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Donation Page

This is a custom donation page for myself, but you can also use it if you want.


  • ✅ Easy API to connect custom tools with this
  • ✅ A permission system for applications
  • ✅ PayPal checkout (including credit cards)
  • ✅ Connecting Donor's discord account
  • ✅ Multiple funds
  • ✅ Fund Goals
  • ✅ Fund aliases for quick links
  • ✅ Monthly Pay Cycles
  • ✅ Etc


This project is configured in 2 files - .env and auths.json

The .env file is for settings that will not be changed at runtime, and are options for setting the app up in general. To configure this, you can take a look at template.env, which has explanations for each configurable value. If there is a value already set (such as PORT="3000"), then the value that is set is the default value. This applies to empty values as well.

The auths.json file is for setting up external tools, allowing API connections. This file should contain a list of all applications. Note, each application must have a different token & name!

    "name": "Discord Bot",
    "permissions": 8,
    "token": "abc123"
    "name": "Twitch Relay",
    "permissions": 18,
    "token": "cba321"

The permission value allows you limit the control of a certain application. For example, you don't want a twitch relay to create a new fund, do you? The permissions are as follow:

Permission Value
Fetch the Discord Token 2
View life notifications 16
Admin fund control (create, edit, etc) 32
Fetch historical donations 64
Admin Permissions (ie. all permissions) 8

To get the final permission value, simply add the values of all the permissions you want to add. For example, for the Twitch Relay app, I have it the permissions to view live notifications, and to fetch the discord token used by the donation API.

Finally, note the last permission, 8. If an application has this, it will be able to execute any of the permissions above it. Consider it more of a shortcut.


  1. You must create a PayPal Live App. For that, go to the developer console's application menu
  2. Configure your paypal app, then go to webhooks & add, where PAYPAL_PATH is pretty much any path you want. Consider this a password - do not share this path. For the webhook, enable Checkout order approved.
  3. Create a discord bot, allowing OAuth connections. Note it's token, client id and client secret.
  4. Clone this repository into a folder
  5. Configure your .env and auths.json (see above). Remember for the .env - your PAYPAL_PATH is the path you used in step 2.
  6. (Optional) add a favicon (see the )
  7. Run go build
  8. Run the resulting executable, named donations or donations.exe.


Once the app is started, you can input commands into it! Currently only 2 are supported:

reload - This will reload the auths.json file. Use this if you want to add/remove application permissions, or applications in general

fund - Enter a CLI Input menu that will help with creating a new fund

Please not only external tools are currently capable of editing a fund!


I made a GO API wrapper here

Go Reference

TODO: You can also host this discord bot, which has fully API coverage (including editing funds, etc)


You can add a custom favicon by placing one in pages/favicon.ico

Custom frontend

If you wanna do that, go for it. you can edit the pages/* files for that. You don't need to rebuild or restart the app between edits.


Docs are a work in progress...


A Donation API Backend API. Integrates with discord.







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