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Модуль для Odoo 15. Внешние правила для ограничения доступа пользователей 1С к чему-либо (документы, справочники и т.д.)

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External user permissions control module for old 1C configurations

This addon processes JSON request to the Odoo server with the following data structure: (request example can be seen at the end)

  • Object type (actual dictionary values are selected by the developer)
  • User name (in the external system)
  • Date, associated with the object
  • mode (for now it is only "write", the key is reserved for future modifications)
  • additional parameters, in a dictionary

Additional parameters:

  • regEx key, always True (reserved for future modifications)
  • testType key, "match" or "search"
  • testValue key

Rules are applied to user groups. Addon user groups do not inherit Odoo user groups, it is standalone model. Users can be included in more than one group at the same time. Rules allow or deny access depending on the specified condition (as shown in diagram 1). Also rules have priority field, which is useful for some scenarios. Test result, priority and type of the rule are placed in the dictionary. These dictionaries, in turn, are placed in a list. Then, analysing this list, a decision is made as to whether or not to allow access (according to diagram 2).

The return value False is considered to allow action and True is considered to deny it respectively. Addon is experimental and in "proof-of-concept" state, so it is not recommended to use it on real databases without thorough testing.

View Mermaid-diagrams at:

JSON request format example:

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": { "args": [ "odoo_database_name", user_id (here should be specific value. admin, for example, is usually 2 by default), "passwd", "acs1crules.usr1crules", "extCallCheck", [], "DocProductsSaleOrder", "Dennis", "2023-06-17", "write", { "regExp": true, "testType": "match", "testValue": "CDB00161" } ], "method": "execute", "service": "object" }, "id": null }

Diagram 1

flowchart TD
    A([Current rule check]) --> B{Is</br>this rule of</br>Deny type?}
    B -->|No| AllowRuleCheck{Is</br>this rule</br>of Write allow</br>type?}
    AllowRuleCheck --> |Yes|WriteEnabledCheckAllowRule["`If field ruleNumValue > 0, then set value to True (rule is fulfilled, operation is **allowed**)`"]
    AllowRuleCheck --> |No|CheckObjectDateAllowRule["`If data in parameter **is later than (or equal to)** date in the rule, then set value to True (rule is fulfilled, operation is **allowed**)`"]
    WriteEnabledCheckAllowRule --> MainCheckFinished
    CheckObjectDateAllowRule --> MainCheckFinished
    %% For the rules with Allow type check result of True means to Allow operation, For the rules with Deny type - operation denied, respectively
    B -->|Yes| C{Is</br>there additional</br>parameters?}
    C -->|No| SimpleChecks{Is</br>this rule</br>of Write allow</br>type?}
    SimpleChecks -->|Yes| WriteEnabledCheckDenyRule["`If field ruleNumValue > 0, then set value to True (rule is fulfilled, operation is **denied**)`"]
    SimpleChecks -->|No| CheckObjectDateDenyRule["`If data in parameter **is earlier** than date in the rule, then set value to True (rule is fulfilled, operation is **denied**)`"]
    C -->|Yes| D{Check</br>rule with</br>RegEx match</br>method?}
    D -->|Yes| G["`Checks testValue for exact equality with field ruleStrValue of the rule. Letter case is ignored.`"]
    D -->|No| E["`Checks testValue against the pattern with field ruleStrValue of the rule. Method RegEx search. Letter case is ignored.`"]
    G --> MainCheckFinished
    E --> MainCheckFinished(["`Put the result in the dictionary, add the dictionary to the results list. Move to the next rule.`"])
    WriteEnabledCheckDenyRule --> MainCheckFinished
    CheckObjectDateDenyRule --> MainCheckFinished

Diagram 2

flowchart TD
CStart(["Analize check results"])-->cursorInit["`cursor: priority = 0, value = False`"]
cursorInit -->|for-each cycle| A{{"currResult of checkResults"}}
A--> B{Is</br>currResult of</br>the Deny</br>rule?}
B -->|No| A
B -->|Yes| cursorCheck{Is</br>current rule</br>priority equal</br>to cursor?}
cursorCheck-->|Yes| cursorSet["`cursor: value = value **OR** currResult.value (if any of the rules with the same priority deny operation, than operation denied) `"]
cursorCheck-->|No| C{Is</br>currResult</br>priority higher than</br>cursor?}
C-->|Yes| D[Set cursor</br>value and priority</br>to currResult values]
D--> A
C-->|No| A
A-->|Cycle for deny rules is finished, go to </br>next cycle, for allow rules. </br> for-each cycle| E1{{"currResult of checkResults"}}
E1--> F{Is</br>currResult</br>of the Allow</br>rule?}
F-->|No| E1
F-->|Yes| cursorCheck2{Is</br>currResult</br>priority equal</br>to cursor?}
cursorCheck2-->|Yes| cursorCheck3{"`Is **NOT** cursor.value **AND NOT** currResult.value?`"}
cursorCheck3-->|Yes| cursorSet3["`cursor: value = True (that means, that Allow rule denies operation)`"]
cursorCheck3-->|No| cursorSet2["`cursor: value **AND NOT** currResult.value (denies action only if both rules - Deny and Allow are denying action)`"]
cursorCheck2-->|No| cursorCheck2_1{Is</br>currResult</br>priority > cursor}
cursorCheck2_1-->|Yes| cursorSet4[Set cursor</br>value and priority</br>to currResult values]
cursorCheck2_1-->|No| E1
cursorSet4--> E1
cursorSet3--> E1
cursorSet2--> E1
E1==>|End of Allow type cycle is</br>the end of the algoritm| CEnd(["`Analize finished, **return cursor value.**`"])


Модуль для Odoo 15. Внешние правила для ограничения доступа пользователей 1С к чему-либо (документы, справочники и т.д.)







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