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Shannon Deminick edited this page Jul 21, 2020 · 12 revisions

*** This is Legacy documentation *** here's the links to the current docs:

Tip: There are many unit tests in the source code that can be used as Examples of how to do things. There is also a test web project that has plenty of examples of how to configure indexes and search them.

What is Examine?

Examine allows you to index and search data easily and wraps the Lucene.Net indexing/searching engine. Lucene is super fast and allows for very fast searching even on very large amounts of data. Examine is provider based so it is very extensible and allows you to configure as many indexes as you like and each may be configured individually. Out of the box Examine gives you abstract implementations of Lucene based indexers and searchers as well as a Fluent API that can be used to search for your data.

Documentation links

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