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2019 01 21

Ezra Weller edited this page Jan 21, 2019 · 1 revision

Meeting notes

Stream improvements!

  • Update the title now and then to help people know a little bit more what's going on
  • Offer people who are interested/respectful/etc. mod status!
  • Work a bit on audio on Jesse's end and my end.

Keep in mind goal: looking for people who'd want to join or get involved. We should optimize for people understanding the project.


  • Create a high-level architecture overview for easier tech onboarding
    • Goal: help a potential holochain person get up to speed in understanding how they can help
    • Really clear vision/elevator pitch type thing
    • Enough logical architecture of elements & markets & governance. Show how this logic will make the vision happen.
    • Ask specific question(s) they can help us with, e.g. game clients. OR point out where we see other systems being able fill pieces of the logic.