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Docker workshop

For this workshop we need DockerCE installed on your laptop/server

docker --help

Lets pull an image of nginx: docker pull alpine

Let's verify this image is pulled: docker images

Now - let's run it: docker run -it alpine

Let's run some more interesting image: docker run -d -p 80:80 --name=nginx nginx:alpine

Notice we ran it with -d so the docker is in detach mode and not attached to our current screen. In order to check the status of the docker container we can execute: docker ps

Also we user -p option in order to map port 80 from the container to our host. now we can browse into the server: http://localhost

We can see the logs of the container: docker logs <Container ID> We can use -f flag to follow the log.

If we would like to stop the container we will use the command: docker stop <Container ID> or docker kill <Container ID>

After the container is stopped - we will not see it on docker ps

in order to see all of the containers (started and stopped) we can use the -a flag docker ps -a

to start stopped container we will use: docker start <Container ID>

to remove stopped docker container - we will use: docker rm <Container ID>

to remove running container we will use the -f flag: docker rm -f <Container ID>

And let's start the nginx container again: docker run -d -p 80:80 --name=nginx nginx:alpine

In order to execute command running container we will use: docker exec -it <Container ID> <command> for example: docker exec -it nginx ls -l /

We can use it to connect into container by running a shell: docker exec -it nginx sh

Other flags of docker run are: -v for mounting folder from the host to the container -e for setting environtment variable

Example command: docker run -it -e TEST=myname -v ~/docker-workshop/src:/mnt alpine now we can run env and see the environment variable and see the content of mnt by ls /mnt

In order to do some checks we may would like to copy files from/to our container. We will use the command docker cp for example: docker cp src/index.html nginx:/usr/share/nginx/html We changed the default index file on our nginx container and now when we will check http://localhost we will see the new page

Now let's build our own docker image:

For this exrecise we will need docker-hub account.

First docker image we will create will be a demo PHP site. We copied a site from to the folder php-site. and created a simple Dockerfile.

In order to build the image we will run the command: docker build -t php-site:version1 .

Our docker image is ready. to test it we can execute: docker run -d -p 80:80 php-site:version1 And check that the site is working as expected on http://localhost

In order to tag our image - we can use the command docker tag for example: docker tag php-site:version1 <your-dockerhub-account>/php-site:latest

we can save our new image in dockerhub - for that we need to login: docker login

after login we can push the image: docker push <your-dockerhub-account>/php-site:latest

We can continue playing and build/push more images.


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