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AutoQuery DynamoDB Data Source

AutoQuery Data's DynamoDbSource provides the most productive development experience for effortlessly creating rich, queryable and optimized Services for DynamoDB data stores.

DynamoDB is the near perfect solution if you're on AWS and in need of a managed NoSQL data storage solution that can achieve near-infinite scale whilst maintaining constant single-digit millisecond performance. The primary issue with DynamoDB however is working with it's unstructured schema and API's which is reflected in the official .NET DynamoDB client providing a flexible but low-level and cumbersome development experience to work with directly. Most of these shortcomings are resolved with our POCO-friendly PocoDynamo client which provides an intuitive and idiomatic Typed .NET API that lets you reuse your DTO's and OrmLite POCO Data Models for persistence in DynamoDB.

Querying in DynamoDB is even more cumbersome, unlike an RDBMS which can process ad hoc queries on non-indexed fields with decent performance, every query in DynamoDB needs to be performed on an index defined ahead-of-time. Any queries not on an index needs to be sent as a Filter Expression and even more limiting is that queries can only be executed against rows containing the same hash id. If you need to query data spanning across multiple hash ids you either need to create a separate Global Index or perform a full SCAN operation which is even slower than full table scans on an RDBMS as they need to be performed on all underlying sharded nodes which can quickly eat up your reserved provisioned throughput allotted to your DynamoDB table.

Optimal DynamoDB Queries

With AutoQuery's DynamoDbSource a lot of these nuances are transparently handled where it will automatically create the most optimal DynamoDB Query based on the fields populated on the incoming AutoQuery Request DTO. E.g. it will perform a DynamoDB Query when the Hash field is populated otherwise transparently falls back into a Scan Operation. Any conditions that query an Index field are added to the Key Condition, starting first with the Range Key (if specified), otherwise uses any populated Local Indexes it can find before any of the remaining conditions are added to the Filter Expression.

Transparently adopting the most optimal queries dramatically reduces development time as it lets you quickly create, change and delete DynamoDB Services without regard for Indexes where it will often fallback to SCAN operations (performance of which is unnoticeable during development). Then once you're project is ready to deploy to production, go back and analyze all remaining queries your System relies on at the end then re-create tables with the appropriate indexes so that all App queries are efficiently querying an index.

When needed you can specify .DynamoDbSource<T>(allowScans:false) to disable anyone from executing SCAN requests when deployed to production.


To Get Started Install ServiceStack's AWS Support package from NuGet:

PM> Install-Package ServiceStack.Aws

Simple AutoQuery Data Example

To illustrate how to use AutoQuery with DynamoDB we'll walk through a simple example of querying Rockstars Albums. For this example we'll specify explicit conventions so we can use ServiceStack's typed .NET Service Clients to show which fields we're going to query and also lets us call the Service with a convenient typed API:

public class QueryRockstarAlbums : QueryData<RockstarAlbum>
    public int? Id { get; set; }         // Primary Key | Range Key
    public int? RockstarId { get; set; } // Foreign key | Hash Key
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Genre { get; set; }
    public int[] IdBetween { get; set; }

Here we see that creating DynamoDB Queries is no different to any other AutoQuery Data Service, where the same definition is used irrespective if the data source was populated from a MemorySource, ServiceSource or DynamoDbSource and the only thing that would need to change to have it query an RDBMS instead is the QueryDb<T> base class.

The text in comments highlight that when the RockstarAlbum POCO is stored in an RDBMS OrmLite creates the table with the Id as the Primary Key and RockstarId as a Foreign Key to the Rockstar table. This is different in DynamoDB where PocoDynamo behavior is to keep related records together so they can be efficiently queried and will instead Create the RockstarAlbum DynamoDB Table with the RockstarId as the Hash Key and its unique Id as the Range Key.

Register DynamoDbSource

To use DynamoDB AutoQuery's you need to first configure PocoDynamo which is just a matter of passing an an initialized AmazonDynamoDBClient and telling PocoDynamo which DynamoDB tables you intend to use:

container.Register(c => new PocoDynamo(new AmazonDynamoDBClient(...))

Then before using PocoDynamo, call InitSchema() to tell it to automatically go through and create all DynamoDB Tables that were registered but don't yet exist in DynamoDB:

var dynamo = container.Resolve<IPocoDynamo>();

So the first time InitSchema() is run it will create both Rockstar and RockstarAlbum tables but will no longer create any tables on any subsequent runs. After InitSchema() has completed we're assured that both Rockstar and RockstarAlbum tables exist so we can start using PocoDynamo's typed APIs to populate them with Data:

dynamo.PutItems(new Rockstar[] { ... });
dynamo.PutItems(new RockstarAlbum[] { ... });

Behind the scenes PocoDynamo efficiently creates the minimum number of BatchWriteItem requests as necessary to store all Rockstar and RockstarAlbum's.

Now that we have data we can query we can register the AutoQuery Data plugin along with the Rockstar and RockstarAlbum DynamoDB Tables we want to be able to query:

Plugins.Add(new AutoQueryDataFeature { MaxLimit = 100 }
    .AddDataSource(ctx => ctx.DynamoDbSource<Rockstar>())
    .AddDataSource(ctx => ctx.DynamoDbSource<RockstarAlbum>())

RockstarAlbum POCO Table Definition

Where RockstarAlbum is just a simple POCO and can be used as-is throughout all of ServiceStack's libraries inc. OrmLite, Redis, Caching Providers, Serializers, etc:

public class RockstarAlbum
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public int RockstarId { get; set; }

    public string Genre { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

PocoDynamo uses the same generic metadata attributes in ServiceStack.Interfaces as OrmLite.

When this POCO is created in OrmLite it creates:

  • A RockstarAlbum table with an Id auto incrementing Primary Key
  • The RockstarId as the Foreign Key for the Rockstar table
  • Adds an Index on the Genre column.

Whereas in DynamoDB, PocoDynamo creates:

  • The RockstarAlbum table with the Id as an auto incrementing Range Key
  • The RockstarId as the Hash Key
  • Creates a Local Secondary Index for the Genre attribute.

Typed AutoQuery DynamoDB Queries

Since the properties we want to query are explicitly typed we can make use of ServiceStack's nice typed Service Client API's to call this Service and fetch Kurt Cobains Grunge Albums out of the first 5 recorded:

var response = client.Get(new QueryRockstarAlbums { //QUERY 
    RockstarId = kurtCobainId, //Key Condition
    IdBetween = new[]{ 1, 5 }, //Key Condition
    Genre = "Grunge",          //Filter Condition

response.PrintDump(); // Pretty print results to Console

As illustrated in the comments, DynamoDB AutoQuery performs the most efficient DynamoDB Query required in order to satisfy this request where it will create a Query Request with the RockstarId and IdBetween conditions added to the Key Condition and the remaining Genre added as a Filter Expression.

If we instead wanted to fetch all of Kurt Cobains Grunge Albums where there was no longer a condition on the Album Id Range Key, i.e:

var response = client.Get(new QueryRockstarAlbums { //QUERY
    RockstarId = kurtCobainId, //Key Condition
    Genre = "Grunge",          //Key Condition

It would instead create a Query Request configured to use the Genre Local Secondary Index and have added both RockstarId Hash Key and index Genre to the Key Condition.

But if you instead wanted to view all Grunge Albums, i.e:

var response = client.Get(new QueryRockstarAlbums { //SCAN
    Genre = "Grunge"            //Filter Condition

As no Hash Key was specified it would instead create a SCAN Request where as there's no index, it adds all conditions to the Filter Expression.

AutoQuery DynamoDB Global Index Queries

For times when you need to perform an efficient Query Request across multiple hash keys you will need to create a Global Secondary Index. Luckily this is easy to do in PocoDynamo where you can define Global Indexes with a simple POCO class definition:

public class RockstarAlbumGenreIndex : IGlobalIndex<RockstarAlbum>
    public string Genre { get; set; }

    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }    // projected property
    public int RockstarId { get; set; } // projected property

Global Indexes can be thought of as "automatically synced tables" specified with a different Hash Key. Just like DynamoDB tables you can specify the Hash Key you want to globally query and create the Index on as well as a separate Range Key you want to be able to perform efficient Key Condition queries on. You'll also want to specify any properties you want returned when querying the Global Index so they'll be automatically projected and stored with the Global Index, ensuring fast access.

Then to have PocoDynamo create the Global Index it should be referenced on the table the Global Index is on:

public class RockstarAlbum { ... }

When referenced, InitSchema() will create the RockstarAlbumGenreIndex Global Secondary Index when it creates the RockstarAlbum DynamoDB Table.

With the Global Index created we can now query it just like we would any other DynamoDB AutoQuery but instead of querying a table, we query the Index instead:

public class QueryRockstarAlbumsGenreIndex : QueryData<RockstarAlbumGenreIndex>
    public string Genre { get; set; }     // Hash Key
    public int[] IdBetween { get; set; }  // Range Key
    public string Name { get; set; }

Once defined you can query it just like any other AutoQuery Service where you're now able to perform efficient queries by Genre across all Rockstar Album's:

var response = client.Get(new QueryRockstarAlbumsGenreIndex //QUERY
    Genre = "Grunge",              //Key Condition
    IdBetween = new[] { 1, 1000 }, //Key Condition

Custom POCO Result Mappings

A noticeable difference from querying a Global Index instead of the Table directly is that results are returned in a different RockstarAlbumGenreIndex POCO. Luckily we can use AutoQuery's Custom Results Feature to map the properties back into the original table RockstarAlbum with:

public class QueryRockstarAlbumsGenreIndex : QueryData<RockstarAlbumGenreIndex,RockstarAlbum> 
    public string Genre { get; set; }
    public int[] IdBetween { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

Now when we query the Index we get our results populated in RockstarAlbum DTO's instead:

QueryResponse<RockstarAlbum> response = client.Get(new QueryRockstarAlbumsGenreIndex
    Genre = "Grunge",              //Key Condition
    IdBetween = new[] { 1, 1000 }, //Key Condition

Caching AutoQuery Services

One of the many benefits of AutoQuery Services being just regular ServiceStack Services is that we get access to ServiceStack's rich ecosystem of enhanced functionality around existing Services. An example added in this release is ServiceStack's new HTTP Caching feature which lets you easily cache a Service with the new [CacheResponse] attribute, letting you declaratively specify how long you want to cache identical requests for on the Server as well as a MaxAge option for instructing the Client how long they should consider their local cache is valid for and any custom Cache-Control behavior you want them to have, e.g:

[CacheResponse(Duration = 60, MaxAge = 30, CacheControl = CacheControl.MustRevalidate)]
public class QueryRockstarAlbums : QueryData<RockstarAlbum>
    public int? Id { get; set; }         
    public int? RockstarId { get; set; }
    public string Genre { get; set; }
    public int[] IdBetween { get; set; }

So with just the above single Request DTO we've declaratively created a fully-queryable DynamoDB AutoQuery Service that transparently executes the most ideal DynamoDB queries for each request, has it's optimal representation efficiently cached on both Server and clients, whose Typed DTO can be reused as-is on the client to call Services with an end-to-end Typed API using any .NET Service Client, that's also available to external developers in a clean typed API, natively in their preferred language of choice, accessible with just a right-click menu integrated inside VS.NET, Xcode, Android Studio, IntelliJ and Eclipse - serving both PCL Xamarin.iOS/Android as well as native iOS and Android developers by just
Adding a ServiceStack Reference to the base URL of a remote ServiceStack Instance - all without needing to write any implementation!

More Info

For more examples exploring different AutoQuery Data features checkout the AutoQuery Data Tests and AutoQuery DynamoDB Tests that can be compared on a feature-by-feature basis against the existing AutoQuery Tests they were originally based on.