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Welcome to my full-stack website, the intended purpose of this application is to assist in user/client organization and comunication in project managment. It has been written using React.js and Flask for Python, using SQLAlchemy for database creation. Currently the application is set up for a many to many relationship between Users and Projects with Tasks as the join. Users can be Created and Read. I have implimented authorization and authencication via formik and bcrypt. On user login you are routed in and have access to the Navbar functionality and can see projects and their completion status. As a user seeing your projects you may also see if there are any other users working on the same project. By clicking on the projects you can CRUD the sorted tasks that belong to you and your project in particular. It does not access other tasks for other users and won't, this will be handled in future versions in the Client model. Users do not have the capability to create projects as only clients will do this. This is a work in progress, but if you want to access the application, code is available for coning. After cloneing down, the instructions for VSCode are 1: from the root directory run pipenv shell. 2: run pipenv install 3: run pipenv pipenv install flask flask-sqlalchemy flask-migrate sqlalchemy-serializer flask-restful flask-cors bcrypt (this should say that it is updating the pip-lock, if it doesnt try to install flask first then do the rest). once all dependencies are installed we need to cd to project_maybe then split the terminal. in the first cd to backend to run python to run the server. After that, in the second terminal cd to frontend and run npm install then npm start.