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freeCodeCamp - Proof of Stake Prototype

Prototype Proof of Stake application for Web3 curriculum

How to Use?

  1. Build client
npm run build:client
  1. Build the blockchain
npm run build:blockchain
  1. Start node server with a name
NAME=Camper npm run start:node
  1. This will dynamically open a port, which is shown in the same terminal. Open the shown port.


  • Intermediate JavaScript and Node.js

  • Basic HTML and CSS

  • Cryptography

    • Hashing Functions
    • Signing
    • Verifying
    • Programatically Solving Hashes
  • Blockchains

    • Linked Lists
    • Blocks
    • Tokens
  • Wallets

    • Addresses
    • Private Keys
    • Public Keys
  • Smart Contracts

    • Creation
    • Testing
    • Deployment

Learning Outcomes

  • Validating
  • Staking
  • Security
    • 51% Attacks
  • Rust

Project Ideas

  • Accumulation of resources increases probability of being chosen to do work
  • If chosen to do work, you have the option of doing what is requested, or misbehaving
  • Completing work gets you a reward
  • Misbehaving might get you more of a reward
  • Misbehaving might get you a punishment
  • Punishment is reduction of resources
  • Whether you get punished or not is dependent on the number of players watching you
  • If you own >50% of the resources, you can misbehave without punishment, provided there is only one player watching you

Intern at freeCodeCamp in our server room. Help debug this VM. Improve it, or introduce more bugs. If you introduce any jQuery, you have definitely misbehaved

  • Resources
    • Money to purchase skillsets. Buy Nodejs Course... Buy jQuery course to misbehave
    • Reputation - trust - watched less closely by nodes. Higher rep === more work
  • Tasks
    • Quiz

Proof of Stake


Node - An instance of a server running the blockchain protocol Client - A browser that connects to the blockchain Validator - A node ensuring validity of the blockchain Miner - A node chosen to mine the next block

Hamilton Basic Protocol (HBP)

The miner forges the next miner, upon validation.

The miner is determined by weight of reputation and staking.

A validator is determined by weight of reputation.

The number of validators is determined by some weight of the miner's reputation.

At least two nodes are requested to validate a view of the blockchain by a client


  1. Genesis block is forged by initial node
  2. Block predetermines the miner and validator(s)
  3. Next validator(s) are responsible for distributing reward
  4. Last validator(s) are responsible for distributing blockchain to client
  5. Pool is sorted by weight
  6. Reward is +1 token, and +1 reputation
  7. Incorrect block yields no reward
  8. Misbehaved block yields punishment of -1 token, and -1 reputation



$$ n_i^t = \text{number of tokens of }i^{th} \text{ node}\\ n_i^r = \text{number of reputation of }i^{th} \text{ node}\\ n_i^s = \text{number of staked tokens of }i^{th} \text{ node}\\ n_i^i = \text{node index in sorted array}\\ ;\\ N_n = \text{total number of nodes}\\ N_t = \text{total number of tokens}\\ N_r = \text{total number of reputation}\\ ;\\ w_i = \text{weight of }i^{th} \text{ node}\\ W_n = \text{total weight of nodes}\\ $$


$$ w_i = n_i^s + n_i^r\\ W_n = \sum_{i=0}^{N_n - 1} w_i $$


$$ \text{cumulative } v_i = \sum_{x=0}^{i} \frac{n_x^r}{N_r}\\ $$

// List of elements sorted by weight
[ele1, ele2, ele3]

// Example list
=> [0.66, 0.16, 0.16]

// Cumulative weight summation
=> c_v = [0.66, 0.82, 1.0]

random_number = generate_random_number(0, 1)
for ele, index in enumerate(c_v):
    if random_number < ele:
        return index // Index of element interested in


$$ i = \frac{w_i}{W_n}\\ $$




Genesis block will contain all data for initial nodes. A Node joining the network will create a new block.

  "id": 0,
  "hash": "0x0",
  "previous_hash": "genesis",
  "timestamp": 1496314658000,
  "data": [
      "name": "Camper",
      "staked": 0,
      "tokens": 1,
      "reputation": 1
  "nonce": 0,
  "next_miner": "Camper",
  "next_validators": ["Tom", "Mrugesh", "Quincy"]


  "name": "Camper",
  "peer_id": "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
  "staked": 0,
  "tokens": 1,
  "reputation": 1


Same as Node

Data Handling

Client request streams are not necessarily persisted, as mining could take too long. Instead, response from network is always just result of connection.

Always pass chain to and from node/blockchain.

Network Structure

  • node_1 starts
    • Tries to connect to peers
      • Fails, because no other peers are available
    • Listens for connections from clients
  • node_2 starts
    • Tries to connect to peers
      • Succeeds, because node_1 is available
    • Listens for connections from clients
  1. Initialise chain
  2. Wait for at least 3 nodes on the network
  3. Intial node mines genesis block (pass in chain, get chain back)


Known Holes and Potential Patches

Hole: Currently, any node can alter the blockchain code, and still mine a valid block. Patch: Blockchain (Rust code) should be compiled with a checksum, and if the checksum fails, the block is invalid.

Hole: If low rep validator is chosen, perhaps its validations should be validated.


  • Reputation is chance-based

  • Story: 25% chance to earn rep on first, 50% chance on second

  • Rep still determines how many server-racks

  • Maybe buy rack with tokens - spend tokens

  • unlock ability to buy rack, by gaining rep

  • Camper starts with 10 tokens, 0 rep

  • Must spend x tokens to buy rep (rack)

Camper is getting hacked. You notice just in time to save 1 rack (10 tokens).

  1. n1 initialises chain (no validation)
  2. n1 listens for connections
  3. n2 connects to n1
  4. n1 sends chain to n2 (no validation)
  5. n2 adds self to chain
  6. n2 broadcasts chain for validation
  7. n1 validates chain
  8. n1 broadcasts chain as valid

Single Node Online

  1. Genesis block is mined
  2. Task is assigned
  3. Task is submitted
  4. Task is validated
  5. Validation result is mined with data
  6. Block is validated

Multiple Nodes Online

  1. n1 mines genesis block
  2. n1 gets task
  3. n2 gets chain from n1
  4. n1 submits task
  5. n2 validates task
  6. n1 mines with validation result
  7. n2 validates and broadcasts chain


Prototype Proof of Stake application for Web3 curriculum







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