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My developer portfolio: a simple showcase of projects I've worked on, the skills I've developed, and my career goals. Take a look inside.


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Shahir's Portfolio Website

This repository is the codebase for my personal portfolio website, which serves as a professional introduction to me, Shahir, a college student passionate about full-stack development. The website features sections about my interests, a collection of personal projects, a detailed listing of my skills and technologies I'm proficient with, and my resume.

Live Website

To get to know me and explore my work, visit: Shahir's Portfolio

Table of Contents

Website Overview

The portfolio is structured into key sections:

  • Home: The landing page that welcomes visitors and provides navigation.
  • About: A personal introduction and my journey in software development.
  • Skills: A comprehensive list of my technical skillset and tools I use.
  • Projects: A showcase detailing personal projects I've worked on.
  • Resume: A downloadable PDF of my professional resume for prospective employers.

Project Structure

Here's a detailed look at the project organization:

dist/: Production Build

The final, deployable version of the website.

  • img/: Contains web-optimized versions of the images.
  • index.html: The primary HTML page loaded when visitors access the site.
  • main.js: The JavaScript bundle created by Webpack that drives the website's dynamic behavior.

src/: Development Source

The raw codebase for active development.

css/: Styles

  • normalize.css: Resets browser defaults to maintain style consistency across different browsers.
  • style.css: The primary stylesheet defining the custom appearance of the website.

js/: Scripts

  • about.js: Powers the 'About' section.
  • homepage.js: Controls the functionality of the Home section.
  • index.js: Entry script that ties together different modules and sections.
  • project.js: Manages the display and functionality of the 'Projects' section.
  • setup.js: Initializes the shared components like header, footer, and the main content container.

img/: Original Images

  • High-resolution source images for the website.

node_modules/: Third-Party Libraries

  • Houses all the libraries and frameworks installed via npm.

Configuration Files

  • .browserlistrc: Determines the range of browser versions your projects support, important for tools like Babel and Autoprefixer.
  • .eslintrc.json: Configures ESLint rules for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript.
  • .gitignore: Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore when using Git.
  • .prettierrc: Defines Prettier code formatting rules for maintaining a consistent style.
  • babel.config.js: Configures Babel for translating ES6+ JavaScript into backwards compatible versions for older browsers and environments.
  • webpack.config.js: Provides settings for Webpack, which bundles your JavaScript files and other assets for browser use.
  • LICENSE: The full text of the MIT License under which this project is made available.
  • package.json: Lists all dependencies and defines build and development scripts.
  • package-lock.json: Automatically generated to lock down the versions of a package’s dependencies.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: Markup language for creating web pages.
  • CSS: Styling language for designing web page layouts.
  • JavaScript (ES6+): Programming language for web development.
  • Webpack: Module bundler for JavaScript applications.
  • Babel: JavaScript compiler for converting ES6+ code down to ES5.
  • ESLint: Static code analysis tool for identifying problematic patterns in JavaScript code.
  • Prettier: Opinionated code formatter for maintaining consistent code style.
  • npm: Package manager for JavaScript and Node.js.


  • A responsive home page that adapts elegantly to different device screens.
  • A dynamic projects gallery that highlights my work with detailed descriptions.
  • A skills matrix presenting my technical capabilities and tools I've mastered.
  • Direct download functionality for my resume, making it easy for potential employers to save and print.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.