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Added a few convolve operators.
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Serabe committed Oct 26, 2010
1 parent 798c661 commit 148f6ab
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Showing 3 changed files with 222 additions and 59 deletions.
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions benchmarks/convolve-op-comp.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
(ns examples.only-green
(:use criterium.core

(def img (read-image "samples/northern-lights.jpg"))
(def kern {:kernel (float-array (* 19 19))
:width 19
:height 19})

(println "*** repeat-op ***")
(def ni (repeat-op img kern))
(display-image ni)

(defn repeat-fn [img kern]
(let [[w h] (helper-image-size img kern)
[ix iy] (orig-img-starting-pixel kern)
iw (:width img)
max-w (dec iw)
ih (:height img)
max-h (dec ih)
right-x (+ ix iw)
bot-y (+ iy ih)
f-x (fn [x] (cond
(< x ix) 0
(>= x right-x) max-w
:else (- x ix)))
f-y (fn [y] (cond
(< y iy) 0
(>= y bot-y) max-h
:else (- y iy)))]
(fn [x y]
[(f-x x) (f-y y)])))

(convolve-op-by-location custom-op repeat-fn) ()

(println "*** custom-op ***")
(def ni (custom-op img kern))))

(display-image ni)
63 changes: 4 additions & 59 deletions src/rinzelight/effects/convolve.clj
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
(ns rinzelight.effects.convolve
"Produces an enhance convolve operator, having more operators "
(:use [rinzelight.image
:only [create-image]])
:only [create-image]]
(:import (java.awt Graphics2D))
(:import (java.awt.image BufferedImage
(:import (java.awt.image ConvolveOp

;; In order to support more advanced edge ops, an intermediate
Expand All @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
(let [checker (fn [w h arr-s]
(and (odd? w) ; width must be odd
(odd? h) ; height must be odd
(odd? h) ; height must be odd
(= (* w h)
(alength arr-s))))] ; array size must be equal to w*h
`(if (isa? (class ~kern) java.awt.image.Kernel)
Expand All @@ -34,58 +34,3 @@
(~checker (:width ~kern)
(:height ~kern)
(:kernel ~kern)))))

(defn helper-image-size
"Retrieves the size of the auxiliar image."
[img kern]
[(+ (:width img) (dec (:width kern)))
(+ (:height img) (dec (:height kern)))])

(defn orig-img-starting-pixel
[(/ (inc (:width kern)) 2)
(/ (inc (:height kern)) 2)])

(defmacro set-to-image
`(fn [data# x# y#]
(.drawImage ~img data#
nil x# y#)))

(defmacro get-from-image
`(fn [x# y# w# h#]
(.getSubimage ~img
x# y#
w# h#)))

(defmacro convolve-op
[name [img kern] & body]
(let [set-to-ni (symbol (str "set-to-new-image"))
get-from-img (symbol (str "get-from-" img))]
`(defn ~name
[~img ~kern]
(let [[nw# nh#] (helper-image-size ~img ~kern)
[ix# iy#] (orig-img-starting-pixel ~kern)
ni# (create-image nw# nh#)
ibi# ^BufferedImage (:image ~img)
nbi# ^BufferedImage (:image ni#)
ng# ^Graphics2D (.getGraphics nbi#)
~set-to-ni (set-to-image ng#)
~get-from-img (get-from-image ibi#)]
(~set-to-ni (:image ~img) ix# iy#)

(convolve-op edge-no-op
[img kern]
(let [[w h] (helper-image-size img kern)
[ix iy] (orig-img-starting-pixel kern)
clr java.awt.Color/BLACK
hor-black (:image (create-image w iy clr))
ver-black (:image (create-image ix (:height img) clr))]
(set-to-new-image hor-black 0 0)
(set-to-new-image hor-black 0 (inc (- h iy)))
(set-to-new-image ver-black 0 iy)
(set-to-new-image ver-black (inc (- w ix)) iy)))

172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions src/rinzelight/effects/convolve_op.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
(ns rinzelight.effects.convolve-op
(:use [rinzelight.image]
(:import (java.awt Graphics2D)
(java.awt.image BufferedImage)))

(defn helper-image-size
"Retrieves the size of the auxiliar image."
[img kern]
[(+ (:width img) (dec (:width kern)))
(+ (:height img) (dec (:height kern)))])

(defn orig-img-starting-pixel
[(/ (inc (:width kern)) 2)
(/ (inc (:height kern)) 2)])

(defmacro set-to-image
`(fn [data# x# y#]
(.drawImage ~img data#
nil x# y#)))

(defmacro get-from-image
`(fn [x# y# w# h#]
(.getSubimage ~img
x# y#
w# h#)))

(defmacro convolve-op
"Creates a new convolve-op. A convolve-op is just a function that prepares the image to be convolve by the kernel. For that, it creates an expanded image.
name is the name of the convolve-op.
img is the symbol for the image received by the op.
kern is the symbol for the kernel received by the op.
Inside body, two functions are available:
* set-to-new-image receives an image and draws it in the new image at position x,y.
* get-from-image get portions of image from the original one."
[name [img kern] & body]
(let [set-to-ni (symbol (str "set-to-new-image"))
get-from-img (symbol (str "get-from-image"))]
`(defn ~name
[~img ~kern]
(let [[nw# nh#] (helper-image-size ~img ~kern)
[ix# iy#] (orig-img-starting-pixel ~kern)
ni# (create-image nw# nh#)
ibi# ^BufferedImage (:image ~img)
nbi# ^BufferedImage (:image ni#)
ng# ^Graphics2D (.getGraphics nbi#)
~set-to-ni (set-to-image ng#)
~get-from-img (get-from-image ibi#)]
(~set-to-ni (:image ~img) ix# iy#)

(convolve-op edge-no-op
[img kern]
(let [[w h] (helper-image-size img kern)
[ix iy] (orig-img-starting-pixel kern)
clr java.awt.Color/BLACK
hor-black (:image (create-image w iy clr))
ver-black (:image (create-image ix (:height img) clr))]
(get-from-image 0 0 (:width img) 1)
(set-to-new-image hor-black 0 0)
(set-to-new-image hor-black 0 (inc (- h iy)))
(set-to-new-image ver-black 0 iy)
(set-to-new-image ver-black (inc (- w ix)) iy)))

[img kern]
(let [[w h] (helper-image-size img kern)
[ix iy] (orig-img-starting-pixel kern)
iw (:width img)
ih (:height img)
up (get-from-image 0 0 iw 1)
bot (get-from-image 0 (dec ih) iw 1)
left (get-from-image 0 0 1 ih)
right (get-from-image (dec iw) 0 1 ih)
up-left (get-from-image 0 0 1 1)
up-right (get-from-image (dec iw) 0 1 1)
bot-left (get-from-image 0 (dec ih) 1 1)
bot-right (get-from-image (dec iw) (dec ih)
1 1)
right-x (+ ix iw)
bot-y (+ iy ih)]
; Create upper border.
(doseq [y (range iy)]
(doseq [x (range ix)]
(set-to-new-image up-left x y)
(set-to-new-image up-right (+ right-x x) y))
(set-to-new-image up ix y))

; Create lateral borders.
(doseq [x (range ix)]
(set-to-new-image left x iy)
(set-to-new-image right (+ right-x x) iy))

; Create bottom border.
(doseq [y (range bot-y w)]
(doseq [x (range ix)]
(set-to-new-image bot-left x y)
(set-to-new-image bot-right (+ right-x x) y))
(set-to-new-image bot ix y))))

[img kern]
(let [[w h] (helper-image-size img kern)
[ix iy] (orig-img-starting-pixel kern)
iw (:width img)
ih (:height img)
up (get-from-image 0 0 iw iy)
bot (get-from-image 0 (- ih iy) iw iy)
left (get-from-image 0 0 ix ih)
right (get-from-image (- iw ix) 0 ix ih)
up-left (get-from-image 0 0 ix iy)
up-right (get-from-image (- iw ix) 0 ix iy)
bot-left (get-from-image 0 (- ih iy) ix iy)
bot-right (get-from-image (- iw ix) (- ih iy)
ix iy)
right-x (+ ix iw)
bot-y (+ iy ih)]

(set-to-new-image bot-right 0 0)
(set-to-new-image bot ix 0)
(set-to-new-image bot-left right-x 0)
(set-to-new-image right 0 iy)
(set-to-new-image left right-x iy)
(set-to-new-image up-right 0 bot-y)
(set-to-new-image up ix bot-y)
(set-to-new-image up-left right-x bot-y)))

(defmacro convolve-op-by-location
"Using this macro is circa five times slower than one written with convolve-op.
f-creator must be a function that, given the image and the kernel, returns a function that maps pixels from the extended image to the original image."
[name f-creator]
[~'img ~'kern]
(let [f# (~f-creator ~'img ~'kern)
[w# h#] (helper-image-size ~'img ~'kern)
[ix# iy#] (orig-img-starting-pixel ~'kern)
iw# (:width ~'img)
ih# (:height ~'img)]

; Create upper border.
(doseq [y# (range iy#)]
(doseq [x# (range w#)]
(let [[nx# ny#] (f# x# y#)]
(~'set-to-new-image (~'get-from-image nx# ny# 1 1) x# y#))))

; Create lateral borders.
(doseq [y# (range iy# (+ iw# iy#))]
; Create left border.
(doseq [x# (range ix#)]
(let [[nx# ny#] (f# x# y#)]
(~'set-to-new-image (~'get-from-image nx# ny# 1 1) x# y#)))

;Create right border.
(doseq [x# (range (+ ix# iw#) w#)]
(let [[nx# ny#] (f# x# y#)]
(~'set-to-new-image (~'get-from-image nx# ny# 1 1) x# y#))))

; Create bottom border.
(doseq [y# (range (+ iy# ih#) h#)]
(doseq [x# (range w#)]
(let [[nx# ny#] (f# x# y#)]
(~'set-to-new-image (~'get-from-image nx# ny# 1 1) x# y#)))))))

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