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Temporal Driver Action Localization using Action Classification Methods (TDAL)

This repository includes the implementation of the TDAL framework, a solution for Track 3 Naturalistic Driving Action Recognition of the NVIDIA AI City 2022 Challenge. The proposed TDAL framework achieves an F1 score of 27.06% in this challenge.

Important Note:
For reproducibility, you must use all the code provided in this repo. Using any files from the different version may give different results (e.g., git clone yolov5 from the official repository)


Temporal driver action localization (TDAL) framework aims to classify driver distraction actions to 18 classes, as well as identifying the start and end time of a given driver action. The TDAL framework consists of three stages: Preprocessing, , which takes untrimmed video as input and generates multiple clips; Action Classification, which classifies the clips; and finally, the classifier output is sent to the Temporal Action Localization to generate the start and end times of the distracted actions. The proposed framework achieves an F1 score of 27.06% on Track 3, A2 dataset of NVIDIA AI City 2022 Challenge. Our paper will be available soon in CVPR workshops 2022.


Development Environment

The code has been tested with the following hardware and software specifications:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 and 18.04.
  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2295 CPU @ 3.00GHz.
  • 2 GPUs Geforce RTX 2080 Ti with 11 GB memory.
  • Driver Version 495.29.05
  • Docker version 20.10.12
  • Cuda 10.2 and cudnn 7.

Installation (basic)

This installation step is needed for both Training and Inference steps.

  1. Pull the image and create container for Pytorch 1.8.1, cuda 10.2 and cudnn 7.
sudo docker pull pytorch/pytorch:1.8.1-cuda10.2-cudnn7-runtime
sudo docker run -it --rm --gpus all --shm-size=40g --name pytorch -v 'your home path':/workspace 8feef0e83aed 
  1. Install the following dependencies inside the docker container
apt-get update && apt-get -y install gcc && apt install g++ -y && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y git
pip install numpy
python -m pip install -U matplotlib
pip3 install -U scikit-learn
pip install 'git+'
pip install simplejson
conda install av -c conda-forge -y
conda install -c iopath iopath -y
pip install psutil 
pip install opencv-python 
pip install tensorboard 
pip install pytorchvideo
conda install -c conda-forge moviepy -y

Training Action classification model

The workflow for training action classification model is as follow:

  1. Dataset preparation
    - Trimming Videos the input videos should be a trimmed videos i.e., contains only one action in each video.
    - Driver Tracking (In progress) to detect and track driver spatial location in the video, then crop each video based on the driver bounding box.
    - Image Colorization to increase the size of the dataset, we use one of the synthetic data generation techniques.
    - Prepare csv Files for the training and validation sets.
  2. Download checkpoints from here
  3. Prepare the configuration file and start training.

Important Note: We clean the dataset manually. However, to reproduce nearly same action classification model you can download the processed data from the google drive link that we sent via email (note this only for authorized people from organizer of AI city challenge). Then you can start from preparing csv file step for the training.

Driver Tracking (In progress)

Image Colorization

To increase the size of the training dataset, we perform image colorization InstColorization on the entire data from the previous step. We used 'coco_finetuned_mask_256_ffs' checkpoint. Please follow the instruction in InstColorization to get the same results.

Prepare csv Files

To train SlowFast, we need to prepare the dataset to match their format (for more information see SlowFast kinetics Dataset)

  • The dataset information should be stored in CSV file without header, must following the below format.
    • path_to_video_1 label_1
    • path_to_video_2 label_2
  • The CSV files must be moved to data folder in slowfast_train folder. At the end, you should have the following:
    • slowfast_train/data/train.csv , slowfast_train/data/val.csv


Since action recognition method is data hungry and we only have few samples per class. We have two stages to get the final action classification model.

  1. In the first stage, we train action classification model using only the Infrared video without the synthetic data (colored data).
  2. In the second stage, we resume training the first stage model but after adding the synthetic data (colored data) samples in the train and val csv files.

Note: For reproducing rapidly, we recommend skipping the first stage and start from second stage using the first stage checkpoint “checkpoint_epoch_00440.pyth”. Please do not change the checkpoint name.

Training setup

After installing the basic libraries in Installation (basic). Type the following commands:

cd slowfast_train 
git clone 
pip install cython
pip install pandas
pip install -e detectron2
python build develop
apt-get update
apt install libgl1-mesa-glx -y
apt-get install libglib2.0-0 -y

First stage

  • You need to download “SLOWFAST_8x8_R50.pkl” form here a kinetics 400 dataset pretrained model and move the file to “slowfast_train/checkpoints/SLOWFAST_8x8_R50.pkl”.
  • Use “slowfast_train/configs/Kinetics/SLOWFAST_8x8_R50_config1.yaml” config file and add the checkpoint path if needed.
  • Run the following command
python tools/ --cfg configs/Kinetics/SLOWFAST_8x8_R5ـconfig1.yaml DATA.PATH_TO_DATA_DIR 'specify the path to the CSV files'

Second stage

  • You need either to download “checkpoint_epoch_00440.pyth” pretrained model on the IR video samples from here or use the last model in the first stage. Then, move the file to “slowfast_train/checkpoints/“checkpoint_epoch_00440.pyth”.
  • Use “slowfast_train/configs/Kinetics/SLOWFAST_8x8_R50_config2.yaml” config file and add the checkpoint path if needed.
  • Run the following command
python tools/ --cfg configs/Kinetics/SLOWFAST_8x8_R5ـconfig2.yaml DATA.PATH_TO_DATA_DIR 'specify the path to the CSV files'


To use TDAL framework and produce the same result in the leaderboard you need to use only the Rear angle view videos and follow the following steps:

  1. Dataset preparation
    - Driver Tracking to detect and track driver spatial location in the video then crop each video based on the driver bounding box.
    - Video Segmentation to divide the untrimmed video into equal-length clips.
    - Prepare csv file for the feature and classes probabilities extraction.
  2. Extracting action clips probabilities.
  3. Temporal localization to get the start and end time for each predicted distracted action in an untrimmed video.

Driver Tracking

  1. First, you need to configure yolov5 requirements. Using the same docker container please type the following commands:
cd yolov5
pip install -U vidgear[core]
pip install -U scikit-learn
pip install -U scikit-image
pip install opencv-python
pip install -r requirements.txt
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get update && apt install libgl1-mesa-glx -y && apt-get install libglib2.0-0 -y
  1. Run the following command after specifying the videos path directory “--vid_path”.
python yolov5/ --vid_path 'specify videos path based on the workspace'  --out_file 'specify the path of output videos based on the workspace'

the videos path directory should be as the following structure:

  • vid_path
    • Video_1.mp4
    • Video_2.mp4

Video Segmentation

The following command takes untrimmed video as input and generate equal-length clips. To produce the same result in the leaderboard you should use the segmentation type 1 settings. Type one setting will divide the untrimmed video into (video length in second/2) clips.

python --file_paths_video 'path to the root of folders that contains videos' --out_file 'specify the output path' --segmentation_type 1

the videos path directory should be as the following structure:

  • file_paths_video
    • Video_1.mp4
    • Video_2.mp4

Prepare csv file

After completing the video segmentation step, you need to generate a csv file for video's clips. The csv file should contain all clips paths for a single video sorted in ascending order with dummy labels. If the order of paths is changed then it will result in an unexpected and wrong results in last stage. You can use “” for that. But you need to replace the path in line 14 to the required clips video path. Also, you need to replace the path in line 32 to appropriate path where you want to save the csv file. Please the csv file must be named test.csv. We use a docker container in the next step, so you need to check that the paths are appropriate with respect to docker container. In line 26 we have replaced a part of the path with the name of the mapped path in the docker container.


Extract features and probabilities

After installing the basic libraries in Installation (basic) and preparing csv file. Type the following commands:

cd slowfast_Inference
git clone 
pip install cython
pip install pandas
pip install -e detectron2
python build develop
apt-get update
apt install libgl1-mesa-glx -y
apt-get install libglib2.0-0 -y

To extract the clips features and probabilities, you need to modify some lines in “tools/”. In lines 125 and 127 specify where you want to save the output files (features and probabilities). If you do not want to save the features for visualization you can remove line 126 and 127. After that run the following command after specifying the path for the test.csv in last step using DATA.PATH_TO_DATA_DIR argument and the checkpoint checkpoint_epoch_00730.pyth using TEST.CHECKPOINT_FILE_PATH argument. If you do not have the checkpoint_epoch_00730.pyth you can download it from here

python tools/ --cfg configs/Kinetics/SLOWFAST_8x8_R50.yaml DATA.PATH_TO_DATA_DIR 'path to the test.csv file' TEST.CHECKPOINT_FILE_PATH checkpoints/checkpoint_epoch_00730.pyth TEST.CHECKPOINT_TYPE pytorch

Temporal localization

To generate the submission file that contains video id, action classes and the start and end time for each action. The takes prob_path, out_file and video_ids.csv as input. prob_path is the path to the folder that contains the videos probabilities. out_file is the path to the folder where the temporal locations txt file to be saved. Finally, video_ids.csv contains the videos names and Ids.

python --prob_path 'path to the folder that contains folders of videos probabilities' --out_file 'path to the folder where the temporal locations file to be saved'

The input file structure should be as the following:

  • prob_path
    • Video_1
      • P_00000.npz
      • P_00001.npz
      • P_00002.npz
      • P_00003.npz
    • Video_2
      • P_00000.npz
      • P_00001.npz
      • P_00002.npz
      • P_00003.npz


This repository depends heavily on SlowFast, YOLOv5, and InstColorization

General Notes

  • Loading checkpoints from the google drive may take time due to the size of the checkpoint file.
  • We have reproduced the results and run the code on different machines. So, if you find different results than ours, please contact us.

Contact information

If you faced any issues please don't hesitate to contact us :


The solution of track3 (Naturalistic Driving Action Recognition) in the NVIDIA AI City Challenge.






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