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This is an example of a Node based Microservivce which uses MongoDB running on Docker. The service consists of 3 APIs:

  • Content API: This API is responsible for storing story content such as title, story, user likes, read count etc
  • User API: This API is responsible for storing user related information
  • User Interaction API: This API is responsible for user interaction such as read events, like events


Navigate into the folder where you pulled the repo. Make sure docker running is running. Run the command docker-compose up to build/run the microservice. The specific API usage has been given below.

Content API

Content API keeps track of the following things:

  • Story Title
  • Story Content
  • Story ID: Unique Key to identify a story in DB
  • Read Count
  • User IDs of users who liked the story
  • User IDs of users who read the story
  • Date Created
  • Date Updated

API DB Schema

The DB for the content API uses the following schema:

title: String Not Null Title of the story

content: String Not Null story content

contentID: String Unique Not Null Unique ID to identify a story

likeduser: String [] An array which stores User IDs who have liked the story.

readUser: String [] An array which stores User IDs who have read the story.

readCount Number Keeps track of Story views

createdAt Date, a Mongoose internal field which stores the date when an entry was created

updatedAt Date, a Mongoose internal field which stores the date when an entry was updated

The DB also has a compound index which ensures for every story there's a unique userID stored in likedUser, readUser.

API Routes

The API consists of the following routes

/get: Fetches all stories stored in DB (GET Request)

/get/:contentID: Fetches a particular story matching contentID given in the URL or a 404 if no story is found. (GET Request)

/create: Expects a JSON request body consisting of title, content, contentID. Creates a story based on the JSON Requst body (POST REQUEST)

/delete: Expects a JSON request body consisting of contentID. Deletes a story with matching contentID. (DELETE REQUEST)

/update/title/:contentID: Expects a JSON request body consisting of title. Updates the story title of the contentID given in the url. (PUT REQUEST)

/update/content/:contentID: Expects a JSON request body consisting of content. Updates the story content of the contentID given in the url. (PUT REQUEST)

API Usage

The entry point of the API is http://localhost:3000/ if running the container on local service. e.g.

POST http://localhost:3000/content/create with the response body

	"title":"My First Story",
	"content":"My first Story",

creates a story and returns the response object consisting of the story created e.g.

  "likedUser": [],
  "readUser": [],
  "readCount": 0,
  "_id": "61632a975efe30005c418fe9",
  "title": "My first Story",
  "content": "My first Story",
  "contentID": "story1",
  "__v": 0

User API

The DB for the User API uses the following schema:

firstName: String Not Null

lastName: String Not Null

email: String Not Null Unique

phoneNumber: String

contentID: String Unique Not Null Unique ID to identify a story.

likeduser: String [] An array which stores User IDs who have liked the story.

likedStory: String [] An array which stores content IDs for stories which the user has liked.

createdAt Date, a Mongoose internal field which stores the date when an entry was created.

updatedAt Date, a Mongoose internal field which stores the date when an entry was updated.

The DB also consists of a compound index which ensures for every user there's a unique contentID in the likedStory array.

API Routes

The API consists of the following routes

/get: Fetches all Users stored in DB (GET Request)

/get/:userID: Fetches a particular story matching userID given in the URL or a 404 if no user is found. (GET Request)

/create: Expects a JSON request body consisting of firstName, lastName, email, userID, phoneNumber(Optional). Creates a user based on the JSON Requst body (POST REQUEST)

/delete: Expects a JSON request body consisting of userID. Deletes a story with matching userID. (DELETE REQUEST)

/update-name: Expects a JSON request body consisting of firstName, lastName. Updates the user name of the userId given in the request body. (PUT REQUEST)

/update-number: Expects a JSON request body consisting of phoneNumber. Updates the phone number of the contentID given in the url. (PUT REQUEST)

API Usage

The entry point for this API is http://localhost:3001/ example usage:

POST http://localhost:3001/user/create


which return a response consisting of the user created. e.g.

  "likedStory": [],
  "_id": "61635ad531c735005de0df9c",
  "firstName": "Hello",
  "lastName": "World",
  "email": "",
  "userID": "user1",
  "createdAt": "2021-10-10T21:27:49.531Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-10-10T21:27:49.531Z",
  "__v": 0

Interaction API

The API handles the interaction between the User and the Content.

it consists of the following routes:

/read : Internal route, gets called when a story is fetched based on the request body if an userID is found, it will push into the readUser array of the story, the userID and increment readCount. Otherwise just increments the readCount.

/like: expects a request body consisting of userID and contentID. it pushes into the likedStory array of the user the contentID and in the likedUser array of the story the userID.


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