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A DesktopServer blueprint

  • Fetch the latest version of WordPress
  • Creates an administrator user, username:testadmin password:password
  • Add the Title
  • Update All Plugins
  • Update All Themes
  • Change the websites Tag line
  • Change Permalink structure to %postname%
  • Discourage search engines from indexing this site
  • Installs Kadence theme from WP Repository
  • Installs Kadence block plugin from WP Repository
  • Installs Kadenve Starter Templates plugin from WP Repository
  • Removes default themes, except for twentytwentytwo
  • Removes default plugins (Akismet, Hello Dolly)
  • Removes example comment
  • Removes "Hello World!" post
  • Removes "Sample" page
  • Create "Home" page and assign as homepage
  • Code for downloading PRO version of Kadence theme, Kadence Blocks from the suers system(Commented out)


No releases published
