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Dream Log APP


August Kekulé figured out the chemical configuration structure of Benzene. He notably says that he came about this discovery through a dream he had of a snake biting its own tail. August Kekulé, the scientist responsible for this contribution to field of organic chemistry has been proven to be correct today through various spectroscopic techniques. Everyone has dreams! This application is a digital journal built to keep track of the dreams that you had while sleeping! In the section about Good dreams, bad dreams, or neutral dreams, it is totally up to User discretion to determine whether their dream was good or bad or neutral. An example of a good dream could be you wake up feeling happy and hopeful. An example of a bad dream could be waking up in a state of terror. A neutral dream could be something you dreamed about that happened in the previous day.



As a User, I will be able to visit the homepage of the application, and see information about the Application and the Developer behind it As a User, I see an initial Navigation bar at the top of the page, which I can click links that take me to various parts of the application, such as the Login PAGE, the Sign Up PAGE, and the Home PAGE. As a User, once I create a USER entity (username and password), I can LOGIN (be authenticated).


As a User, only once Logged in, I can see new Navigation Bar Items added, such as New Form PAGE, and Index PAGE (list of all dreams that were logged). As a User, only once Logged in, I can create new individual dream from the New Form PAGE.

As a User, I can go back to the Index page if I click the back button on the NEW FORM page, cancelling the current dream data log. As a User, only once Logged in, I can see new all dreams from the Index PAGE. As a User, only once Logged in, I can click on an individual dream from the Index PAGE, and get to a Show PAGE of that specific dream. As a User, only once Logged in, I can edit a specific dream on the Edit FORM PAGE to change mistakes in spelling, category, etc, only once I click on the edit button on the specific dream on the Show page. As a User, I can go back to the Index page if I click the back button on the Show page. As as an authenticated USER, I can logout, and see my information no longer viewable to the public.

ERD Diagram for Resources Entity Relationships

WireFrame Sketch for Potential Passport JS Implementation Stretch Goal WireFrame Diagram for PAssport JS Stretch Goal


An app to manage the dreams you have in your sleep!






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