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Sharc hardware, firmware, and software related support and discussions.

Table of Contents


Data Sheet

Setup Instructions

Cloud Sharc Studio

iOS Sharc Studio

MQTT Namespace


Topic structure: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/evt/{{name}}

MQTT Connect

Availability, published upon connection.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/evt/avail
Retain: true

  "seq": 0,
  "v": true

MQTT Disconnect

Device disconnect message is published by MQTT broker LWT mechanism.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/evt/avail
Retain: true

  "seq": -1,
  "v": false

Boot Counter

Reboot causes and counters, published upon connection.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/evt/rc
Retain: true

  "seq": 1,
  "v": {
    "power_on": 0,
    "hard_reset": 0,
    "watchdog_reset": 0,
    "deep_sleep": 0,
    "soft_reset": 0

$.v.power_on - [int] Power_On count.
$.v.hard_reset - [int] Hard count.
$.v.watchdog_reset - [int] WDT count.
$.v.deep_sleep - [int] Deep_Sleep count.
$.v.soft_reset - [int] Soft count.

Network Interface

Current network interface values, published upon connection.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/evt/net
Retain: true

  "seq": 1,
  "v": {
    "type": "WLAN",
    "static": false,
    "ip": "",
    "gw": "",
    "mask": "",
    "dns": "",
    "mac": "deadbeef",
    "quality": 100,
    "ssid": "wifi-name",
    "lan_fallback_s": 120

$.v.type - [string] Current network type of WLAN or LAN.
$.v.static - [bool] Whether the IP configuration is static or dynamic.
$.v.ip - [string] Device IP Address.
$ - [string] Gateway IP Address.
$.v.mask - [string] Subnet mask.
$.v.dns - [string] DNS Server IP Address.
$.v.mac - [string] Device Hardware Address.
$.v.quality - [int] Connection quality.
$.v.ssid - [string] (WLAN only) Wifi network name.
$.v.lan_fallback - [int] (WLAN only) Seconds to wait for Wifi connection before rebooting into LAN. Zero to disable this feature.

Device Information

Device information, published upon connection.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/evt/ver
Retain: true

  "seq": 1,
  "v": {
    "mfg": "MRIIOT",
    "model": "SHARC",
    "serial": "{chip-id}",
    "hw": "105",
    "fw": "{git-head}",
    "sw": "RTM/FROZEN"

$.v.mfg - [string] Hardware manufacturer.
$.v.model - [string] Hardware model.
$.v.serial - [string] Hardware serial number.
$.v.hw - [string] Hardware version.
$.v.fw - [string] Firmware version.
$.v.sw - [string] Software version.

MQTT Information

MQTT connection information, published upon connection.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/evt/mqtt
Retain: true

  "seq": 1,
  "v": {
    "address": "",
    "port": 1883,
    "user": "",
    "anonymous": true

$.v.address - [string] Broker address.
$.v.port - [int] Broker port.
$.v.user - [string] Username.
$.v.anonymous - [bool] Is connection anonymous.

Sensor Values

Values read from sensors.

Settings and their effects:

  • sensor.aggregate:
    • true: all sensors published on a single topic, packed into a single JSON object.
    • false: each sensor published on its own topic.
  • sensor.calibrate:
    • true: each sensor's calibrate property is evaluated before publishing.
    • false: evaluation of calibrate property is omitted.
  • sensor.convert:
    • true: each sensor's convert property is evaluated before publishing.
    • false: evaluation of convert property is omitted.
Mode: Aggregate

Setting: sensor.aggregate = true and sensor.calibrate = false|true and sensor.convert = false.
Description: All sensors published on a single topic, uncalibrated and unconverted values.
Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/evt/io
Retain: false

  "seq": 1,
  "v": {
    "s0": 0,
    "s1": 0,
    "s2": 0,
    "s3": 0

$.v.s0 - [int] PNP sensor state.
   0 - off
   1 - on
$.v.s1 - [int] NPN sensor state.
   0 - off
   1 - on
$.v.s2 - [decimal] Voltage sensor value.
   0 - minimum bits
   32767 - maximum bits
$.v.s3 - [decimal] Ampere sensor value.
   0 - minimum bits
   32767 - maximum bits

Mode: Distinct

Setting: sensor.aggregate = false and sensor.calibrate = false and sensor.convert = false.
Description: Each sensor published on its own topic, uncalibrated and unconverted values.
Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/evt/io/{{sensor_name}}
Retain: false

  "seq": 1,
  "v": 0
Mode: Aggregate-Calibrated-Converted

Setting: sensor.aggregate = true and sensor.calibrate = true and sensor.convert = true.
Description: All sensors published to a single topic, calibrated and converted values. Units defined in RFC8428.
Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/evt/io
Retain: false

  "seq": 1,
  "v": {
    "s0": {
      "v": 0.0,
      "u": "/"
    "s1": {
      "v": 1.0,
      "u": "/"
    "s2": {
      "v": 10,
      "u": "V"
    "s3": {
      "v": 100,
      "u": "Cel"

$.v.s0 - [any] PNP sensor.

   v - value
   u - units
$.v.s1 - [any] NPN sensor state.

   v - value
   u - units
$.v.s2 - [any] Voltage sensor value.

   v - value
   u - units
$.v.s3 - [any] Ampere sensor value.

   v - value
   u - units

Command Acknowledgement

Acknowledgement of command execution.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/evt/ack
Retain: false

  "seq": 1,
  "v": {
    "id": "abc123",
    "rc": 0

$ - [string] Correlation to command.
$.v.rc - [int] Command execution result code.
   0 - success
   non-zero - failure code

User Data

Data published from user script.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/evt/user
Retain: false

  "seq": 1,
  "v": {
    "user": "object"

$.v - [any] User data.


Topic structure: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/{{name}}

Each command payload must include a unique id attribute.
This value is published back as an acknowledgement of command execution status.
Commands with the id attribute are dropped.



Initiates over-the-air updates over WIFI or Ethernet.

Once the device receives this message, it will:

  • Reboot into update mode.
  • Download the new firmware binary.
  • Install the new firmware binary.
  • Reboot into first-run mode.
  • Reboot into production mode.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/action
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "device.ota": {
      "bin": "direct-download-uri-to-binary"
Device Network

Select between WLAN and LAN network. Device reset is required to take effect.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/action
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": { 
    "" : true
  "id": "abc123",
  "v": { 
    "" : true
Device Reset

Discard configuration changes and reset device into MQTT.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/action
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": { 
    "device.reset" : true
  "id": "abc123",
  "v": { 
    "device.reset.mqtt" : true

Discard configuration changes and reset device into BLE.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/action
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": { 
    "device.reset.ble" : true
Configuration Save

Save configuration and reset device into MQTT.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/action
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": { 
    "" : true
  "id": "abc123",
  "v": { 
    "" : true

Save configuration and reset device into BLE.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/action
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": { 
    "" : true
Reset Digital Input Counters

Reset digital input counters.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/action
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": { 
    "di.counter.reset" : true
Publish IO Data

Request IO data publish.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/action
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": { 
    "io.publish" : true
Set User Data

Set user data in user script.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/action
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": { 
    "ud.set" : {
      "user": "object"

Configuration Changes

Changes value in configuration. action required to persist changes to flash.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/cfg
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "config.key1": "value",
    "config.key2": "value"

$.v.<path> - [bool|number|string|null] Configuration value. path can be any valid path within the configuration file.

Sensor Configuration

Changes sensor modes via the configuration topic. action required to persist changes to flash.

All Sensors Report on Single Topic

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/cfg
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "sensor.aggregate": true

Each Sensor Reports on Individual Topic

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/cfg
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "sensor.aggregate": false

Digital Input - Switch

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/cfg
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "sensor.s0.mode": "switch",
    "sensor.s0.calibrate": "(v, False)",
    "sensor.s0.convert": "(v, '/', False)"

Digital Input - Rising Edge Persisted Counter

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/cfg
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "sensor.s0.mode": "counter",
    "sensor.s0.edge": "rising",
    "sensor.s0.persist": true,
    "sensor.s0.calibrate": "(v, False)",
    "sensor.s0.convert": "(v, 'count', False)"

Digital Input - Falling Edge Accumulator

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/cfg
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "sensor.s0.mode": "accumulator",
    "sensor.s0.edge": "falling",
    "sensor.s0.period": 1000,
    "sensor.s0.calibrate": "(v, False)",
    "sensor.s0.convert": "(v, 'count', False)"

Analog Input - Custom Conversion

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/cfg
Retain: false

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "sensor.s3.convert": "(({v} - 4) * (100 - 0) / (20 - 4) + 0, 'Cel', False)"
Network Example

Network configuration. Reset required.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/cfg
Retain: false

Payload - Enforcing static IP assignment.

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "lan.static_ip": 1,
    "lan.ip_config.ip": "",
    "": "",
    "lan.ip_config.mask": "",
    "lan.ip_config.dns": ""

Payload - Enforcing DHCP.

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "lan.static_ip": 0

Payload - Wait for IP address on boot before continuing.

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "lan.wait_for_ip": 1

Payload - Do not wait for IP address on boot before continuing. Instead, wait for a specific duration in milliseconds.

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "lan.wait_for_ip": 0,
    "lan.timeout": 1000

Broker Example

Broker configuration. Reset required.

Topic: sharc/{{sharc_id}}/cmd/cfg
Retain: false

Payload - Set broker options.

  "id": "abc123",
  "v": {
    "": "",
    "": 1883,
    "": "",
    "": "",
    "": 60,
    "": 5

List of Avaialble Settings

Section Item Legend Description Access Value Type Default Notes
lan Ethernet Configuration. object
lan.static_ip Static configuration or DHCP. RW boolean false
lan.wait_for_ip Wait for IP address before completing boot process. RW boolean false
lan.timeout_ms Milliseconds to wait for network, if wait_for_ip is false. RW integer 1000 milliseconds
lan.ip_config.ip Statically assigned device IP address. RW string four octet
lan.ip_config.mask Statically assigned network mask. RW string four octet Statically assigned gateway IP address. RW string four octet
lan.ip_config.dns Statically assigned DNS server IP address. RW string four octet
wlan n/a object
wlan.static_ip Static configuration or DHCP. RW boolean false
wlan.ssid Wifi network name. RW string (empty)
wlan.pass Wifi network password. W string (empty)
wlan.ip_config.ip Statically assigned device IP address. RW string four octet
wlan.ip_config.mask Statically assigned network mask. RW string four octet Statically assigned gateway IP address. RW string four octet
wlan.ip_config.dns Statically assigned DNS server IP address. RW string four octet
mqtt MQTT configuration. object
mqtt.seq_reset Reset sequence number when reconnecting. RW boolean false Broker IP address. RW string four octet Broker port. RW integer 1883 Broker username. Keep blank for anonymous. RW string (empty) Broker password. Keep blank for anonymous. W string (empty) Keepalive seconds. RW integer 60 seconds Seconds between pings. RW integer 5 seconds
sensor Sensor output configuration. object
sensor.aggregate Publish sensor values as a single payload. RW boolean true
sensor.calibrate Calibrate sensor values. RW boolean true
sensor.convert Convert sensor values. RW boolean true
sensor.s0 Binary PNP Sensor. object
sensor.s0.calibrate Calibration formula. RW string (v, False)
sensor.s0.convert Conversion formula. RW string (v, '/', False) see RFC8428
sensor.s0.mode switch, counter, or accumulator. RW string switch
sensor.s0.edge any, rising, falling. RW string any
sensor.s0.period Accumulator report period. RW integer 1000 milliseconds
sensor.s1 Binary NPN Sensor. object
sensor.s1.calibrate Calibration formula. RW string (v, False)
sensor.s1.convert Conversion formula. RW string (v, '/', False) see RFC8428
sensor.s1.mode switch, counter, or accumulator. RW string switch
sensor.s1.edge any, rising, falling. RW string any
sensor.s1.period Accumulator report period. RW integer 1000 milliseconds
sensor.s2 Analog Voltage Sensor. object
sensor.s2.deadband Sensor dead-zone. RW integer 100 a value of 30 is 0.01V
sensor.s2.calibrate Calibration formula. RW string (v * 0.000384615, False)
sensor.s2.convert Conversion formula. RW string (float('{:.1f}'.format((v - 0) / (10 - 0) * (10 - 0) + 0)), 'v', False) see RFC8428
sensor.s3 Analog Current Sensor. object
sensor.s3.deadband Sensor dead-zone. RW integer 100 a value of 10 is 0.01mA
sensor.s3.calibrate Calibration formula. RW string (v * 0.00075, False)
sensor.s3.convert Conversion formula. RW string (float('{:.1f}'.format((v - 4) / (20 - 4) * (20 - 4) + 4)), 'mA', False) see RFC8428

Self-hosting Sharc Studio

If Not Using localhost To Connect To Sharc UI, You Must Allow Bluetooth From Insecure Connection

To enable this setting

  1. Navigate to chrome://flags
  2. Search for Insecure origins treated as secure flag
  3. Enable option and provide domain/IP you are trying to connect to
  4. Relaunch
  5. Navigate to http://your_server_address
  6. You will now be able to use bluetooth from the browser

To Run Locally (MQTT Broker already setup | Without compose)

  1. Ensure you have Docker installed
    a. If you do not, follow installation instructions for your OS
  2. Open a terminal window
  3. Pull the Sharc-Tech image using docker pull ladder99/sharc-ui:latest
  4. Run the image inside of a container using docker run -d -p 80:80 ladder99/sharc-ui:latest
  5. Navigate to https://localhost/ in your browser
  6. If you already have a MQTT Broker set up you are good to go!

To Run Locally (MQTT Broker already setup | With compose)

  1. Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed
    1. If you do not, follow installation instructions for your OS
  2. Create a file named docker-compose.yml
  3. Copy this configuration into the file:
version: "3.9"


    image: ladder99/sharc-ui:latest
    container_name: sharc_tech
    restart: unless-stopped
      driver: "json-file"
        max-file: "5"
        max-size: "1m"
      - "80:80/tcp"
  1. Go to directory that the file is located in
  2. Run docker compose up -d in the terminal
  3. Navigate to https://localhost/ in your browser
  4. If you already have a MQTT Broker set up you are good to go!

To Run Locally (MQTT Broker not setup | With docker-compose)

  1. Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed
    1. If you do not, follow installation instructions for your OS
  2. Create a file named docker-compose.yml
    1. Make sure to note down where this file is created.
  3. Copy this configuration into the file:
version: "3.9"


    image: ladder99/sharc-ui
    container_name: sharc_tech
    restart: unless-stopped
      driver: "json-file"
        max-file: "5"
        max-size: "1m"
      - "80:80/tcp"

    container_name: mosquitto
    image: eclipse-mosquitto
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "1883:1883/tcp"
      - "9001:9001/tcp"
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
      - /home/your_username/volumes/mosquitto/config:/mosquitto/config:rw
      - /home/your_username/volumes/mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data:rw
      - /home/your_username/volumes/mosquitto/log:/mosquitto/log:rw
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "20m"
  1. Ensure that you replace your_username with the username of your computer
  2. Go to the directory of the file created in step 2
  3. Run docker compose up -d in the terminal
  4. Go to the newly created volume directory at /home/your_username/volumes/mosquitto/config
  5. Create a file named mosquitto.conf
  6. Copy this text into the file and save:
connection_messages true
log_dest stdout
log_dest stderr
log_timestamp true
log_type all
max_inflight_bytes 1000000
max_inflight_messages 1
max_queued_bytes 2000000
max_queued_messages 1000
message_size_limit 1500
persistence false
queue_qos0_messages false
retain_available true
per_listener_settings true
listener 1883
protocol mqtt
allow_anonymous true
max_connections 100
socket_domain ipv4
allow_zero_length_clientid false
listener 9001
protocol websockets
allow_anonymous true
max_connections 100
socket_domain ipv4
allow_zero_length_clientid false

This will ensure that your broker is set up to allow websocket connections on port 9001

  1. Navigate to https://localhost/ in your browser
  2. Congrats! You now have both Sharc-Tech and a MQTT Broker running locally


Sharc hardware, firmware, and software related support and discussions.






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