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A number guessing game project that allows users to speak their guesses using a web browser's speech recognition service. The code retrieves an HTML element for displaying messages to the user, generates a random number, sets up the speech recognition service, and creates functions for handling user input and checking whether the user's spoken input is a valid number. The code also sets up event listeners for the speech recognition service and for the "Play Again" button.

Resources: MDN - API speech recognition documentation

Js file

window.SpeechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition; -> sets up the speech recognition service, which is used to capture the user's spoken input.
let recognition = new window.SpeechRecognition(); -> creates a new instance of the speech recognition service.
recognition.start(); -> starts the speech recognition service.
function onSpeak(e){ ... } -> function is called whenever the speech recognition service detects speech. It extracts the user's spoken input from the event object e, and then passes it to the writeMessage() and checkNumber() functions.
recognition.addEventListener('result', onSpeak) -> sets up an event listener that calls the onSpeak() function whenever the speech recognition service detects speech.

recognition.addEventListener('end', () => recognition.start()) -> sets up an event listener that restarts the speech recognition service whenever it stops.

document.body.addEventListener('click', (e) => { ... }) -> sets up an event listener that listens for clicks on the "Play Again" button and reloads the page when it is clicked.


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