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We will design an application where users will be inspired to travel. We will make their travel smooth, easy and fun. The user will be introduced with a map which will help him to know about his surroundings and there will be challenges which will always make him hungry to explore more and more. There are also benefits and remunerations for the travelers if they complete certain stages of traveling.


Couple of days ago while talking to our friends we realized that we are not really travelling to places like we used to before. So we proposed to challenge one another to go to a certain places, take selfies and upload those to Facebook. It worked amazingly. Now we are travelling to places in almost every week. That’s why we decided to move this initiative further ahead.

Mission and Vision:

Our mission is to motivate people in travelling all around the world and make their trips organized as well as adventurous. We want to develop local economy and develop easier currency for travelers all around the world.

Feature Analysis and Architecture:

The users will sign up providing email and/or cell numbers which will be their log in credentials. They can log in using their Facebook, Gmail, twitter and linked in account as well. If the user wants to connect to a specific user, he/she need to provide the cell number of that specific user. The system will send a friend request to the user after getting the valid cell number.
We will design three different challenges:

  1. Weekly challenge: The users will get new challenges every week. Difficulty level of the challenges will be based on their levels. Challenges can be covering certain distance through walking or going in some specific locations etc.
  2. Instant Challenge: This challenge will be on demand. If the user ask for a challenge we will give a task then and there.
  3. Challenge a friend: Users connected to a certain user can give that specific user challenges. If the user accepts the challenge then he will have to prove completion by posting pictures with hashtags in Facebook.


Upon completing challenges, the user will be given a certain amount of points. Points are essential part of the game because points will justify how much he used the application. Also points will help him to have food at a discount on certain specified restaurants and hotels.

Business value:

The places, shown on the map will most likely to be public places. Other than that we will try to work with different organizations and if they work with us, they will get a recognition from us by having a place in the map. If they want, they can have their own design for it if all were provided enough benefits. Also we will show menus, offers and every single detail they want to share. This will help them to attract many customers meaning easy money. So, we can always look for them to offer discounts for our travelers. Also if both part agree, a traveler could also use his experience of the game to have food or can spend some time in those hotels or resorts contacted by us.