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CV integrated project. Including MOT to track cars and pedestrians, object detection and image classification to get license plate content, semantic segmentation to get zebra crossing, tradition method to get area of lanes .etc.


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Intelligent Transportation System

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With the AI entering the national strategic level agenda and the continuous innovation and breakthrough of AI technology, intelligent transportation system will become an inevitable development trend in the future. To realize the intuitive understanding and convenient means of transportation system, a large number of transportation information must be processed by using computer vision technology. In the application of this technology, it not only reduces the traffic congestion, realizes the smooth traffic during the transportation, but also reduces a large number of traffic accidents, and strengthens the traffic supervision and safety.


Many users may find it too hard to deploy our project while we did not put it on the cloud instance for economic reasons. However, you can still see the effect by watching our well prepared videos.




This is a program that ONLY runs on the Ubuntu server side(There is no need to deploy our project in different platform like MacOS or Windows). We strongly recommend using GPU rather that CPU to deal with your video(although the speed that CPU deal with the image is fast enough, the video require dealing with more images, which called frames). For GPU configuration please see below(Otherwise it is not compatible with the tensorflow version):


  • Clone this repo by entering git clone
  • Download our pretrained model:
    • yolo v4 on MS COCO dataset([Google][Baidu, code: 4dm4]). Put it in ./model/Detection/keras_yolov4/model_data/ directory.
    • MobileNet as encoder and SegNet as decoder on zebra crossing images download on the Internet([Google][Baidu, code: yv6c]). Put it in ./model/Segmentation/segnet_mobile/ directory.
    • Other models, such as DeepSort's weight, due to their small sizes(not exceed Github's regular file's size), are already put in our repo.


  • The model is mainly written by python, so you have to install the packages in requirements.txt. Before that, you'd better start a virtual environment by using conda.
cd ITS		# Enter the project's root directory
conda create -n {env_name}	# Make an env_name by yourself
conda activate {env_name}
chmod 777
source	# Install all dependencies of python
  • Then you need to install node.js dependencies to ensure that you can run the serve.
# BTW, you have to install node and npm in your OS at first!
npm install --dependencies
npm run start
  • After all those procedure, you finally start a node serve. Try type localhost:8080/ to see the result. Last but not least, don't forget to quit the virtual environment at last.
conda deactivate

Basic jobs

Taffic light & zebra crossing & lane & lane mark

For those jobs, we require user to input static background image of the video, so we can get the environment’s information.

We use object detection and semantic segmentation method to get the position of traffic light and zebra crossing.

As for the lane and lane mark, we choose to use traditional cv method, including connected domain, contour detection, flood fill and similarity calculation, .etc.

Car tracking & LPR & pedestrians detection

After get the environment information about the videos, we can do further jobs that require time context information of the video.

Before this, we get the position of the traffic light, and when dealing with video, we can convert the traffic light roi into hsv color space to get the current color.

And the pedestrians detection is based on newly come up model: yolo v4(2020 May). As for the car tracking, we introduce the deep sort algorithm, which is a tracking model based on object detecion, so we can reduce our project’s size.

Combination jobs

  1. Does the vehicle cross the line? Judge whether the center point is higher than the lane line
  2. Does the vehicle not wait for person? Judge whether the car and person are on the crossing line at the same time.
  3. Does the vehicle run the red light? Judge whether the car is moving forward the the traffic light's color is red.
  4. Does the vehicle drive without guidance? Judge whether the car's moving direction is the same as its origin lane.

You can see above that our implementation is very simple. That is because the real condition is in 3D world. But we don't have the camera's intrinsic or extrinsic matrix. So we have to judge all these conditons in 2D. So the implementation won't be too complex.

How to use

Firstly I strongly recommend using this model through command line and python script only, though we still provide a web page for you. However, the backend only starts a child process to execute the python script, so it is not stable enough in some situations. Remember, model is the core component of this repository.

If you still want to start a web server, you can follow these steps:

set relative paths in Controller/index.js

cd Controller
npm install
npm run start

then you can visit in browser to see this demo.


Q1: Installation failed.

A1: The installation failed error is mainly caused by some extern reasons, such as your network problem, conda or pip channel problems and so on. Please resolve this error by yourself, otherwise you should contact the developer.

Q2: Can't find some python modules like Detection.

A2: This is because you close the shell that we set the python environment. So the next time you try to restart the serve it gives your the error. The best solution is to reset the python environment in your new shell. Type export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:./Model/"

Q3: The web page is waiting for a very long time...

A3: Actually we didn't add some error alert in front-end for the limited developing time. And this is surely the worst error. Remember to take the screenshot of the server terminal and make an issue due to the issue template in this repository.

As for other reason that I haven't expected, you can still make an issue or contact the me or other developers directly.


Some part of the code is borrowed from the following repo. Thanks for their wonderful works:

  1. ifzhang/FairMOT
  2. yehengchen/Object-Detection-and-Tracking
  3. Ma-Dan/keras-yolo4
  4. bubbliiing/Semantic-Segmentation


YOLO v4:

    title={YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection},
    author={Alexey Bochkovskiy and Chien-Yao Wang and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao},


    title={SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Image Segmentation},
    author={Vijay Badrinarayanan and Alex Kendall and Roberto Cipolla},


    title={MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications},
    author={Andrew G. Howard and Menglong Zhu and Bo Chen and Dmitry Kalenichenko and Weijun Wang and Tobias Weyand and Marco Andreetto and Hartwig Adam},

DeepSORT :

title={Simple Online and Realtime Tracking with a Deep Association Metric},
author={Wojke, Nicolai and Bewley, Alex and Paulus, Dietrich},
booktitle={2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},

title={Deep Cosine Metric Learning for Person Re-identification},
author={Wojke, Nicolai and Bewley, Alex},
booktitle={2018 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},


  • Train the object detection model on custom dataset(Car dataset in surveillance scenario:NICTA, pedestrian dataset: Detrac dataset).
  • Change the deep sort model to other MOT model, for it cannot fully use the time context information.
  • Prune and do quantization the model to get a higher inference speed.
  • Add car type classification part.
  • Add car speed estimation part after given the intrinsic matrix(actually it can be deduced by 3 VP) and extrinsic matrix(Or using Monocular Depth Estimation)


Thanks very much to my teammates, we can't complete this project without their support and efforts.

ShZh7 LotherXuan Feiyu Lu


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 sh-zh-7


CV integrated project. Including MOT to track cars and pedestrians, object detection and image classification to get license plate content, semantic segmentation to get zebra crossing, tradition method to get area of lanes .etc.








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