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Make an object-oriented quiz game using the following user stories.

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Quiz Challenge âť“

Make an object-oriented quiz game using the following user stories:

Let's have a look at the first User Story:

As a quiz maker
So that I can challenge users
I want to be able to create a question with an answer
Expand - First User Story

The line we look at here is:

I want to be able to create a question with an answer

This could be translated to:

Object Methods Properties
Question challenge

challenge and answer are set as properties, we have a Question object so we'll describe a Question constructor.

In a new file __tests__/question.test.js, write the following code:

describe('constructor', () => {
  it('has the given question property', () => {
      const question1 = new Question();
  it('has the given answer property', () => {
    const question1 = new Question(jest.fn(), 'bar');

In src/question.js, add the following code:

function Question(challenge, answer) {
  this.challenge = challenge;
  this.answer = answer;

Let's have a look at the second User Story:

As a player
So I know if my guess is correct
I want to be able to verify my answer to a question
Expand - Second User Story

The line we look at here is:

I want to be able to verify my answer to a question

This could be translated to:

Object Methods Properties
Question challenge

verify is a method, added to Question constructor.

In a new file __tests__/question.test.js, write the following code:

describe('verify', () => {
  it('returns true if the answer matches', () => {
    const question = new Question(jest.fn(), 'bar');

In src/question.js, add the following code:

Question.prototype.verify = function verify(guess) {
  return guess === this.answer;

Let's have a look at the third User Story:

As a quiz maker
So I can group related questions together
I want to be able to create a quiz with a list of questions
Expand - Third User Story

The line we look at here is:

I want to be able to create a quiz with a list of questions

This could be translated to:

Object Methods Properties
Question challenge
Quiz questions

questions is assumed as a property, we have a quiz object so we'll describe a quiz constructor.

In a new file __tests__/quiz.test.js, write the following code:

describe('quiz constructor', () => {
  it('has the given list of questions', () => {
    const questions = [jest.fn(), jest.fn()];
    const quiz = new Quiz(questions);

Alternative unit test:

describe('quiz constructor', () => {
  it('has the given list of questions', () => {
    const q1 = jest.fn();
    const q2 = jest.fn();
    const quiz = new Quiz(questions);
    expect(quiz.questions).toEqual(q1, q2);

In src/quiz.js, add the following code:

function Quiz(questions) {
  this.questions = questions;

Let's have a look at the fourth User Story:

As a quiz maker
So I can keep track of my quizzes
I want to provide a quiz with a name/identifier
Expand - Fourth User Story

The line we look at here is:

I want to provide a quiz with a name/identifier

This could be translated to:

Object Methods Properties
Question challenge
Quiz questions

name is a property, added to Quiz constructor.

Let's have a look at the fifth User Story:

As a player
So I know what question to answer
I want to be able to read the current question
Expand - Fifth User Story

The line we look at here is:

I want to be able to read the current question

This could be translated to:

Object Methods Properties
Question challenge
Quiz questions

readCurrentQuestion is a method, added to Quiz constructor.

In a new file __tests__/quiz.test.js, write the following code:

describe('readCurrentQuestion', () => {
  it('returns the challege of the current question', () => {
    const mockChallenge = jest.fn();
    const questions = [{ challege: mockChallenge }];
    const quiz = new Quiz(questions);

In src/quiz.js, add the following code:

Quiz.prototype.readCurrentQuestion = function readCurrentQuestion() {
    return this.questions[0].challenge;

Let's have a look at the sixth User Story:

As a player
So I can play the game
I want to be able to provide an answer to the current question
Expand - Sixth User Story

The line we look at here is:

I want to be able to provide an answer to the current question

This could be translated to:

Object Methods Properties
Question challenge
Quiz questions

verifyCurrentQuestion is a method, added to Quiz constructor.

In a new file __tests__/quiz.test.js, write the following code:

describe('verifyCurrentQuestion', () => {
  it('verifies the guess against the current question', () => {
    const mockGuess = jest.fn();
    const mockVerifyValue = jest.fn();
    const mockQuestion = {
      verify: jest.fn(() => mockVerifyValue),
    const questions = [mockQuestion];
    const quiz = new Quiz(questions);
    const result = quiz.verifyCurrentQuestion(mockGuess);

In src/quiz.js, add the following code:

Quiz.prototype.verifyCurrentQuestion = function verifyCurrentQuestion(guess) {
    return this.questions[0].verify(guess);

Let's have a look at the seventh User Story:

As a player
So I can progress through a game
I want to move onto the next question after I provide an answer to a question
Expand - Seventh User Story

The line we look at here is:

I want to move onto the next question after I provide an answer to a question

This could be translated to:

Object Methods Properties
Question challenge
Quiz questions

nextQuestion is a method, quizIndex is a property, added to Quiz constructor.

In a new file __tests__/quiz.test.js, write the following code:

describe('nextQuestion', () => {
  it('move to next question from Q.1', () => {
    const questions = [jest.fn(), jest.fn()];
    const quiz = new Quiz(questions);

In src/quiz.js, add the following property quizIndex with initial value to constructor, and method nextQuestion:

function Quiz(questions) {
  this.questions = questions;
  // start from array[1] to match first question (Q1).
  this.quizIndex = 1;
Quiz.prototype.nextQuestion = function nextQuestion() {
  // this.quizIndex ++;
  this.quizIndex += 1;

Let's have a look at the eighth User Story:

As a player
So I can keep track of how I'm doing
I want the game to track my score
Expand - Eighth User Story

The line we look at here is:

I want the game to track my score

This could be translated to:

Object Methods Properties
Question challenge
Quiz questions

Already got verifyCurrentQuestion which will need to be extended to include score as a property.

In a new file __tests__/quiz.test.js, write the following code:

describe('verifyCurrentQuestion', () => {
  it('increase score if return true', () => {
    const mockQuestion = {
      verify: jest.fn(() => true),
    const questions = [mockQuestion];
    const quiz = new Quiz(questions);

In src/quiz.js, add the following property score with initial value to constructor:

function Quiz(questions) {
  this.questions = questions;
  this.quizIndex = 1;
  this.score = 0;
Quiz.prototype.verifyCurrentQuestion = function verifyCurrentQuestion(guess) {
  if (this.questions[0].verify(guess)) {
    this.score += 1;
  return this.questions[0].verify(guess);

Let's have a look at the ninth User Story:

As a player
So I can know when I have answered all of the questions
I want to be told that a quiz is finished when trying to read or answer a question
Expand - Ninth User Story

The line we look at here is:

I want to be told that a quiz is finished when trying to read or answer a question

This could be translated to:

Object Methods Properties
Question challenge
Quiz questions

Need to include isFinished as a property for methods readCurrentQuestion and verifyCurrentQuestion.

Property isFinished is a function based on quizIndex value where the Quiz is completed once it reaches the last array, with the modification applied to the readCurrentQuestion and verifyCurrentQuestion functions. Much simiplar method would be to use the getter methods which will require one object to cover the two modification mentioned.

What a getter methods is... Getter methods allow access to a property that returns a dynamically computed value - they are methods that can be used like properties - they allow us to report on an objects state, without actually managing a new piece of state. Meaning, the less state you have to manage, the simpler your code will be.

When you create a method, Quiz.prototype is an object, and you are setting a property on that object. However for getter methods, they have to be created on an object literal in src/quiz.js:

Quiz.prototype = {
  get isFinished() {
    return this.quizIndex >= this.questions.length;;

Implementing a unit test for testing one of the condition for quiz.isFinished getter method in __tests__/quiz.test.js:

describe('readCurrentQuestion', () => {
  it('throws an error when game is finished', () => {
    const mockChallenge = jest.fn();
    const questions = [{ challenge: mockChallenge }];
    const quiz = new Quiz(questions);
    quiz.quizIndex = 11;

Note; there are ten questions in the index.js file, therefore quizIndex = 10.

Updated code added to objects readCurrentQuestion and verifyCurrentQuestion:

Quiz.prototype.readCurrentQuestion = function readCurrentQuestion() {
  if (!this.isFinished) throw new Error('Time Up!');
  return this.questions[this.quizIndex].challenge;
Quiz.prototype.verifyCurrentQuestion = function verifyCurrentQuestion(guess) {
  if (!this.isFinished) throw new Error('Time Up!');
  else if (this.questions[this.quizIndex].verify(guess)) this.score += 1;
  return this.questions[this.quizIndex].verify(guess);

Let's have a look at the tenth User Story:

As a player
So I can keep track of my achievements
I want my high scores for each quiz to be recorded on my profile after completing it
Expand - Tenth User Story

The line we look at here is:

I want my high scores for each quiz to be recorded on my profile after completing it

This could be translated to:

Object Methods Properties
Question challenge
Quiz questions

Need to include highScore as a property for the constructor Quiz.

Implementing a unit test for testing the condition for quiz.highScore in __tests__/quiz.test.js:

describe('highScore', () => {
  it('high scores recorded after each completion', () => {
    const quiz = new Quiz(jest.fn());
    quiz.score = 6;
    expect(quiz.highScore()).toEqual('Congrats! You have a new high score!');

Updated code added to include property quiz.finalScore, method quiz.highScore, and a magic number:

const TOP_SCORE = 5;
function Quiz(questions) {
  this.questions = questions;
  this.quizIndex = 0;
  this.score = 0;
  this.finalScore = TOP_SCORE;
Quiz.prototype.highScore = function highScore() {
  if (this.score > this.finalScore) {
    this.finalScore = this.score;
    return ('Congrats! You have a new high score!');
  } return ('Try again. High score not beaten');

Let's have a look at the eleventh User Story:

As a player
So I can brag to my friends when I do the best
I want new high scores for a quiz to be recorded along with my name
Expand - Eleventh User Story

The line we look at here is:

I want new high scores for a quiz to be recorded along with my name

This could be translated to:

Object Methods Properties
Question challenge
Quiz questions

Need to include finalResult as a method for the object Quiz.

Implementing a unit test for testing the condition for quiz.finalResult in __tests__/quiz.test.js:

describe('finalResult', () => {
  it('display new high scores along with name', () => {
    const quiz = new Quiz(jest.fn()); = 'Bruce Forsyth';
    quiz.score = 10;
    expect(quiz.finalResult()).toEqual('Hi Bruce Forsyth your final score is 10');

Updated code added to include new method quiz.finalResult:

Quiz.prototype.finalResult = function finalResult() {
  return (`Hi ${} your final score is ${this.score}`);


Make an object-oriented quiz game using the following user stories.






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