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Laurian edited this page Dec 2, 2021 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the svyKeyListener wiki!


svyKeyListener is a simple service to send key strokes from the browser to a callback method executing on the server This allows a developer to handle keystroke events inside the servoy environment. "keylistener" attribute of a component (from Properties view) must be used together with addKeyListener API of the service to get desired effect.

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svyKeyListener API

Method Params Return Description
addKeyListener callbackKey:string, callback:Function, [clearPreviousCallback:boolean], [delay:boolean], [regexPattern:boolean], [regexReplacement:boolean] Registers the listener on the components which have the "keylistener" attribute with the given callbackKey value, to call the given callback
removeKeyListener callbackKey:string boolean Removes the listener associated to the given callback key


Registers the listener on the components which have the "keylistener" attribute with the given callbackKey value, to call the given callback. Params

Type Name Description Required
string callbackKey The callback key. Required
Function callback The function will be called and passed [string value, JSEvent event, number keyCode, boolean altKey, boolean ctrlKey, boolean shiftKey, boolean capsLock] Required
boolean clearCB Specifies if the previously added callback associated to this callback key should be removed. Optional
int delay Debouncing for callback function. The callback is fired only when the specified delay (milliseconds) has been pass. If "delay" is not specified, a default delay of 1000 ms will be used." Optional
String regexPattern Javascript regular expression string to modify current value of the component Optional
String regexReplacement The value that is used to replace the regular expression with in the current value of the component Optional

Returns void


On the component(s) you want to register the listener, you need to add a keylistener attribute. Let's assume we add the keylistener attribute with the value test to be used as a callback key:

keylistener attribute

Then, for instance in the onShow method of the form, you need to associate that callback key to a function:

function onShow(firstShow, event) {
	plugins.keyListener.addKeyListener('test', onKey)

function onKey(value, event, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, capsLock){
        application.output("The new value is "+value);

The behavior may be altered using optional parameters:

function onShow(firstShow, event) {
        // the onKey() will be triggered after 500 ms. The 'blue' string from the input value will be 
        // replaced with 'red' string.
	plugins.keyListener.addKeyListener('test', onKey, false, 500, 'blue', 'red');

function onKey(value, event, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, capsLock){
        application.output("The new value is "+value);


Removes the listener associated to the given callback key. Returns true if the listener was removed.


Type Name Description Required
string callbackKey The callback key. Required

Returns boolean


function onAction(event) {
	if (plugins.keyListener.removeKeyListener('test')) {
           application.output("Removed the key listener associated to the callback key 'test'");
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