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User Guide

Sheep-y edited this page Jan 18, 2021 · 15 revisions

Table of Contents


Modding supports Steam, Epic Game Store, and GOG builds of Phoenix Point on the Windows platform, though only Epic can be tested during development because that's the only version I have.

Windows Store version is un-moddable. Linux Steam please see folknor's guide.

Basically, if the game have Assembly-CSharp.dll in the PhoenixPointWin64_Data\Managed folder, it should be moddable.


Modnix offers one-click setup by default.

  1. Download installer from release page.
  2. Run the installer. If game is not found, click Browser to locate the game.
  3. Click Setup.
  4. If installation fails, try restart pc, verify files, disable anti-virus (important), then re-run the installer as administrator.
  5. After setup, please read the short report. Clicking OK will opens File Explorer to show you the installed Modnix.
  6. Right-click Modnix.exe to pin it to Start or Taskbar, or right-click-drag it to Desktop to create a shortcut.
If installation fails, or if you are scared of installers, try Manual Setup. You may also read Troubleshoot for common issues.


When you run Modnix, you should see a window with lots of buttons on the left, and a list on the right. You can adjust the left-right ratio by moving the slider between the two parts.

There are also tabs at the top, which let you switch to different screens.

Mods Tab, Modnix Status (Top Left)

The upper left section of the Mods tab is split into Modnix status (upper) and Game info (lower). Each part can be collapsed to save space or expanded to show more details and buttons.

The most important button is the first one, either "Setup" or "Revert".

Clicking "Setup" is the same as re-running the installer, for example to update an outdated modnix installation.

When Modnix thinks everything is fine, the button will become "Revert". Clicking it will "unhook" Modnix and PPML from the game and thus disable all mods.

Game folder is auto-detected during setup, and whenever game is not found. To change game path, please click "Mods Folder" (below mod list) and edit Modnix.conf.

Mods Tab, Mod List (Right)

The right section of the Mods tab is the mod list. It list all mods that are recognised by Modnix, with their load order, name, version, status, etc.

When you select a mod, you can see its details on the left.

Drag on the list to select multiple mods, or use Ctrl+Click / Shift+Click to select multiples. This way you can delete, enable, disable, or explore multiple mods.

Note: PPDefModifier extensions are not loaded by Modnix, so they will not be recognised as a mod like PPDefModifier itself. Modnix 3 has offered a new way to make PPDefModifier mods that can be managed, but the mods need to be updated by mod authors.

Mods Tab, Mod Info (Bottom Left)

The lower left section of the Mods tab shows information of selected mods.

The "Mod Info" tab is common to all mods. Apart from mod information, Notices and warnings will also be displayed here, for example when the mod is disabled or overrode by another, or when it failed to initiate on last run.

Mod descriptions such as name, version, and languages are declared by the mod author. They may be inconsistent, for example PPDefModifier 1.3's declared version is 1.0.

Some mods may have additional tabs such as "Readme" or "History". These documents are provided by the mods.

Mods that use Modnix's config management will also have the "Config" tab, where you can see and edit the mod's current config. If you delete all text and save, the config file will be deleted, then the default config will be displayed.

At the bottom, you may explore or enable/disable a mod. Disabling a mod will create an entry in Modnix.conf, in which you can manually override its LoadIndex and thus change its load order.

Log Tab

Visit this tab to see what is happening under the surface. Hope you will appreciate the effort I've put into this little modding tool.

If the "Verbose" checkbox is checked, when you next launch the game the loader will do verbose logging, allow you to see even more details.

You can also view other logs and info from here.

Live logs may be monitored. Monitoring a log will make Modnix refresh the log in background, useful for example when you put it on a secondary monitor.

Otherwise, logs are auto-refreshed when Modnix come to the foreground.

Command Line Switches

/skip-launch-check or /s
Bypass non-critical startup checks, such as windows position restore and single-instance enforcement.
If used on the installer, it will skip setup and directly launch the main program.
Reset Modnix settings, such as game path, windows position, last update check time, disabled mods etc.
This action is non-revertible.