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Real-Time Orientation Tracking with a Round LCD Interface

Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge


This application harnesses the BMI270 IMU sensor and the GC9A01 round LCD Display to showcase real-time orientation detection. Utilizing the LVGL library, it effectively visualizes IMU sensor data on the GC9A01 display, offering a dynamic and interactive user interface. This integration not only demonstrates technical capability but also serves as a robust foundation for further development in wearable and IoT devices that require orientation-based functionality.



  • Real-time orientation detection using the BMI270 IMU sensor.
  • Visual feedback through the GC9A01 round LCD display.
  • Utilization of the LVGL library for graphical user interface creation.
  • Development with Nordic nRF5340 DK, supporting advanced features and connectivity.
  • Integration with VSCode and nRF Connect SDK for streamlined development and debugging.

Folder Structure

├── app.overlay                                                         # User Defined & Changes for Device tree
├── build                                                         # Build Directory, Should exist after an attempt to build.
├── CMakeLists.txt                                                          # Root level CMakeLists, this is where you should add any more source files so compiler takes it.
├── datasheet                                                         # datasheet for BMI270 IMU sensor and GC9A01 LCD driver
│   ├── BMI270_datasheet.pdf
│   └── GC9A01A_datasheet.pdf
├── dts                                                         # Custom Peripherals Binding Definition in yaml file.(GC9A01..)
│   └── bindings    
│       └──  display
│            └── waveshare,gc9a01.yaml
├── Kconfig
├── misc                                                         # images
│   └──  Hardware_bring-up.png
├── prj.conf                                                         # Default conf file for user selected config unless other files specified in compiler options.
├── README.rst                                                         # Readme file for the project.
├── sample.yaml                                                         # BMI270 Sensor Sample related configuration file.
├── src                                                          # Source Files resides in this folder.
│   ├── gc9a01.c
│   └── main.c
└── ui                  # UI C array
    ├── battery_50_percentage.c
    ├── bluetooth_connected.c
    ├── cairdio_and_rice_logo.c
    └── cairdio_logo.c

Development Environment

Dev-Environment Setup

Required Tools and Software to build the project:(CheckList)

  • nRF Connect Software : nRF Connect For Desktop
    • Programmer Sub-Application.
    • Serial Terminal Sub-Application.
    • Toolchain Manager Sub-Application: Which manages toolchain and sdk's version.
      • Install Toolchain: From Toolchain Manager Install the Latest Toolchain.
  • Compatible IDE: Segger IDE (Commercial) | VSCode IDE.
  • A Must Extension: With VSCode nrfConnect Extension is required.
Note: Steps and software tools are also available for Linux & macOS.

Any project should have these files with exact names:

prj.conf            [Exact Name]
main.c              [any name but a main entry source file to exist]
CMakeLists.txt      [supply main.c as source to compiler-input]
app.overlay         [exact name: contains user specific configs]

Workspace Adaption on VSCode IDE & Compilation

  • Go to NRF Connect Extension(Select) from Left Extension selection Vertical Menu Bar.
  • Open As Existing Project from NRF Connect Extension(Select) -> (Under Welcome Panel)Open an Existing Application -> Select the Project Folder.
  • Select A Board(Add Build Configuration) from under "Applications" Panel -> nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp -> rest of the options are default.
  • Enable debug Options if provided by the UI. Latest or Future NRF Connect UI may not have this option.

Typical Build Log

[369/369] Linking C executable zephyr/zephyr.elf
Memory region         Used Size  Region Size  %age Used
           FLASH:      474888 B         1 MB     45.29%
             RAM:       75512 B       448 KB     16.46%
        IDT_LIST:          0 GB         2 KB      0.00%
 *  Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it. 

Typical Flash Log

Flashing build to 1050096938
west flash -d /Users/pisces/Downloads/Nordic_Project/nrf53_bmi270+gc9a01/build --skip-rebuild --dev-id 1050096938 --erase

-- west flash: using runner nrfjprog
-- runners.nrfjprog: mass erase requested
-- runners.nrfjprog: Flashing file: /Users/pisces/Downloads/Nordic_Project/nrf53_bmi270+gc9a01/build/zephyr/zephyr.hex
[ #################### ]   0.405s | Erase file - Done erasing                                                          
[ #################### ]   3.127s | Program file - Done programming                                                    
[ #################### ]   3.196s | Verify file - Done verifying                                                       
Applying pin reset.
-- runners.nrfjprog: Board with serial number 1050096938 flashed successfully.
 *  Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it. 

Pin Mapping

This section describes the pin mapping of the target hardware for which this version of firmware is build.

DESCRIPTION Name - Pin nRF5340 Port
GC9A01 Round LCD Display Pins
Serial Clock SCL/D0 P1.15
Master Out Slave In MOSI/D1 P1.13
Chip Select CS P1.12
Data/Command DC P1.11
Rest RST P1.10
Back Light (didn't use) BL P1.06
BMI270 IMU Sensor Pins
Serial Clock SCL P0.08
Master Out Slave In MOSI/SDA P0.09
Master In Slave Out MOSI/SDO P0.10
Chip Select CS P0.11
VCC / 3.3V 3.3V VDD

Orientation Detection System Flow

Initialize nRF5340 SoC
Initialize BMI270 IMU Sensor and GC9A01 LCD Display
Display Cairdio & Rice University Logo (3 seconds)
Enter Home Page
  |-> Display Battery Percentage (Top Right)
  |-> Display Bluetooth Icon as Disconnected (Top Left)
  |-> Display Cairdio Logo (Top Center)
  |-> Display Text: "Hold the device for 10 seconds" (Center)
Bluetooth Connection Status Check
  |-- (If Connected) --> Update Bluetooth Icon to Connected
  |-- (If Disconnected) -> Show Disconnected Icon and Return to Home Page
Received Start Recording Command
Orientation Detection
  |-> Correct Placement: "Stay still!" + Green Status Slider Knob
  |-> A Bit Left: "<- Move to right" + Red Status Slider Knob
  |-> A Bit Right: "Move to left ->" + Red Status Slider Knob
Finish Recording (10 Seconds)
  |-> Show UI Message:  "Check your mobile for the result"

Log Output

Typical Program Output Log

  • Select Baud Rate: 115200.
*** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.3.99-ncs1-2 ***
[00:00:00.734,985] <inf> app: Display initialized
[00:00:00.735,046] <inf> app: Sensor initialized, device 0x2c61c name is BMI270
[00:00:00.747,070] <inf> app: IMU sensor configured successfully.
[00:00:00.747,100] <inf> app: Loading logo...
[00:00:03.823,883] <inf> app: Loading menu...
[00:00:07.034,088] <inf> app: Starting orientation detection...
[00:00:07.034,332] <inf> app: accelerometer's Y-axis value: 0
[00:00:07.037,933] <inf> app: Remaining: 10 seconds...
[00:00:07.941,680] <inf> app: accelerometer's Y-axis value: 0
[00:00:07.945,373] <inf> app: Remaining: 9 seconds...
[00:00:09.073,852] <inf> app: accelerometer's Y-axis value: 0
[00:00:09.077,545] <inf> app: Remaining: 8 seconds...
[00:00:10.205,902] <inf> app: accelerometer's Y-axis value: 0
[00:00:10.209,594] <inf> app: Remaining: 7 seconds...
[00:00:11.338,165] <inf> app: accelerometer's Y-axis value: 0
[00:00:11.341,827] <inf> app: Remaining: 6 seconds...
[00:00:12.470,184] <inf> app: accelerometer's Y-axis value: 0
[00:00:12.473,876] <inf> app: Remaining: 5 seconds...
[00:00:13.601,531] <inf> app: accelerometer's Y-axis value: 0
[00:00:13.605,224] <inf> app: Remaining: 4 seconds...
[00:00:14.733,276] <inf> app: accelerometer's Y-axis value: 0
[00:00:14.736,938] <inf> app: Remaining: 3 seconds...
[00:00:15.865,264] <inf> app: accelerometer's Y-axis value: 0
[00:00:15.868,927] <inf> app: Remaining: 2 seconds...
[00:00:16.997,467] <inf> app: accelerometer's Y-axis value: 0
[00:00:17.001,159] <inf> app: Remaining: 1 seconds...
[00:00:18.129,119] <inf> app: accelerometer's Y-axis value: 0
[00:00:18.132,781] <inf> app: Remaining: 0 seconds...
[00:00:18.142,089] <inf> app: Complete recording

--- END ---


Real-Time Orientation Tracking with a Round LCD Interface






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