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Crafttweaker Support

Lucidcream edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 7 revisions


Since the FTB Wiki's page of CrT support is a little out of date, this page is being made directly based on the source.

All zen classes are mods.foundry.X, where X is the type of machine below without spaces.

Foundry also adds its own type of IIngredient, the OreStack. Since many foundry machines allow you to specify oredict inputs and specify a number required, the OreStack was created to allow this. An OreStack is made by <orestack:oreName> * n, where oreName is the actual oredict string, and n is the number required. Foundry machines that take an IIngredient will support OreStack as well as the other defaults for IIngredient. Foundry inputs are nbt sensitive.

Machines Supported

Alloy Furnace

addRecipe(IItemStack output, IIngredient input_a, IIngredient input_b)
Adds a recipe to the alloy furnace for the specified output.
removeRecipe(IItemStack input_a, IItemStack input_b)
Removes a recipe based on the input.
Removes all recipes from this machine.

Alloying Crucible

addRecipe(ILiquidStack output, ILiquidStack input_a, ILiquidStack input_b)
Adds a fluid mixing recipe to the alloying crucible.
removeRecipe(ILiquidStack input_a, ILiquidStack input_b)
Removes a recipe based on the input.
Removes all recipes from this machine.

Alloy Mixer

addRecipe(ILiquidStack output, ILiquidStack[] inputs)
Adds a recipe to the alloy mixer. The array has a maximum size of four, and a minimum size of two.
removeRecipe(ILiquidStack[] inputs)
Removes a recipe based on the input.
Removes all recipes from this machine.


addRecipe(IItemStack output, ILiquidStack input)
Adds an atomizer recipe. The atomizer will always require water in its other tank.
removeRecipe(ILiquidStack input)
Removes a recipe based on the input.
Removes all recipes from this machine.


addMold(IItemStack mold)
Marks an itemstack as a valid mold.
removeMold(IItemStack mold) Removes an itemstack from the valid molds.

addRecipe(IItemStack output, ILiquidStack input, IItemStack mold, @Optional IIngredient extra, @Optional int speed)
Adds a casting recipe. The speed defaults to 100 if not present.
removeRecipe(ILiquidStack input, IItemStack mold, @Optional IItemStack extra)
Removes a recipe based on the input.

Casting Table

addBlockRecipe(IItemStack output, ILiquidStack input)
Adds a recipe to the Block Casting Table.
removeBlockRecipe(ILiquidStack input)
Removes a block casting recipe based on input.

addIngotRecipe(IItemStack output, ILiquidStack input)
Adds a recipe to the Ingot Casting Table.
removeIngotRecipe(ILiquidStack input)
Removes an ingot casting recipe based on input.

addPlateRecipe(IItemStack output, ILiquidStack input)
Adds a recipe to the Plate Casting Table
removePlateRecipe(ILiquidStack input)
Removes a plate casting recipe based on input.

addRodRecipe(IItemStack output, ILiquidStack input)
Adds a recipe to the Rod Casting Table
removeRodRecipe(ILiquidStack input) Removes a rod casting recipe based on input.


addRecipe(ILiquidStack output, ILiquidStack input, IIngredient substance, int energy)
Adds an infuser recipe. The energy is not in RF, it is instead 10x the RF value desired. This will remain until the internals of foundry energy are reworked.
removeRecipe(ILiquidStack input, IItemStack substance)
Removes a recipe based on the input.
Removes all recipes from this machine.


addRecipe(ILiquidStack output, IIngredient input, @Optional int melting_point, @Optional int speed) Adds a melting recipe. Depending on the temperature, this recipe will be valid for all crucibles. If absent, the melting point defaults to the liquid's temperature, and the speed defaults to 100. Do not set the melting point equal to or above 3900, or the recipe will not be possible in any existing crucibles. Melting point must also be greater than 295.
removeRecipe(IItemStack input)
Removes a recipe based on the input.
Removes all recipes from this machine.

Mold Station

addRecipe(IItemStack output, int width, int height, int[] grid)
Adds a mold station recipe. The length of the array must be equivalent to width * height. The ints in the array are the depth of the mold at that coordinate. Ints in the array must be between 0 and 4, inclusive. Goes from left to right, top to bottom. The input is always a refractory clay block.
removeRecipe(int[] grid)
Removes a recipe based on the input grid.
Removes all recipes from this machine.

Burner Heater

addFuel(IIngredient fuel, int time, int heat)
Adds fuel to the burner heater fuel list. The time is in ticks, usually should be the same time something would burn in a furnace. The heat is a bit more complicated, and I don't fully understand it, but I'll just provide a few default values. It controls how hot a specific fuel can make the heater, somehow.
Coal: 210
Coal Block: 228
Coal Coke: 248
removeFuel(IItemStack fuel)
Removes a fuel that would match the given stack.
Removes all recipes from this machine.