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This is a simple microservices example that uses Ruby + Sinatra to provide a simple Products Service. Docker support is included for running locally or deploying to services

Note: This isn't production-ready code. The service assumes no Mongo username/password, doesn't force SSL, or enforce security best practices. This is for demonstration and learning purposes only.

Running locally

Install the required Rubygems:

bundle install

Set an environment variable to point to the location of your MongoDB instance (e.g. for localhost, or the specific IP/hostname if not localhost)


Run Sinatra:

ruby products_service.rb

Running locally using Docker

Use docker-compose to build the service and mongodb containers (takes a few minutes the first time):

docker-compose build

Then start the the containers:

docker-compose up

Interacting with the Products Service

Use Postman or cURL to directly interact with the API.

Get a list of products (empty by default):

curl -X GET

Add a new product:

curl -X POST -F "name=My Product"