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Funakoshi club


Funakoshi Club is a very friendly website for all people who practise Shotokan Karate or those who want to take an interest in it. This website has a few different functions, you can read a bit about the history of Shotokan Karate on the home page, you can find links to suggested books from different websites on the Books Library page. We also have a blog to share your thoughts, experiences and view other people's, ability to book your place at the seminars. to use the blog you have to create an account. Ability to book your place at the seminars.

Live Website

Responsice Mockup

Table of Contents

User Stores

  • As a Site Admin I can create, create, update and delete post so that I can manage my blog content.
  • As a Site Admin I can create draft posts so that I can finish writing the content later.
  • As a Site Admin I can approve and disapprove comments so that I can filter out objectionable comments.
  • As a Site User I can view a paginated list of topics so that I can easily choose the topic what I am interesting in.
  • As a site User I can leave comments on a post so that I can be involved in the conversation.
  • As a Site User I can register an account so that I can comment and like.
  • As a Site User I can view a list of posts so that I can select one to read.
  • As a Site User I can read a history article so that I can get more info about this sport.
  • As a Site User I can like or unlike post so that I can interact with the comment.
  • As a Site User / Admin I can view the numbers of likes on each post so that I can see which is the most viral.
  • As a Site User / Admin I can view comments on an individual post so that I can read the conversation.
  • As a Site User I can understand what is this site about so that I can see if this is what I am looking for.
  • As a Site User I can find a list of related books so that I can find them and read more info about martial technic and history.
  • As a Site User I can edit and delete my comments so that I can manage my comments by editing or deleting it.


Existing Features


The home page split into 2 parts from the header and footer

  • About


This section describes what is about this website and how to use it.

  • History


This section tells us a little bit of the history of this sport, by who and when was created.

Book library


On this page, we can find recommended karate books and website's links from where we can buy them.



On this page is all posts created with the date, time.

Post Detailes


On this page is the post details created by Admin, all the comments left by different users and a section to leave your comment.

Technologies Used

Balsmiq Wireframe

The Wireframe of this website was built in Balsamic



Programming languages


  • Django - Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean design.
  • Boostrap - Bootstrap is a web framework that focused on simplifying the development of an informative web page.


Used SQL database by default.

  • Library app
Name Key Type Extra Info
Name name CharField max_length=254
Writer writer CharField max_length=254
Description description TextField
Link link CharField max_length=600
  • Blog App (Post)
Name Key Type Extra Info
Title title CharField max_length=200, unique=True
Slug slug SlugField max_length=200, unique=True
Author author ForeignKey User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="blog_post"
Updated On updated_on DateTimeField auto_now=True
Content content TextField
Featured Image featured_image CloudinaryField 'image', default='placeholder'
Excerpt excerpt TextField blank=True
Created On created_on DateTimeField auto_now_add=True
Status status IntegerField choices=STATUS, default=0
Likes likes ManyToManyField User, related_name='blog_likes', blank=True
  • Blog App (Comment)
Name Key Type Extra Info
Post post ForeignKey Post, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='comments'
Name name CharField max_length=80
Email email EmailField
Body body TextField
Created On created_on DateTimeField auto_now_add=True
Approved approved BooleanField default=True
Likes likes ManyToManyField User, related_name='comment_likes', blank=True


Validator Testing


  • Python code is validated throught PEP8



  • Create the Heroku app

    On the Heroku, dashboard click on the "Create new app" button then give the app a name, choose a region and click on the "Create app" button.

  • Attach the PostgreSQL database

    On the Heroku, menu clicks on the "Resources" tab then in "Add-ons" search for "Postgres" to add Heroku Postgres to the project.

  • Prepare our environment and files

    In the project's add the app name in "INSTALET_APP". Create the file to store the URL from DATABASE, CLAUDINARY and SECRET_KEY then add them in the Heroku "Config Vars".

  • Get our static and media files stored on Cloudinary

    In the project's by adding followings lines (STATICFILES_STORAGE = '' STATICFILES_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')] STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')

    MEDIA_URL = '/media/' DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = '') we telling Django to store my static and media files in Cloudinare.

  • Deployment to Heroku

    Add Heroku's app name followed by to ALLOWED_HOST from Add a file named "Procfile" for Heroku to know how to run my project. In the Heroku, dashboard click on the "Deploy" tab then click on GitHub to connect GitHub account after that searching for a repo to connect it to the Heroku.


If you wish to clone this repository you can follow the following steps below.

  • Go to the Git Hub website and log in.
  • Locate the Repository used for this project.
  • Under the Repository's name locate the "Code" button.
  • Either Download the ZIP file, unpackage locally and open with IDE (This route ends here) OR Copy Git URL from the HTTPS dialogue box.
  • Open your developement editor of choice and open a terminal window in a directory of your choice.
  • Use the git clone command in terminal followed by the copied git URL.
  • A clone of the project will be created locally on your machine. Once the project has been loaded into an IDE of choice, run the following command in the shell to install all the required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt.


  • Thank you to everyone who took their time to provide me with constructive feedback on the Slack community app.
  • Big thanks to my mentor 'Tim Nelson' for his time to answer all my questions and his professional advice.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published