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Dmitrii Hromtsov edited this page Jan 31, 2023 · 1 revision

Technologies used

Logging configuration files

There are 2 spring profiles configured for all modules: prod and dev.

  • prod profile logs only to D:/business-lunch-provider/backend/{yyyy-MM-dd}/module_name.log. There is history and max size cap configured.
  • dev profile logs as prod, yet duplicates logs into console.

For backend Micrometer tracing library is being used which sets traceId and spanId for each request.

  • TraceId – This is an id that is assigned to a single request, job, or action. Something like each unique user initiated web request will have its own traceId.
  • SpanId – Tracks a unit of work. Think of a request that consists of multiple steps. Each step could have its own spanId and be tracked individually. By default, any application flow will start with same TraceId and SpanId.
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