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Building Run3

Sgw32 edited this page Nov 22, 2017 · 3 revisions

Building Run3 from source

In comparison with many other engines, Run3 has all base functionality for FPS and First-Person adventure games inside. Adding new functionality with Lua probably will be the best choise, although, the most flexible one is to built Run3 from scratch. Unfortunately, Run3 is kind of a old-tech product. Please read below.


A PC with:

  1. Windows XP - Windows 10 - Linux, Mac is not supported.
  2. Visual Studio 2003 .Net - Yes, that's awful. Please find it wherever you want, but anything else will cause problems while build. Yes, it is supported by Win10.
  3. Pack of Run3 Libraries and Dependencies - read below.

Run3 Libraries and Dependencies

Please download pack from Yandex Disk Unpack it with 7zip anywhere, with a preference to a root of C:

Setting up the environment

Git clone the Run3 repo.

Launch Run3.sln with VS 2003.

You will see this:

You need to setup dependencies(include and library files). Please modify paths for your computer. Include files: Library files:

Optionally, you can modify post-built copy files:

After all, click ** "Build Solution" **

It will take approx 5 min at modern computers. Then, you can copy the file "run3_r.exe" to the root game folder.

I work in Windows 8.1 system, everything builds fine.