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Learning TypeScript from scratch with VSCode

My notes learning TypeScript

TypeScript documentation can be found here.
TypeScript playground can be found here.

Commands shown using a powershell terminal

Install the latest stable release of Node.js
If already installed, check the version by running command: node -v
Node version should be > 18 at the time of this file creation
This will also install the node package manager (npm)
Check the npm version by running command: npm -v
Node package manger version should be > 9.2 at the time of this file creation

Create folder structure for project
Example: /LearningThings/LearningTypeScript

Create a package file in project folder (package.json)
Run command: npm init
This will create a package.json file, can use defaults for now

Install TypeScript globally: npm i -g typescript
Check version globally: tsc -v or npx tsc -v
Install TypeScript to local project (from project folder): npm i typescript --save-dev
Check version locally: npm ls typescript or npx tsc -v
(npx is the Node Package Executor)

Create a TypeScript config file (tsconfig.json)
Run command: npx tsc --init
This will create a tsconfig.json file
Use defaults for now, but can change JavaScript target version and other configurations.

Create a TypeScript file, Ex. TestTypeScript.ts
Add some basic JavaScript code as a test script

 let fakeString = 'Fake String';  

Compile the script which will generate a TestTypeScript.js JavaScript file
Run command: npx tsc

Run TestTypeScript.js file
Run command: node testtypescript