(2019, 5, 20);

// LocalTime that represents 13:00:00
auto localTime = LocalTime::forComponents(13, 0, 0);

You can ask the LocalDate to determine its day of the week, which returns an integer where 1=Monday and 7=Sunday per ISO 8601:

uint8_t dayOfWeek = localDate.dayOfWeek();

Date Strings

To convert the dayOfweek() numerical code to a human-readable string for debugging or display, we can use the DateStrings class:

namespace ace_time {

class DateStrings {
    static const uint8_t kBufferSize = 10;
    static const uint8_t kShortNameLength = 3;

    const char* monthLongString(uint8_t month);
    const char* monthShortString(uint8_t month);

    const char* dayOfWeekLongString(uint8_t dayOfWeek);
    const char* dayOfWeekShortString(uint8_t dayOfWeek);


The DateStrings object uses an internal buffer to hold the generated human-readable strings. That makes this class stateful, which means that we need to handle its lifecycle carefully. The recommended usage of this object is to create an instance the stack, call one of the dayOfWeek*String() or month*String() methods, copy the resulting string somewhere else (e.g. print it to Serial), then allow the DateStrings object to go out of scope and reclaimed from the stack. The class is not meant to be created and persisted for a long period of time, unless you are sure that nothing else will reuse the internal buffer between calls.

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;

auto localDate = LocalDate::forComponents(2019, 5, 20);
uint8_t dayOfWeek = localDate.dayOfWeek();

The dayOfWeekShortString() method returns the first 3 characters of the week day (i.e. "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun").

Similarly the LocalDate::month() method returns an integer code where 1=January and 12=December. This integer code can be translated into English strings using DateStrings().monthLongString():

uint8_t month = localDate.month();

The monthShortString() method returns the first 3 characters of the month (i.e. "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec").

Caveat: The DateStrings class supports only the English language. If you need to convert to another language, you need to write the conversion class yourself, possibly by copying the implementation details of the DateStrings class.


A LocalDateTime object holds both the date and time components (year, month, day, hour, minute, second). Internally, it is implemented as a combination of LocalDate and LocalTime and supports essentially all operations on those classes. It does not support the notion of timezone.

namespace ace_time {

class LocalDateTime {
    static LocalDateTime forComponents(int16_t year, uint8_t month,
        uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second);
    static LocalDateTime forEpochSeconds(acetime_t epochSeconds);
    static LocalDateTime forUnixSeconds(acetime_t unixSeconds);
    static LocalDateTime forDateString(const char* dateString);

    bool isError() const;

    int16_t year() const; // 1872 - 2127
    void year(int16_t year);

    uint8_t month() const; // 1 - 12
    void month(uint8_t month);

    uint8_t day() const; // 1 - 31
    void day(uint8_t day);

    uint8_t hour() const; // 0 - 23
    void hour(uint8_t hour);

    uint8_t minute() const; // 0 - 59
    void minute(uint8_t minute);

    uint8_t second() const; // 0 - 59 (no leap seconds)
    void second(uint8_t second);

    uint8_t dayOfWeek() const; // 1=Monday, 7=Sunday

    const LocalDate& localDate() const;
    const LocalTime& localTime() const;

    acetime_t toEpochDays() const;
    acetime_t toUnixDays() const;
    acetime_t toEpochSeconds() const;
    acetime_t toUnixSeconds() const;

    int8_t compareTo(const LocalDateTime& that) const;
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;


Here is a sample code that extracts the number of seconds since AceTime Epoch (2000-01-01T00:00:00Z) using the toEpochSeconds() method:

// 2018-08-30T06:45:01-08:00
auto localDateTime = LocalDateTime::forComponents(2018, 8, 30, 6, 45, 1);
acetime_t epoch_seconds = localDateTime.toEpochSeconds();

We can go the other way and create a LocalDateTime from the Epoch Seconds:

auto localDateTime = LocalDateTime::forEpochSeconds(1514764800L);
localDateTime.printTo(Serial); // prints "2018-01-01T00:00:00"

Both printTo() and forDateString() are expected to be used only for debugging. The printTo() prints a human-readable representation of the date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss) to the given Print object. The most common Print object is the Serial object which prints on the serial port. The forDateString() parses the ISO 8601 formatted string and returns the LocalDateTime object.


The TimePeriod class can be used to represents a difference between two XxxDateTime objects, if the difference is not too large. Internally, it is implemented as 3 unsigned uint8_t integers representing the hour, minute and seconds. There is a 4th signed int8_t integer that holds the sign (-1 or +1) of the time period. The largest (or smallest) time period that can be represented by this class is +/- 255h59m59s, corresponding to +/- 921599 seconds.

namespace ace_time {

class TimePeriod {
    explicit TimePeriod(uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second,
            int8_t sign = 1);
    explicit TimePeriod(int32_t seconds = 0);

    uint8_t hour() const;
    void hour(uint8_t hour);

    uint8_t minute() const;
    void minute(uint8_t minute);

    uint8_t second() const;
    void second(uint8_t second);

    int8_t sign() const;
    void sign(int8_t sign);

    int32_t toSeconds() const;

    int8_t compareTo(const TimePeriod& that) const;
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;


This class was created to show the difference between 2 dates in a human-readable format, broken down by hours, minutes and seconds. For example, we can print out a countdown to a target LocalDateTime from the current LocalDateTime like this:

LocalDateTime current = ...;
LocalDateTime target = ...;
acetime_t diffSeconds = target.toEpochSeconds() - current.toEpochSeconds();
TimePeriod timePeriod(diffSeconds);


A TimeOffset class represents an amount of time shift from a reference point. Often the reference is the UTC time and this class represents the amount of time shift from UTC. Currently (year 2019) every time zone in the world is shifted from UTC by a multiple of 15 minutes (e.g. -03:30 or +01:00). TimeOffset is a thin wrapper around a single int8_t type which can encode integers from [-128, 127]. Internally -128 is used to indicate an error condition, so we can represent a UTC shift of from -31:45 to +31:45 hours, which is more than enough to encode all UTC offsets currently in use in the world.

namespace ace_time {

class TimeOffset {
    static TimeOffset forHour(int8_t hour);
    static TimeOffset forHourMinute(int8_t hour, int8_t minute);
    static TimeOffset forMinutes(int16_t minutes);

    int16_t toMinutes() const;
    int32_t toSeconds() const;
    void toHourMinute(int8_t& hour, int8_t& minute) const;

    bool isZero() const;
    bool isError() const;
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;


A TimeOffset can be created using the factory methods:

auto offset = TimeOffset::forHour(-8); // -08:00
auto offset = TimeOffset::forHourMinute(-2, -30); // -02:30
auto offset = TimeOffset::forMinutes(135); // +02:15

If the time offset is negative, then both the hour and minute components of forHourMinute() must be negative. (The duplication of the negative sign allows the creation of UTC-00:15, UTC-00:30 and UTC-00:45.)

A TimeOffset instance can be converted into different formats:

int32_t seconds = offset.toSeconds();
int16_t minutes = offset.toMinutes();

int8_t hour;
int8_t minute;
offset.toHourMinute(&hour, &minute);

When a method in some class (e.g. OffsetDateTime or ZonedDateTime below) returns a TimeOffset, it is useful to indicate an error condition by returning the special value created by the factory method TimeOffset::forError(). This special error marker has the property that TimeOffset::isError() returns true. Internally, this is an instance whose internal integer code is -128.

The convenience method TimeOffset::isZero() returns true if the offset has a zero offset. This is often used to determine if a timezone is currently observing Daylight Saving Time (DST).


An OffsetDateTime is an object that can represent a LocalDateTime which is offset from the UTC time zone by a fixed amount. Internally the OffsetDateTime is a aggregation of LocalDateTime and TimeOffset. Use this class for creating and writing timestamps for events which are destined for logging for example. This class does not know about Daylight Saving Time transitions.

namespace ace_time {

class OffsetDateTime {
    static OffsetDateTime forComponents(int16_t year, uint8_t month,
        uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second,
        TimeOffset timeOffset);
    static OffsetDateTime forEpochSeconds(acetime_t epochSeconds,
        TimeOffset timeOffset);
    static OffsetDateTime forUnixSeconds(acetime_t unixSeconds,
        TimeOffset timeOffset);
    static OffsetDateTime forDateString(const char* dateString);

    bool isError() const;

    int16_t year() const;
    void year(int16_t year);

    uint8_t month() const;
    void month(uint8_t month);

    uint8_t day() const;
    void day(uint8_t day);

    uint8_t hour() const;
    void hour(uint8_t hour);

    uint8_t minute() const;
    void minute(uint8_t minute);

    uint8_t second() const;
    void second(uint8_t second);

    uint8_t dayOfWeek() const;
    const LocalDate& localDate() const;

    const LocalTime& localTime() const;
    TimeOffset timeOffset() const;

    void timeOffset(TimeOffset timeOffset);
    OffsetDateTime convertToTimeOffset(TimeOffset timeOffset) const;

    acetime_t toEpochDays() const;
    acetime_t toUnixDays() const;
    acetime_t toEpochSeconds() const;
    acetime_t toUnixSeconds() const;

    int8_t compareTo(const OffsetDateTime& that) const;
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;


We can create the object using the forComponents() method:

// 2018-01-01 00:00:00+00:15
auto offsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime::forComponents(
    2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeOffset::forHourMinute(0, 15));
acetime_t epochDays = offsetDateTime.toEpochDays();
acetime_t epochSeconds = offsetDateTime.toEpochSeconds();

offsetDateTime.printTo(Serial); // prints "2018-01-01 00:00:00+00:15"
Serial.println(epochDays); // prints 6574
Serial.println(epochSeconds); // prints 568079100

We can create an OffsetDateTime object from the seconds from Epoch using the forEpochSeconds() method:

auto offsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime::forEpochSeconds(
    568079100, TimeOffset::forHourMinute(0, 15));

Both printTo() and forDateString() are expected to be used only for debugging. The printTo() prints a human-readable representation of the date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+/-hh:mm) to the given Print object. The most common Print object is the Serial object which prints on the serial port. The forDateString() parses the ISO 8601 formatted string and returns the OffsetDateTime object.


A "time zone" is often used colloquially to mean 2 different things:

  • A time which is offset from the UTC time by a fixed amount, or
  • A physical (or conceptual) region whose local time is offset from the UTC time using various transition rules.

Both meanings of "time zone" are supported by the TimeZone class using 5 different types as follows:

  • TimeZone::kTypeManual: a fixed base offset and optional DST offset from UTC
  • TimeZone::kTypeBasic: utilizes a BasicZoneProcessor which can be encoded with (relatively) simple rules from the TZ Database
  • TimeZone::kTypeExtended: utilizes a ExtendedZoneProcessor which can handle all zones in the TZ Database
  • TimeZone::kTypeBasicManaged: same as kTypeBasic but the BasicZoneProcessor' is managed by the ZoneManager
  • TimeZone::kTypeExtendedManaged: same as kTypeExtended but the ExtendedZoneProcessor' is managed by the ZoneManager

The class hierarchy of TimeZone is shown below, where the arrow means "is-subclass-of" and the diamond-line means "is-aggregation-of". This is an internal implementation detail of the TimeZone class that the application develper will not normally need to be aware of all the time, but maybe this helps make better sense of the usage of the TimeZone class. A TimeZone can hold a reference to:

  • nothing (kTypeManual),
  • one ZoneProcessor object, (kTypeBasic or kTypeExtended) class, or
  • one ZoneProcessorCache object (kTypeBasicManaged or kTypeExtendedManaged).
         <>'   0..1                         \   0..1
TimeZone <>-------- ZoneProcessor            ------- ZoneProcessorCache
                          ^                                ^
                          |                                |
                    .---- +----.                     .---- +----.
                   |           |                     |           |
              BasicZone        ExtendedZone       BasicZone     ExtendedZone
              Processor        Processor     ProcessorCache     ZoneProcessor

Here is the class declaration of TimeZone:

namespace ace_time {

class TimeZone {
    static const uint8_t kTypeError = 0;
    static const uint8_t kTypeManual = 1;
    static const uint8_t kTypeBasic = ZoneProcessor::kTypeBasic;
    static const uint8_t kTypeExtended = ZoneProcessor::kTypeExtended;
    static const uint8_t kTypeBasicManaged = ZoneProcessorCache::kTypeExtended;
    static const uint8_t kTypeExtendedManaged =

    static TimeZone forTimeOffset(TimeOffset stdOffset,
        TimeOffset dstOffset = TimeOffset());
    static TimeZone forZoneInfo(const basic::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo,
        BasicZoneProcessor* zoneProcessor);
    static TimeZone forZoneInfo(const extended::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo,
        ExtendedZoneProcessor* zoneProcessor);
    static TimeZone forUtc();

    TimeZone(); // same as forUtc()

    uint8_t getType() const;
    TimeOffset getStdOffset() const;
    TimeOffset getDstOffset() const;
    uint32_t getZoneId() const;

    TimeOffset getUtcOffset(acetime_t epochSeconds) const;
    TimeOffset getDeltaOffset(acetime_t epochSeconds) const;
    TimeOffset getUtcOffsetForDateTime(const LocalDateTime& ldt) const;

    bool isUtc() const;
    bool isDst() const;
    void setDstOffset(TimeOffset offset);

    void printTo(Print& printer) const;
    void printShortTo(Print& printer) const;
    void printAbbrevTo(Print& printer, acetime_t epochSeconds) const;


The getUtcOffset(epochSeconds) returns the total TimeOffset (including any DST offset) at the given epochSeconds. The getDeltaOffset() returns only the additional DST offset; if DST is not in effect at the given epochSeconds, this returns a TimeOffset whose isZero() returns true.

The getUtcOffsetForDateTime(localDateTime) method returns the best guess of the total UTC offset at the given local date time. This method is not normally expected to be used by the app developer directly. The reaon that this is a best guess is because the local date time is sometime ambiguious during a DST transition. For example, if the local clock shifts from 01:00 to 02:00 at the start of summer, then the time of 01:30 does not exist. If the getUtcOffsetForDateTime() method is given a non-existing time, it makes an educated guess at what the user meant. Additionally, when the local time transitions from 02:00 to 01:00 in the autumn, a given local time such as 01:30 occurs twice. If the getUtcOffsetForDateTime() method is given a time of 01:30, it will arbitrarily decide which offset to return.

The isUtc(), isDst() and setDstOffset(TimeOffset) methods are valid only if the TimeZone is a kTypeManual. Otherwise, isUtc() and isDst() return false and setDstOffset() does nothing.

The getZoneId() returns a uint32_t integer which is a unique and stable identifier for the IANA timezone. This can be used to save and restore the TimeZone. See the section on ZoneManager below.

The printTo() prints the fully-qualified unique name for the time zone. For example, "UTC", "-08:00", "-08:00(DST)", "America/Los_Angeles"`.

The printShortTo() is similar to printTo() except that it prints the last component of the IANA TZ Database zone names. In other words, "America/Los_Angeles" is printed as "Los_Angeles". This is helpful for printing on small width OLED displays.

The printAbbrevTo(printer, epochSeconds) method prints the human-readable timezone abbreviation used at the given epochSeconds to the printer. For example, this be "PST" for Pacific Standard Time, or "BST" for British Summer Time.

Manual TimeZone (kTypeManual)

The default constructor creates a TimeZone in UTC time zone with no offset. This is also identical to the forUtc() method:

TimeZone tz; // UTC+00:00
auto tz = TimeZone::forUtc(); // UTC+00:00

To create TimeZone instances with other offsets, use the forTimeOffset() factory method:

auto tz = TimeZone::forTimeOffset(TimeOffset::forHour(-8)); // UTC-08:00
auto tz = TimeZone::forTimeOffset(TimeOffset::forHourMinute(-4, -30)); // UTC-04:30
auto tz = TimeZone::forTimeOffset(
    TimeOffset::forHour(1)); // UTC-08:00+01:00 (effectively -07:00)

The TimeZone::isUtc(), TimeZone::isDst() and TimeZone::setDst(bool) methods work only if the TimeZone is a kTypeManual.

The setDstOffset() takes a TimeOffset as the argument instead of a simple bool because there are some zones (e.g. Europe/Dublin) which uses a negative offset in the winter, instead of adding a postive offset in the summer.

The setStdOffset() allows the base time offset to be changed, but this method is not expected to be used often.

Basic TimeZone (kTypeBasic)

This TimeZone is created using two objects:

  • the basic::ZoneInfo data objects contained in zonedb/zone_infos.h
  • an external instance of BasicZoneProcessor needed for calculating zone transitions
BasicZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;

void someFunction() {
  auto tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,

The zoneinfo files were generated by a script using the TZ Database. This header file is already included in <AceTime.h> so you don't have to explicitly include it. As of version 2019a of the database, it contains 270 Zone and 182 Link entries and whose time change rules are simple enough to be supported by BasicZoneProcessor. The bottom of the zone_infos.h header file lists 117 zones whose zone rules are too complicated for BasicZoneProcessor.

The zone names are normalized so that the ZoneInfo variable is a valid C++ name:

  • a + (plus) character in the zone name is replaced with _PLUS_ to avoid conflict with a - (minus) character (e.g. GMT+0 becomes GMT_PLUS_0)
  • any remaining non-alphanumeric character (0-9a-zA-Z_) are replaced with an underscore (_) (e.g. GMT-0 becomes GMT_0)

Some examples of ZoneInfo entries supported by zonedb are:

  • zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles (America/Los_Angeles)
  • zonedb::kZoneAmerica_New_York (America/New_York)
  • zonedb::kZoneAustralia_Darwin (Australia/Darwin)
  • zonedb::kZoneEurope_London (Europe/London)
  • zonedb::kZoneGMT_PLUS_10 (GMT+10)
  • zonedb::kZoneGMT_10 (GMT-10)

The following example creates a TimeZone which describes America/Los_Angeles:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;

BasicZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;

void someFunction() {
  auto tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,

  // 2018-03-11T01:59:59-08:00 was still in STD time
    auto dt = OffsetDateTime::forComponents(2018, 3, 11, 1, 59, 59,
    acetime_t epochSeconds = dt.toEpochSeconds();
    auto offset = tz.getUtcOffset(epochSeconds); // returns -08:00

  // one second later, 2018-03-11T02:00:00-08:00 was in DST time
    auto dt = OffsetDateTime::forComponents(2018, 3, 11, 2, 0, 0,
    acetime_t epochSeconds = dt.toEpochSeconds();
    auto offset = tz.getUtcOffset(epochSeconds); // returns -07:00

Extended TimeZone (kTypeExtended)

This TimeZone is created using two objects:

  • the extended::ZoneInfo data objects contained in zonedbx/zone_infos.h
  • an external instance of ExtendedZoneProcessor needed for calculating zone transitions
ExtendedZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;

void someFunction() {
  auto tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedbx::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,

(Notice that we use the zonedbx:: namespace instead of the zonedb:: namespace.)

As of version 2019a of TZ Database, all 387 Zone and 205 Link entries from the following TZ files are supported: africa, antarctica, asia, australasia, backward, etcetera, europe, northamerica, southamerica. There are 3 files which are not processed (backzone, systemv, factory) because they don't seem to contain anything useful.

The zone infos which can be used by ExtendedZoneProcessor are in the zonedbx:: namespace instead of the zonedb:: namespace. Some examples of the zone infos which exists in zonedbx:: but not in zonedb:: are:

  • zonedbx::kZoneAfrica_Casablanca
  • zonedbx::kZoneAmerica_Argentina_San_Luis
  • zonedbx::kZoneAmerica_Indiana_Petersburg
  • zonedbx::kZoneAsia_Hebron
  • zonedbx::kZoneEurope_Moscow
ExtendedZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;

void someFunction() {
  TimeZone tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedbx::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,

  // 2018-03-11T01:59:59-08:00 was still in STD time
    auto dt = OffsetDateTime::forComponents(2018, 3, 11, 1, 59, 59,
    acetime_t epochSeconds = dt.toEpochSeconds();
    auto offset = tz.getUtcOffset(epochSeconds); // returns -08:00

  // one second later, 2018-03-11T02:00:00-08:00 was in DST time
    auto dt = OffsetDateTime::forComponents(2018, 3, 11, 2, 0, 0,
    acetime_t epochSeconds = dt.toEpochSeconds();
    auto offset = tz.getUtcOffset(epochSeconds); // returns -07:00

The advantage of ExtendedZoneProcessor over BasicZoneProcessor is that ExtendedZoneProcessor supports all time zones in the TZ Database. The cost is that it consumes 5 times more memory and is a bit slower. If BasicZoneProcessor supports the zone that you want using the zone files in the zonedb:: namespace, you should normally use that instead of ExtendedZoneProcessor. The one other advatnage of ExtendedZoneProcessor over BasicZoneProcessor is that ExtendedZoneProcessor::forComponents() is more accurate than BasicZoneProcessor::forComponents() because the zonedbx:: data files contain transition information which are missing in the zonedb:: data files due to space constraints.

Basic Managed TimeZone (kTypeBasicManaged)

This TimeZone is similar to a kTypeBasic TimeZone, except that it is created using the BasicZoneManager, like this:

// Create ZoneManager (see ZoneManager section below)
const int NUM_ZONES = 2;
BasicZoneManager<NUM_ZONES> basicZoneManager(
    kBasicZoneRegistrySize, kBasicZoneRegistry);

void someFunction() {
  auto tz = basicZoneManager.createForZoneInfo(

See the ZoneManager section below for information on how to create a BasicZoneManager.

Extended Managed TimeZone (kTypeExtendedManaged)

This TimeZone is similar to the kTypeExtended TimeZone, except that it is created using the ExtendedZoneManager, like this:

// Create ZoneManager (see ZoneManager section below)
const int NUM_ZONES = 2;
ExtendedZoneManager<NUM_ZONES> basicZoneManager(
    kExtendedZoneRegistrySize, kExtendedZoneRegistry);

void someFunction() {
  auto tz = extendedZoneManager.createForZoneInfo(

See the ZoneManager section below for information on how to create an ExtendedZoneManager.


A ZonedDateTime is a LocalDateTime associated with a given TimeZone. This is analogous to anOffsetDateTime being a LocalDateTime associated with a TimeOffset. All 4 types of TimeZone are supported, the ZonedDateTime class itself does not care which one is used. You should use the ZonedDateTime when interacting with human beings, who are aware of timezones and DST transitions. It can also be used to convert time from one timezone to anther timezone.

namespace ace_time {

class ZonedDateTime {
    static const acetime_t kInvalidEpochSeconds = LocalTime::kInvalidSeconds;

    static ZonedDateTime forComponents(int16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day,
            uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second,
            const TimeZone& timeZone);

    static ZonedDateTime forEpochSeconds(acetime_t epochSeconds,
        const TimeZone& timeZone);

    static ZonedDateTime forUnixSeconds(acetime_t unixSeconds,
        const TimeZone& timeZone);

    explicit ZonedDateTime();

    bool isError() const;

    int16_t year() const;
    void year(int16_t year);

    uint8_t month() const;
    void month(uint8_t month);

    uint8_t day() const;
    void day(uint8_t day);

    uint8_t hour() const;
    void hour(uint8_t hour);

    uint8_t minute() const;
    void minute(uint8_t minute);

    uint8_t second() const;
    void second(uint8_t second);

    uint8_t dayOfWeek() const;

    TimeOffset timeOffset() const;
    const TimeZone& timeZone() const;

    ZonedDateTime convertToTimeZone(const TimeZone& timeZone) const;

    acetime_t toEpochDays() const;
    acetime_t toUnixDays() const;
    acetime_t toEpochSeconds() const;
    acetime_t toUnixSeconds() const;

    int8_t compareTo(const ZonedDateTime& that) const;
    void printTo(Print& printer) const;



Here is an example of how to create one and extract the epoch seconds:

BasicZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;

void someFunction() {
  auto tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,

  // 2018-01-01 00:00:00+00:15
  auto zonedDateTime = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(
      2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tz);
  acetime_t epochDays = zonedDateTime.toEpochDays();
  acetime_t epochSeconds = zonedDateTime.toEpochSeconds();

  zonedDateTime.printTo(Serial); // prints "2018-01-01 00:00:00-08:00"
  Serial.println(epochDays); // prints 6574 [TODO: Check]
  Serial.println(epochSeconds); // prints 568079100 [TODO: Check]

Both printTo() and forDateString() are expected to be used only for debugging. The printTo() prints a human-readable representation of the date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+/-hh:mm) to the given Print object. The most common Print object is the Serial object which prints on the serial port. The forDateString() parses the ISO 8601 formatted string and returns the ZonedDateTime object.

Caveat: The parser for forDateString() looks only at the UTC offset. It does not recognize the TZ Database identifier (e.g. [America/Los_Angeles]). To handle the time zone identifier correctly, the library needs to load the entire TZ Database into memory and use the ZoneManager to manage the BasicZoneProcessor or ExtendedZoneProcessor objects dynamically. But the dataset is too large to fit on most AVR microcontrollers with only 32kB of flash memory, so we currently do not support this dynamic lookup. The ZonedDateTime::timeZone() will return Manual TimeZone whose TimeZone::getType() returns TimeZone::kTypeManual.

Conversion to Other Time Zones

You can convert a given ZonedDateTime object into a representation in a different time zone using the DateTime::convertToTimeZone() method:

static BasicZoneProcessor processorLosAngeles;
static BasicZoneProcessor processorZurich;

void someFunction() {
  auto tzLosAngeles = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(
      &zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles, &processorLosAngeles);
  auto tzZurich = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(
      &zonedb::kZoneEurope_Zurich, &processorZurich);

  // Europe/Zurich, 2018-01-01T09:20:00+01:00
  auto zurichTime = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(
      2018, 1, 1, 9, 20, 0, tzZurich);

  // Convert to America/Los_Angeles, 2018-01-01T01:20:00-08:00
  auto losAngelesTime = zurichTime.convertToTimeZone(tzLosAngeles);

The two ZonedDateTime objects will return the same value for epochSeconds() because that is not affected by the time zone. However, the various date time components (year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds) will be different.


The conversion from an epochSeconds to date-time components using ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds() is an expensive operation (see AutoBenchmark). To improve performance, the BasicZoneProcessor and ExtendedZoneProcessor implement internal caching based on the year component. This optimizes the most commonly expected use case where the epochSeconds is incremented by a clock (e.g. SystemClock) every second, and is converted to human-readable date-time components once a second. According to AutoBenchmark, the cache improves performance by a factor of 2-3X (8-bit AVR) to 10-20X (32-bit processors) on consecutive calls to forEpochSeconds() with the same year.

ZoneInfo Files

Starting with version 0.4, the zoneinfo files are stored in in flash memory instead of static RAM using the PROGMEM keyword on microcontrollers which support this feature. On an 8-bit microcontroller, the zonedb/ database consumes about 14kB of flash memory, so it may be possible to create small programs that can dynamically access all timezones supported by BasicZoneProcessor. The zonedbx/ database consumes about 23kB of flash memory and the addition code size from various classes will exceed the 30-32kB limit of a typical Arduino 8-bit microcontroller.

The zonedb/ files do not support all the timezones in the TZ Database. The list of these zones and The reasons for excluding them are given at the bottom of the zonedb/zone_infos.h file.

Although the zonedbx/ files support all zones from its TZ input files, there are number of timezones whose DST transitions in the past happened at 00:01 (instead of exactly at midnight 00:00). To save memory, the internal representation used by AceTime supports transitions only at 15-minute boundaries. For these timezones, the DST transition time is shifted to 00:00 instead, and the transition happens one-minute earlier than it should. As of TZ DB version 2019a, there are 5 zones affected by this rounding, as listed at the bottom of zonedbx/zone_infos.h, and these all occur before the year 2012.

BasicZone and ExtendedZone

The basic::ZoneInfo and extended::ZoneInfo (and its related data structures) objects are meant to be opaque and simply passed into the TimeZone class (which in turn, passes the pointer into the BasicZoneProcessor and ExtendedZoneProcessor objects.) The internal formats of the ZoneInfo structures may change without warning, and users of this library should not access its internal data members directly.

Two helper classes, BasicZone and ExtendedZone, provide stable access to some of the internal fields:

namespace ace_time {

class BasicZone {
    BasicZone(const basic::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo);

    uint32_t zoneId() const;

    const __FlashStringHelper* name() const;
    const __FlashStringHelper* shortName() const;
    const char* name() const;
    const char* shortName() const;

class ExtendedZone {
    ExtendedZone(const extended::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo);

    uint32_t zoneId() const;

    const __FlashStringHelper* name() const;
    const __FlashStringHelper* shortName() const;
    const char* name() const;
    const char* shortName() const;


They are meant to be used transiently, for example:

const basic::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo = ...;

The return type of name() and shortName() change whether or not the zone name is stored in flash memory or in static memory. The name() method returns the full zone name from the TZ Database (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles"). The shortName() method returns only the last component (e.g. "Los_Angeles").


The TimeZone::forZoneInfo() methods are simple to use but have the disadvantage that the BasicZoneProcessor or ExtendedZoneProcessor need to be created manually for each TimeZone instance. This works well for a single time zone, but if you have an application that needs 3 or more time zones, this may become cumbersome. Also, it is difficult to reconstruct a TimeZone dynamically, say, from its fullly qualified name (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles"). The ZoneManager solves these problems. It keeps an internal cache or ZoneProcessors, reusing them as needed. And it holds a registry of ZoneInfo objects, so that a TimeZone can be created using its zoneName, zoneInfo, or zoneId.

namespace ace_time{

template<uint16_t SIZE>
class BasicZoneManager {
    BasicZoneManager(uint16_t registrySize);
        const basic::ZoneInfo* const* zoneRegistry,

    TimeZone createForZoneInfo(const basic::ZoneInfo* zoneInfo);
    TimeZone createForZoneName(const char* name);
    TimeZone createForZoneId(uint32_t id);
    TimeZone createForZoneIndex(uint16_t index);

    TimeZone createForTimeZoneData(const TimeZoneData& d);

    uint16_t indexForZoneName(const char* name);
    uint16_t indexForZoneId(uint32_t id) const;

template<uint16_t SIZE>
class ExtendedZoneManager {
    ExtendedZoneManager(uint16_t registrySize,
        const extended::ZoneInfo* const* zoneRegistry);

    [...same as above...]


The SIZE template parameter is the size of the internal cache of ZoneProcessor objects. This should be set to the number of time zones that your application is expected to use at the same time. If your app never changes its time zone after initialization, then this can be <1>. If your app allows the user to dynamically change the time zone (e.g. from a menu of time zones), then this should be at least <2> (to allow the system to compare the old time zone to the new time zone selected by the user). In general, the SIZE should be set to the number of timezones displayed to the user concurrently, plus an additional 1 if the user is able to change the timezone dynamically.

The constructor take a zoneRegistry and its zoneRegistrySize. It is a pointer to an array of pointers to the zonedb::kZone* or zonedbx::kZone* objects. You can use the default zone registry (which contains ALL zones in the zonedb:: or zonedbx:: database, or you can create your own custom zone registry, as described below.

Default Zone Registry

The default zoneinfo registry is available at:

It contains the entire zonedb or zonedbx database. On an 8-bit processor, the basic zonedb:: data set is about 14kB and the extended zonedbx:: database is about 23kB. On 32-bit processors, the zonedb:: data set is about 23kB and the extended zonedbx:: data set is about 36kB.

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
static const uint16_t SIZE = 2;
static BasicZoneManager<SIZE> zoneManager(
    zonedb::kZoneRegistrySize, zonedb::kZoneRegistry);

void someFunction(const char* zoneName) {
  TimeZone tz = zoneManager.createForZoneName("America/Los_Angeles");
  if (tz.isError()) {
    tz = TimeZone::forUtc();

Custom Zone Registry

On small microcontrollers, the default zone registries are too large. The ZoneManager can be configured with a custom zone registry. It needs to be given an array of ZoneInfo pointers when constructed. For example, here is a BasicZoneManager with only 4 zones from the zonedb:: data set:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
static const basic::ZoneInfo* const kBasicZoneRegistry[] ACE_TIME_PROGMEM = {

static const uint16_t kZoneRegistrySize =
    sizeof(Controller::kZoneRegistry) / sizeof(basic::ZoneInfo*);

static const uint16_t NUM_ZONES = 2;
static BasicZoneManager<NUM_ZONES> zoneManager(kZoneRegistrySize, kZoneRegistry);

Here is the equivalent ExtendedZoneManager with 4 zones from the zonedbx:: data set:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
static const extended::ZoneInfo* const kZoneRegistry[] ACE_TIME_PROGMEM = {

static const uint16_t kZoneRegistrySize =
    sizeof(Controller::kZoneRegistry) / sizeof(extended::ZoneInfo*);

static const uint16_t NUM_ZONES = 2;
static ExtendedZoneManager<NUM_ZONES> zoneManager(kZoneRegistrySize, kZoneRegistry);

The ACE_TIME_PROGMEM macro is defined in compat.h and indicates whether the ZoneInfo files are stored in normal RAM or flash memory (i.e. PROGMEM). It must be used for custom zoneRegistries because the BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager expect to find them in static RAM or flash memory according to this macro.

See CommandLineClock for an example of how these custom registries can be created and used.


The ZoneManager allows creation of a TimeZone using the fully qualified zone name:

BasicZoneManager<NUM_ZONES> manager(...);

void someFunction() {
  auto tz = manager.createForZoneName("America/Los_Angeles");

Of course, you wouldn't actually do this because the same functionality could be done more efficiently (less memory, less CPU time) using:

BasicZoneManager<NUM_ZONES> manager(...);

void someFunction() {
  auto tz = manager.createForZoneInfo(zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles);

I think the only time the createForZoneName() might be useful is if the user was allowed to type in the zone name, and you wanted to create a TimeZone from the string typed in by the user.


Each zone in the zonedb:: and zonedbx:: database is given a unique and stable zoneId. This can be retrieved from the TimeZone object using:

TimeZone tz = zoneManager.createFor...();
uint32_t zoneId = tz.getZoneId();

from the ZoneInfo pointer using the BasicZone() helper object:

uint32_t zoneId = BasicZone(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles).zoneId();

The ZoneId is created using a hash of the fully qualified zone name. It is guaranteed to be unique and stable by the tool that generated the zonedb:: and zonedbx:: data sets. By "unique", I mean that no 2 time zones will have the same zoneId. By "stable", it means that once a zoneId has been assigned to a fully qualified zone name, it will remain unchanged forever in the database. This means that we can save the zoneId of a TimeZone to persistent memory (e.g. EEPROM), then retrieve the zoneId, and recreate the TimeZone using the following for a BasicZoneManager:

BasicZoneManager<NUM_ZONES> manager(...);

void someFunction() {
  uint32_t zoneId = ...;
  auto tz = manager.createForZoneId(zoneId);

and similarly for the ExtendedZoneManager:

ExtendedZoneManager<NUM_ZONES> manager(...);

void someFunction() {
  uint32_t zoneId = ...;
  auto tz = manager.createForZoneId(zoneId);

The zoneId has an obvious advantage over the fully qualified zoneName for storage purposes. It is far easier to save a 4-byte zoneId (e.g. 0xb7f7e8f2) rather than a variable length string (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles"). Since the zoneId is derived from just the zoneName, a TimeZone created by the BasicZoneManager has the same zoneId as one created using the ExtendedZoneManager if it has the same name. This means that a TimeZone can be saved using a BasicZoneManager but recreated using an ExtendedZoneManager. I am not able to see how this could be an issue, but let me know if you find this to be a problem.

If the ZoneManager cannot find the zoneId in its internal zone registry, then the TimeZone::forError() is returned. The application developer should check for this, and substitute a reasonable default TimeZone when this happens. This situation is not unique to the zoneId. The same problem would occur if the fully qualified zone name was used.


The ZoneManager::createForZoneIndex() creates a TimeZone from its integer index into the Zone registry, from 0 to registrySize - 1. This is useful when you want to show the user with a menu of zones from the ZoneManager and allow the user to select one of the options.

The ZoneManager::indexForZoneNmae() and ZoneManager::indexForZoneId() are two useful methods to convert an arbitrary time zone reference (either by zoneName or zoneId) into an index into the registry.

TZ Database Version

The IANA TZ Database is updated continually. As of this writing, the latest stable version is 2019a. When a new version of the database is released, it is relatively easy to regenerate the zonedb/ and zonedbx/ zoneinfo files. However, it is likely that I would delay the release of a new version until the corresponding pytz package is updated to the latest TZ database version, so that the validation test suites pass (See Testing section below). Otherwise, I don't have a way to verify that the AceTime library with the new TZ Database version is correctly functioning.


Mutating the date and time classes can be tricky. In fact, many other time libraries (such as Java 11 Time, Joda-Time, and Noda Time) avoid the problem altogether by making all objects immutable. In those libraries, mutations occur by creating a new copy of the target object with a new value for the mutated parameter. Making the objects immutable is definitely cleaner, but it causes the code size to increase significantly. For the case of the WorldClock program, the code size increased by 500-700 bytes, which I could not afford because the program takes up almost the entire flash memory of an Ardunio Pro Micro with only 28672 bytes of flash memory.

Most date and time classes in the AceTime library are mutable. The mutation operations are not implemented within the class itself to avoid bloating the class API surface. The mutation functions live as functions in separate namespaces outside of the class definitions:

  • time_period_mutation.h
  • time_offset_mutation.h
  • local_date_time_mutation.h
  • zoned_date_time_mutation.h

Additional mutation operations can be written by the application developer and added into the same namespace, since C++ allows things to be added to a namespace multiple times.

Most of these mutation functions were created to solve a particular UI problem in my various clock applications. In those clocks, the user is provided an OLED display and 2 buttons. The user can change the time by long-pressing the Select button. One of the components of the date or time will blink. The user can press the other Change button to increment the component. Pressing the Select button will move the blinking cursor to the next field. After all the fields have been set, the user can long-press the Select button again to save the new date and time into the SystemClock.

The mutation functions directly manipulate the underlying date and time components of ZonedDateTime and other target classes. No validation rules are applied. For example, the zoned_date_time_mutation::incrementDay() method will increment the ZonedDateTime::day() field from Feb 29 to Feb 30, then to Feb 31, then wrap around to Feb 1. The object will become normalized when it is converted into an Epoch seconds (using toEpochSeconds()), then converted back to a ZonedDateTime object (using forEpochSeconds()). By deferring this normalization step until the user has finished setting all the clock fields, we can reduce the size of the code in flash. (The limiting factor for many Arduino environments is the code size, not the CPU time.)

It is not clear that making the AceTime objects mutable was the best design decision. But it seems to produce far smaller code sizes (hundreds of bytes of flash memory saved for something like examples/WorldClock), while providing the features that I need to implement the various Clock applications.

TimeOffset Mutation

The TimeOffset object can be mutated with:

namespace ace_time {
namespace time_offset_mutation {

void increment15Minutes(TimeOffset& offset);


LocalDate Mutation

The LocalDate object can be mutated with the following methods:

namespace ace_time {
namespace local_date_mutation {

void incrementOneDay(LocalDate& ld);
void decrementOneDay(LocalDate& ld);


ZonedDateTime Mutation

The ZonedDateTime object can be mutated using the following methods:

namespace ace_time {
namespace zoned_date_time_mutation {

void incrementYear(ZonedDateTime& dateTime);
void incrementMonth(ZonedDateTime& dateTime);
void incrementDay(ZonedDateTime& dateTime);
void incrementHour(ZonedDateTime& dateTime);
void incrementMinute(ZonedDateTime& dateTime);


TimePeriod Mutation

The TimePeriod can be mutated using the following methods:

namespace ace_time {
namespace time_period_mutation {

void negate(TimePeriod& period);
void incrementHour(TimePeriod& period, uint8_t limit);
void incrementHour(TimePeriod& period);
void incrementMinute(TimePeriod& period);


Error Handling

Many features of the date and time classes have explicit or implicit range of validity in their inputs and outputs. The Arduino programming environment does not use C++ exceptions, so we handle invalid values by returning special version of various date/time objects to the caller.


The isError() method on these classes will return true upon a data range error:

bool LocalDate::isError() const;
bool LocalTime::isError() const;
bool LocalDateTime::isError() const;
bool OffsetDatetime::isError() const;
bool ZonedDateTime::isError() const;
bool TimeOffset::isError() const;

A well-crafted application should check for these error conditions before writing or displaying the objects to the user.

For example, the LocalDate class uses a single byte int8_t instead of 2 byte int16_t to store the year. (This saves memory). The range of a int8_t type is -128 to 127, which is interpreted to be the offset from the year 2000. The value of -128 is a reserved value, so the actual valid range of a valid year is 1873 to 2127. Other data and time classes in the library use the LocalDate class internally so will have the same range of validity. If you try to create an instance with a year component outside of this range, an error object is returned whose isError() method returns true. The following code snippet prints "true":

auto dt = LocalDateTime::forComponents(1800, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); // invalid year
Serial.println(dt.isError() ? "true" : "false");

Another example, the ZonedDateTime class uses the generated TZ Database in the zonedb:: and zonedbx:: namespaces. These data files are valid from 2000 until 2050. If you try to create a date outside of this range, an error ZonedDateTime object will returned. The following snippet will print "true":

BasicZoneProcessor zoneProcessor;
auto tz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,
auto dt = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(1998, 3, 11, 1, 59, 59, tz);
Serial.println(dt.isError() ? "true" : "false");


Many methods return an acetime_t type. For example, toEpochSeconds() or toUnixSeconds() on LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime or ZonedDateTime. These methods will return LocalDate::kInvalidEpochSeconds if an invalid value is calculated.

Similarly, there are many methods which accept an acetime_t as an argument and returns a object of time LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime or ZonedDateTime. When these methods are passed a value of LocalDate::kInvalidEpochSeconds, the resulting object will return a true value for isError().


The acetime::clock namespace contains classes needed to implement the SystemClock. The SystemClock is a source of time (normally represented as a acetime_t type, in other words, seconds from AceTime Epoch). The SystemClock is normally powered by the internal millis() function, but that function is usually not accurate enough. So the SystemClock has the ability to synchronize against more accurate external clocks (e.g. NTP server). The SystemClock also has the ability to backup the current time to a non-volatile time source (e.g. DS3231 chip) so that the current time can be restored when the power is restored.

The class hierarchy diagram looks like this, where the arrow means "is-subclass-of") and the diamond-line means ("is-aggregation-of"):

           TimeProvider ------------.
          ^     ^                   |
         /      |      0..1         |
        /   TimeKeeper --------.    |
       NTP      ^  ^           |    |
TimeProvider   /   |           |    |
              /    |           |    |
         DS3231    |           |    |
      TimeKeeper   |           |    |
                   |           |    |
              SystemClock <>---+----'

The library currently provides only a single implementation of TimeProvider and a single implementation of TimeKeeper. More could be added later.

TimeProvider and TimeKeeper

These 2 interfaces distinguish between clocks that provide a source of time but cannot be set to a particular time (e.g. NTP servers or GPS modules), and clocks whose time can be set by the user (e.g. DS3231 RTC chip). The TimeProvider interface implements the TimeProvider::getNow() method which returns an acetime_t type. The TimeKeeper is a subinterface of TimeProvider and implements the TimeKeeper::setNow(acetime_t) method which sets the current time.

namespace ace_time {
namespace clock {

class TimeProvider {
    static const acetime_t kInvalidSeconds = LocalTime::kInvalidSeconds;

    virtual acetime_t getNow() const = 0;

class TimeKeeper: public TimeProvider {
    virtual void setNow(acetime_t epochSeconds) = 0;


The acetime_t value can be converted into the desired time zone using the ZonedDateTime and TimeZone classes desribed in the previous section.

TimeZone tz = ...;
TimeProvider timeProvider = ...;
acetime_t nowSeconds = timeProvider.getNow();
auto nowDateTime = ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(nowSeconds, tz);

Various implementations of TimeProvider and TimeKeeper are described in more detail the following subsections.

NTP Time Provider

The NtpTimeProvider is available on the ESP8266 and ESP32 which have builtin WiFi capability. (I have not tested the code on the Arduino WiFi shield because I don't have that hardware.) This class uses an NTP client to fetch the current time from the specified NTP server. The constructor takes 3 parameters which have default values so they are optional.

The class declaration looks like this:

namespace ace_time {
namespace clock {

class NtpTimeProvider: public TimeProvider {
    explicit NtpTimeProvider(
            const char* server = kNtpServerName,
            uint16_t localPort = kLocalPort,
            uint16_t requestTimeout = kRequestTimeout);
    void setup(const char* ssid, const char* password);

    bool isSetup() const;
    acetime_t getNow() const override;


You need to call the setup() with the ssid and password of the WiFi connection. The method will time out after 5 seconds if the connection cannot be established. Here is a sample of how it can be used:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
using namespace ace_time::clock;

const char SSID[] = ...; // Warning: don't store SSID in GitHub
const char PASSWORD[] = ...; // Warning: don't store passwd in GitHub

NtpTimeProvider ntpTimeProvider;

void setup() {
  while(!Serial); // needed for Leonardo/Micro
  ntpTimeProvider.setup(SSID, PASSWORD);
  if (ntpTimeProvider.isSetup()) {
    Serial.println("WiFi connection failed... try again.");

// Print the NTP time every 10 seconds, in UTC-08:00 time zone.
void loop() {
  acetime_t nowSeconds = ntpTimeProvider.getNow();
  OffsetDateTime odt = OffsetDateTime::forEpochSeconds(
      nowSeconds, TimeOffset::forHour(-8)); // convert epochSeconds to UTC-08:00
  delay(10000); // wait 10 seconds

Security Warning: You should avoid committing your SSID and PASSWORD into a public repository like GitHub because they will become public to anyone. Even if you delete the commit, they can be retrieved from the git history.

DS3231 Time Keeper

The DS3231TimeKeeper is the class describing the DS3231 RTC chip. It contains an internal temperature-compensated osciallator that counts time in 1 second steps. It is often connected to a battery or a supercapacitor to survive power failures. The DS3231 chip stores the time broken down by various date and time components (i.e. year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds). It contains internal logic that knows about the number of days in an month, and leap years. It supports dates from 2000 to 2099. It does not contain the concept of a time zone. Therefore, The DS3231TimeKeeper assumes that the date/time components stored on the chip is in UTC time.

The class declaration looks like this:

namespace ace_time {
namespace clock {

class DS3231TimeKeeper: public TimeKeeper {
    explicit DS3231TimeKeeper();
    void setup();

    acetime_t getNow() const override;
    void setNow(acetime_t epochSeconds) override;


The DS3231TimeKeeper::getNow() returns the number of seconds since AceTime Epoch by converting the UTC date and time components to acetime_t (using LocalDatetime internally). Users can convert the epoch seconds into either an OffsetDateTime or a ZonedDateTime as needed.

The DS3231TimeKeeper::setup() should be called from the global setup() function to initialize the object. Here is a sample that:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
using namespace ace_time::clock;

DS3231TimeKeeper dsTimeKeeper;
void setup() {
  while(!Serial); // needed for Leonardo/Micro
  dsTimeKeeper.setNow(0); // 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z

void loop() {
  acetime_t nowSeconds = dsTimeKeeper.getNow();
  OffsetDateTime odt = OffsetDateTime::forEpochSeconds(
      nowSeconds, TimeOffset::forHour(-8)); // convert epochSeconds to UTC-08:00
  delay(10000); // wait 10 seconds


The SystemClock is a special TimeKeeper that uses the Arduino built-in millis() method as the source of its time. The biggest advantage of SystemClock is that its getNow() has very little overhead so it can be called as frequently as needed. The getNow() method of other TimeProviders can consume a significant amount of time. For example, the DS3231TimeKeeper must talk to the DS3231 RTC chip over an I2C bus. Even worse, the NtpTimeProvider must the talk to the NTP server over the network which can be unpredictably slow.

The SystemClock class looks like this:

namespace ace_time {
namespace clock {

class SystemClock: public TimeKeeper {

    explicit SystemClock(
            TimeProvider* syncTimeProvider /* nullable */,
            TimeKeeper* backupTimeKeeper /* nullable */):
    void setup();

    acetime_t getNow() const override;
    void setNow(acetime_t epochSeconds) override;

    void sync(acetime_t epochSeconds);
    acetime_t getLastSyncTime() const;
    bool isInit() const;

    virtual unsigned long millis() const;


Unfortunately, the millis() internal clock of most (all?) Arduino boards is not very accurate and unsuitable for implementing an accurate clock. Therefore, the SystemClock provides a mechanism to synchronize its clock to an external (and presumably more accurate clock) TimeProvider.

The SystemClock also provides a way to save the current time to a backupTimeKeeper (e.g. the DS3231TimeKeeper using the DS3231 chip with battery backup). When the SystemClock starts up, it will read the backup TimeKeeper and set the current time. Then it can synchronize with an external clock source (e.g. the NtpTimeProvider). The time is saved to the backup time keeper whenever the SystemClock is synced with the external time clock.

Here is how to set up the SystemClock with the NtpTimeProvider and DS3231TimeKeeper as sync and backup time sources:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
using namespace ace_time::clock;

DS3231TimeKeeper dsTimeKeeper;
NtpTimeProvider ntpTimeProvider(SSID, PASSWORD);
SystemClock systemClock(
  &ntpTimeProvider /*sync*/, &dsTimeKeeper /*backup*/);

void setup() {
  while(!Serial); // needed for Leonardo/Micro

void loop() {
  acetime_t nowSeconds = systemClock.getNow();
  auto odt = OffsetDateTime::forEpochSeconds(
      nowSeconds, TimeOffset::forHour(-8)); // convert epochSeconds to UTC-08:00
  delay(10000); // wait 10 seconds

If you wanted to use the DS3231TimeKeeper as both the backup and sync time sources, then the setup would something like this:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
using namespace ace_time::clock;

DS3231TimeKeeper dsTimeKeeper;
SystemClock systemClock(
    &dsTimeKeeper /*sync*/, &dsTimeKeeper /*backup*/);

void setup() {

You could also choose not to have either the backup or sync time sources, in which case you can give nullptr as the correspond argument. For example, to use no backup time keeper:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
using namespace ace_time::clock;

DS3231TimeKeeper dsTimeKeeper;
SystemClock systemClock(&dsTimeKeeper /*sync*/, nullptr /*backup*/);

void setup() {

System Clock KeepAlive and Syncing

The SystemClock requires 2 maintenance tasks to run periodically to help it keep proper time.

First, the SystemClock::getNow() or keepAlive() method must be called peridically before an internal integer overflow occurs, even if the getNow() is not needed. The internal integer overflow happens every 65.536 seconds. If your application is guaranteed to call SystemClock::getNow() more frequently than every 65 seconds, then you don't need to worry about this. However, if you want to be prudent, it does not cost very much to call the SystemClock::keepAlive() function in the global loop() method.

Secondly, since the internal millis() clock is not very accurate, we must synchronize the SystemClock periodically with a more accurate time source. The frequency of this syncing depends on the accuracy of the millis() (which depends on the hardware oscillator of the chip) and the cost of the call to the getNow() method of the syncing time clock. If the syncing time source is the DS3231 chip, syncing once every 1-10 minutes might be sufficient since talking to the RTC chip is relatively cheap. If the syncing time source is the NtpTimeProvider, the network connection is fairly expensive so maybe once every 1-12 hours might be advisable. The SystemClock provides 2 ways to perform this syncing.

Method 1: Using SystemClockSyncLoop

You can use the SystemClockSyncLoop class and insert it somewhere into the global loop() method, like this:

#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
using namespace ace_time::clock;

SystemClock systemClock(...);
SystemClockSyncLoop systemClockSyncLoop(systemClock);

void loop() {

Method 2: Using SystemClockSyncCoroutine

You can use two AceRoutine coroutines to perform sync. First, #include <AceRoutine.h> before the #include <AceTime.h> (which activates the SystemClockSyncCoroutine class), then configure it to run:

#include <AceRoutine.h> // include this before <AceTime.h>
#include <AceTime.h>
using namespace ace_time;
using namespace ace_time::clock;
using namespace ace_routine;

SystemClock systemClock(...);
SystemClockSyncCoroutine systemClockSync(systemClock);

void setup() {

void loop() {

The biggest advantage of using AceRoutine coroutines is that the syncing process becomes non-blocking. In other words, if you are using the NtpTimeProvider to provide syncing, the SystemClockSyncLoop object calls its getNow() method, which blocks the execution of the program until the NTP server returns a response (or the request times out after 1000 milliseconds). If you use the SystemClockSyncCoroutine, the program continues to do other things (e.g. update displays, scan for buttons) while the NtpTimeProvider is waiting for a response from the NTP server.


Writing tests for this library was very challenging, probably taking up 3-4X more effort than the core of the library. I think the reason is that the number input variables into the library and the number of output variables are substantially large, making it difficult to write isolated unit tests. Secondly, the TZ Database zone files are deceptively easy to read by humans, but contain so many implicit rules that are incredibly difficult to translate into computer algorithms, creating a large number of code paths to test.

It is simply impractical to manually create the inputs and expected outputs using the TZ database. The calculation of one data point can take several minutes manually. The solution would be to programmatically generate the data points. To that end, I wrote the 2 different implementations of ZoneProcessor (BasicZoneProcessor and ExtendedZoneProcessor) partially as an attempt to write different versions of the algorithms to validate them against each other. (I think I wrote 4-5 different versions altogether, of which only 2 made it into this library). However, it turned out that the number of timezones supported by the ExtendedZoneProcessor was much larger than the ones supported by BasicZoneProcessor so it became infeasible to test the non-overlapping timezones.

My next idea was to validate AceTime against a known, independently created, timezone library that also supports the TZ Database. The Python pytz library was a natural choice since the was already written in Python. The BasicValidationUsingPythonTest and ExtendedValidationUsingPythonTest tests are the results, where I use pytz to determine the list of DST transitions for all timezones, then determine the expected (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) components that ZonedDateTime should produce. The generates a validation_data.cpp file which contains the test data points for all supported timezones. The resulting program no longer fits in any Arduino microcontroller that I am aware of, but through the use of the UnixHostDuino emulation framework, I can run these large validation test suites on a Linux or Mac desktop. This worked great until I discovered that pytz supports dates only until 2038. That meant that I could not validate the ZonedDateTime classes after 2038.

I then turned to Java 11 java.time library, which supports years through the year 1000000000 (billion). I wrote the program to generate a validation_data.cpp file in exactly the same format as the program, and produced data points from year 2000 to year 2050, which is the exact range of years supported by the zonedb:: and zonedbx:: zoneinfo files.

The end result is the 4 validation programs under tests/validation:

  • BasicValidationUsingJavaTest
  • BasicValidationUsingPythonTest
  • ExtendedValidationUsingJavaTest
  • ExtendedValidationUsingPythonTest

When these tests pass, they show that the timezone algorithms in AceTime produce the same results as the Python pytz library and the Java 11 java.time library, showing that 3 independently written libraries and algorithms agree with each other. These validation tests give me good confidence that AceTime produces correct results for the most part, but it is entirely expected that some obscure edge-case bugs will be found in the future.



The AutoBenchmark.ino program measures the amount of CPU cycles taken by some of the more expensive methods. Here is a summary of the elapsed time for OffsetDateTime::forEpochSeconds() for some Arduino boards that I have access to:

Board or CPU                |  micros |
ATmega328P 16MHz (Nano)     | 321.600 |
ESP8266 80MHz               |  13.400 |
ESP32 240MHz                |   1.470 |
Teensy 3.2 96MHz            |   2.130 |


Here is a quick summary of the amount of static RAM consumed by various classes (more details at examples/AutoBenchmark:

8-bit processors

sizeof(LocalDate): 3
sizeof(LocalTime): 3
sizeof(LocalDateTime): 6
sizeof(TimeOffset): 1
sizeof(OffsetDateTime): 7
sizeof(BasicZoneProcessor): 99
sizeof(ExtendedZoneProcessor): 397
sizeof(TimeZone): 3
sizeof(ZonedDateTime): 10
sizeof(TimePeriod): 4
sizeof(SystemClock): 17
sizeof(DS3231TimeKeeper): 3
sizeof(SystemClockSyncLoop): 14
sizeof(SystemClockSyncCoroutine): 31

32-bit processors

sizeof(LocalDate): 3
sizeof(LocalTime): 3
sizeof(LocalDateTime): 6
sizeof(TimeOffset): 1
sizeof(OffsetDateTime): 7
sizeof(BasicZoneProcessor): 136
sizeof(ExtendedZoneProcessor): 468
sizeof(TimeZone): 8
sizeof(ZonedDateTime): 16
sizeof(TimePeriod): 4
sizeof(SystemClock): 24
sizeof(NtpTimeProvider): 88 (ESP8266), 116 (ESP32)
sizeof(SystemClockSyncLoop): 16
sizeof(SystemClockSyncCoroutine): 48

The MemoryBenchmark program gives a more comprehensive answer to the amount of memory taken by this library. Here is a short summary for an 8-bit microcontroller (e.g. Arduino Nano):

  • Using the TimeZone class with a BasicZoneProcessor for one timezone takes about 6 kB of flash memory and 193 bytes of static RAM.
  • Using 2 timezones with `BasiCZoneProcessor increases the consumption to about 7 kB of flash and 207 bytes of RAM.
  • Loading the entire zonedb:: zoneinfo database consumes 21 kB bytes of flash and 597 bytes of RAM.
  • Adding the SystemClock to the TimeZone and BasicZoneProcessor with one timezone consumes 8.5 kB bytes of flash and 352 bytes of RAM.

These numbers indicate that the AceTime library is useful even on a limited 8-bit controller with only 30-32 kB of flash and 2 kB of RAM. As a concrete example, the WorldClock program contains 3 OLED displays over SPI, 2 buttons, one DS3231 chip, and 3 timezones using AceTime, and these all fit inside a Arduino Pro Micro limit of 30 kB flash and 2.5 kB of RAM.

Comparisons to Other Time Libraries

Arduino Time Library

The AceTime library can be substantially faster than the equivalent methods in the Arduino Time Library. The ComparisonBenchmark.ino program compares the CPU run time of LocalDateTime::forEpochSeconds() and LocalDateTime::toEpochSeconds() with the equivalent breakTime() and makeTime() functions of the Arduino Time Library. Details are given in the ComparisonBenchmark/ file in that folder, but here is a summary of the roundtrip times for various boards (in microseconds):

Board or CPU                | AceTime | Time Lib |
ATmega328P 16MHz (Nano)     | 337.500 |  931.500 |
ESP8266 80MHz               |  19.700 |   68.200 |
ESP32 240MHz                |   1.180 |    9.380 |
Teensy 3.2 96MHz            |   2.750 |   22.390 |

AVR Libc

The AVR libc time library, is based on the UNIX/POSIX time library. I have not tried to use it on an Arduino platform. There are 2 things going against it: First it works only on AVR processors, and I wanted a time library that worked across multiple processors (like the ESP8266 and ESP32). Second, the AVR time library is based on the traditional C/Unix library methods which can be difficult to understand.


The ezTime is a library that seems to be composed of 2 parts: A client library that runs on the microcontroller and a server part that provides a translation from the timezone name to the POSIX DST transition string. Unfortunately, this means that the controller must have network access for this library to work. I wanted to create a library that was self-contained and could run on an Arduino Nano with just an RTC chip without a network shield.

Micro Time Zone

The Micro Time Zone is a pure-C library that can compile on the Arduino platform. It contains a limited subset of the TZ Database encoded as C structs and determines the DST transitions using the encoded structs. It supports roughly of 45 zones with just a 3kB tzinfo database. The initial versions of AceTime, particularly the BasicZoneProcessor class was directly inspired by this library. It would be interesting to run this library to the same set of "validation" unit tests that checks the AceTime logic and see how accurate this library is. One problem with Micro Time Zone library is that it loads the entire tzinfo database for all 45 time zones, even if only one zone is used. Therefore, the AceTime library will consume less flash memory for the database part if only a handful of zones are used. But the AceTime library contains more algorithmic code so will consume more flash memory. It is not entirely clear which library is smaller for 1-3 time zones. (This may be an interesting investigation the future.)

Java Time, Joda-Time, Noda Time

The names and functionality of most the date and time classes (LocalTime, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime, and ZonedDateTime) were inspired by the architecture of the Java 11 java.time package. However, there were many parts of the java.time package that were not appropriate for a microcontroller environment with small memory. Those were implemented in other ways. There were other parts that seemed better implemented by Joda-Time or Noda Time). I picked the ones that I liked.

Those other libraries (java.time, Joda-Time, and Noda Time) all provide substantially more fine-grained class hierarchies to provider better type-safety. For example, those libraries just mentioned provided an Instant class, a Duration class, an Interval class. The java.time package also provides other fine-grained classes such as OffsetTime, OffsetDate, Year, Month, MonthDay classes. For the AceTime library, I decided to avoid providing too many classes. The API of the library is already too large, I did not want to make them larger than necessary.

HowardHinnant Libraries

A number of C++ libraries from Howard Hinnant are based the <chrono> standard library:

To be honest, I have not looked very closely at these libraries, mostly because of my suspicion that they are too large to fit into an Arduino microcontroller.

Google cctz

The cctz library from Google is also based on the <chrono> library. Again, I did not look at this library closely because I did not think it would fit inside an Arduino controller.

Bugs and Limitations

  • Leap seconds
    • This library does not support leap seconds and will probably never do so.
  • acetime_t
    • AceTime uses an epoch of 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z. The acetime_t type is a 32-bit signed integer whose smallest value is -2^31 and largest value is 2^31-1. However, the smallest value is used to indicate an internal "Error" condition, therefore the actual smallest acetime_t is -2^31+1. Therefore, the smallest and largest dates that can be represented by acetime_t is 1931-12-13T20:45:53Z to 2068-01-19T03:14:07Z (inclusive).
    • To be safe, users of this library should stay at least 1 year away from the lower and upper limits of acetime_t (i.e. stay within the year 1932 to 2067, inclusive).
  • toUnixSeconds()
    • Unix time uses an epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. This method returns an acetime_t which is a signed integer, just like the old 32-bit Unix systems. The range of dates is 1901-12-13T20:45:52Z to 2038-01-19T03:14:07Z.
  • TimeOffset
    • Implemented using int8_t to save memory.
    • Represents time offsets in increments of 15 minutes. All timezones after 2012 are in multiples of 15 minutes.
    • Five zones before 2012 have transitions at 00:01 which cannot be represented by this class. Those transitions have been truncated to 00:00. See the bottom of the generated zonedb/zone_infos.h and zonedbx/zone_infos.h files for the up-to-date list.
  • LocalDate, LocalDateTime
    • These classes (and all other Date classes which are based on these) use a single 8-bit signed byte to represent the 'year' internally. This saves memory, at the cost of restricting the range.
    • The value of -128 (INT8_MIN) is used to indicate an "invalid" value, so the actual range is [-127, 127]. This restricts the year range to [1873, 2127].
  • forDateString()
    • Various classes provide a forDateString() method to construct the object from a human-readable string. These methods are mostly meant to be used for debugging. The parsers are not robust and do not perform very much error checking, but they may be sufficient for your needs.
    • ZonedDateTime::forDateString() cannot support TZ Database zone identifiers (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles") because the AceTime library does not load the entire TZ Database due to memory constraints of most Arduino boards.
  • TimeZone
    • It might be possible to use a Basic TimeZone created using a zonedb:: zoneinfo file, and an Extended TimeZone using a zonedbx:: zoneinfo file. However, this is not a configuration that is expected to be used often, so it has not been tested well, if at all.
    • One potential problem is that the equality of two TimeZone depends only on the zoneId, so a Basic TimeZone created with a zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles will be considered equal to an Extended TimeZone created with a zonedbx::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles.
  • ZonedDateTime::forComponents()
    • The ZonedDateTime::forComponents() method takes the local wall time and TimeZone instance as parameters which can be ambiguous or invalid for some values.
      • During the Standard time to DST transitions, a one-hour gap of illegal values may exist. For example, 2am (Standard) shifts to 3am (DST), therefore wall times between 02:00 and 03:00 (exclusive) are not valid.
      • During DST to Standard time transitions, a one-hour interval occurs twice. For example, 2am (DST) shifts to 1am, so all times between 01:00 and 02:00 (exclusive) occurs twice in one day.
    • The ZonedDateTime::forCommponent() methods makes an educated guess at what the user meant, but the algorithm may not be robust, is not tested as well as it could be, and the algorithm may change in the future. To keep the code size within reasonble limits of a small Arduino controller, the algorithm may be permanently sub-optimal.
  • BasicZoneProcessor, ExtendedZoneProcessor
    • Tested using both Python and Java libraries.
    • Python pytz library supports dates only from 2000 until 2038.
    • Java java.time library has an upper limit far beyond the year 2068 limit of ZonedDateTime. Testing was performed from 2000 to until 2050.
  • ExtendedZoneProcessor
    • There are 5 time zones (as of version 2019a of the TZ Database, see the bottom of zonedbx/zone_infos.h) which have DST transitions that occur at 00:01 (one minute after midnight). This transition cannot be represented as a multiple of 15-minutes. The transition times of these zones have been shifted to the nearest 15-minute boundary, in other words, the transitions occur at 00:00 instead of 00:01. Clocks based on ExtendedZoneProcessor will be off by one hour during the 1-minute interval from 00:00 and 00:01.
    • Fortunately all of these transitions happen before 2012. If you are interested in only dates after 2019, then this will not affect you.
  • NtpTimeProvider
    • The NtpTimeProvider on an ESP8266 calls WiFi.hostByName() to resolve the IP address of the NTP server. Unfortunately, when I tested this library, it seems to be blocking call (later versions may have fixed this). When the DNS resolver is working properly, this call returns in ~10ms or less. But sometimes, the DNS resolver seems to get into a state where it takes 4-5 seconds to time out. Even if you use AceRoutine coroutines, the entire program will block for those 4-5 seconds.
    • NTP uses an epoch of 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z, with 32-bit unsigned integer as the seconds counter. It will overflow just after 2036-02-07T06:28:15Z.
  • BasicValidationUsingPythonTest and ExtendedValidationUsingPythonTest
    • These tests compare the transition times calculated by AceTime to Python's pytz library. Unfortunately, pytz does not support dates after Unix signed 32-bit time_t rollover at (2038-01-19T03:14:07Z).
    • These are too big to run on any Arduino controller. They are designed to run on a Linux or MacOS machine through the Makefiles using the UnixHostDuino emulator.
  • BasicValidationUsingJavaTest and ExtendedValidationUsingJavaTest
    • These tests compare the transition times calculated by AceTime to Java 11 java.time package which should support the entire range of dates that AceTime can represent. We have artificially limited the range of testing from 2000 to 2050.
    • These are too big to run on any Arduino controller. They are designed to run on a Linux or MacOS machine through the Makefiles using the UnixHostDuino emulator.
  • zonedb/ and zonedbx/ zoneinfo files
    • These statically defined data structures are loaded into flash memory using the PROGMEM keyword. The vast majority of the data structure fields will stay in flash memory and not copied into RAM.
    • The zoneinfo files have not been compressed using bit-fields or any other compression techniques. It may be possible to decrease the size of the full database using these compression techniques. However, compression will increase the size of the program file, so for applications that use only a small number of zones, it is not clear if the zoneinfo file compression will provide a reduction in the size of the overall program.
    • The TZ database files backzone, systemv and factory are not processed by the tool. They don't seem to contain anything worthwhile.
    • The datasets, BasicZoneProcessor and ExtendedZoneProcessor classes have been not been tested or validated for years prior to 2000.
    • TZ Database version 2019b contains the first use of the {onDayOfWeek<=onDayOfMonth} syntax that I have seen (specifically Rule Zion, FROM 2005, TO 2012, IN Apr, ON Fri<=1). The actual transition date can shift into the previous month (or to the next month in the case of >=). However, shifting into the previous year or the next year is not supported. The will exclude and flag the Rules which could potentially shift to a different year. As of version 2019b, no such Rule seems to exist.
  • Link entries
    • The TZ Database Link entries are implemented as C++ references to the equivalent Zone entries. For example, zonedb::kZoneUS_Pacific is just a reference to zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles. This means that if a ZonedDateTime is created with a TimeZone associated with kZoneUS_Pacific, the ZonedDateTime::printTo() will print "[America/Los_Angeles]" not "[US/Pacific]".
  • Arduino Zero and SAMD21 Boards
    • SAMD21 boards (which all identify themselves as ARDUINO_SAMD_ZERO) are supported, but there are some tricky points.
    • If you are using an original Arduino Zero and using the "Native USB Port", you may encounter problems with nothing showing up on the Serial Monitor.
      • The original Arduino Zero has 2 USB ports. The Programming port is connected to Serial object and the Native port is connected to SerialUSB object. You can select either the "Arduino/Genuino Zero (Programming Port)" or the "Arduino/Genuino Zero (Native USB Port)" on the Board Manager selector in the Arduino IDEA. Unfortunately, if you select "(Native USB Port)", the SERIAL_MONITOR_PORT macro should be defined to be SerialUSB, but it continues to point to Serial, which means that nothing will show up on the Serial Monitor.
      • You may be able to fix this by setting ACE_TIME_CLOBBER_SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR to 1 in src/ace_time/common/compat.h. (I do not test this option often, so it may be broken.)
    • If you are using a SAMD21 development or breakout board, or one of the many clones called something like "Ardunio SAMD21 M0 Mini" (this is what I have), I have been unable to find a board configuration that is an exact match. You have a few choices:
      • If you are running the AceTime unit tests, you need to have a working SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR, so the "Arduino MKR ZERO" board might work better, instead of the "Arduino Zero (Native USB Port)" board.
      • If you are running an app that requires proper pin configuration, it seems that the `Arduino MKR ZERO" configuration is not correct for this clone board. You need to go back to the "Arduino/Genuino Zero (Native USB Port)" board configuration.
      • You may also try installing the SparkFun Boards and select the "SparkFun SAMD21 Mini Breakout" board. The advantage of using this configuration is that the SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR is configured properly as well as the port pin numbers. However, I have found that the USB connection can be a bit flaky.
    • The SAMD21 microcontroller does not provide any EEPROM. Therefore, this feature is disabled in the apps under examples (e.g. CommandLineClock, OledClock, and WorldClock) which use this feature.