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UX UI Design

Dmitrii Hromtsov edited this page Jan 11, 2023 · 3 revisions

During the UX/UI stage of the project, some artifacts were created in order to help in further development.

Figma Project

Business Lunch Provider UX/UI (Figma)


Persona Groups

There are 3 main Persona Groups: Employee - these people can make orders according to their company’s suppliers subscriptions Company administrator - these people monitor, validate and make the final request to the supplier Supplier - these people want to sell their business lunches to the companies

Persona Page

User Persona (Figma)

Use Cases / Scenarios / Customer Journey Map

Use Cases & Scenarios

Use case 1: Supplier can create a food option (e.g. Caesar Salad)

Scenario: A small catering company has recently started offering lunch delivery services to local businesses. The owner wants to add a new menu option for her clients, so she logs into the company's online ordering platform and clicks on the "Create Food Option" button. She enters the details for a Caesar Salad, including the date and price, and clicks "Save." The new option is now available for the subscribed companies to order.

Use case 2: Company administrator can subscribe the company on a supplier

Scenario: the HR manager at a medium-sized software company is responsible for ordering lunch for the office every day. He has been researching different catering companies throughout the application to find the best options. He comes across a few companies that look promising, and he wants to sign his company up for their services. He logs into his account on the web application where he is company administrator and sends subscription requests to the business lunch suppliers. Each of them validates the request, makes a phone call to clarify details and the HR manager asks to discuss whether they can offer any special discount for his company. After the discussion the supplier accepts the request, configures prices according to the agreement, i.e. 5% discount for all the orders. The catering company is now available to order from.

Use case 3: Employee chooses a set of options for today’s lunch depending on his company’s subscriptions

Scenario: employee works at a one hundred employee firm that has subscribed to several business lunch suppliers. At the time he configured his first notification, 9am, he gets notified to make his business lunch request. He enters the application’s ordering page, sets the day he wants to order as today, looks through the menus and selects a few options from different suppliers for today. He clicks “Submit Order” which is transferred to the company admin’s ordering page and awaits the confirmation. At 11am it gets confirmed and his choices along with other employees are sent to the suppliers. Use case 4: Company administrator configures preferred delivery time for a supplier Scenario: a CEO of a startup is responsible for managing the company’s catering subscriptions. She has recently signed up for a new supplier, but she wants to make sure that their delivery arrives at a specific time each day. She logs into the platform, opens her company preferences and changes the default delivery time for the suppliers and clicks “Save”. When she is up to confirm the next order for that supplier, the default delivery time will be set.

Customer Journey Map

Employee Journey map (Figma)

Blueprint & Wireframes


Blueprint / Sitemap (Figma)


Wireframes (Figma)

High-fidelity Material UI Design

Design Project (Figma)


Shareable Prototype (Figma)

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